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弯管稀相气力输送CFD-DEM法数值模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
利用CFD-DEM方法对稀相气固两相流在带有弯管的气力输送管道内的流动特性数值模拟。通过CFD求解连续气相流场,使用DEM求解离散颗粒相运动及受力,为提高仿真速度,模型忽略了空隙度对气相的影响。仿真结果显示了颗粒在弯管内形成颗粒绳及在垂直管道内颗粒绳分散的过程,并获取了颗粒-颗粒、颗粒-壁面的碰撞信息。对比弯管上下两部分的碰撞情况,颗粒及壁面在弯管下半部分受到的撞击和磨损更严重。通过对气力输送各类工作参数的研究发现,其对管道内气固两相流的流动特性和碰撞情况有着不同程度的影响。气流速度对颗粒绳分散影响甚微,但对弯管内颗粒碰撞强度有明显影响。随着颗粒质量流量的增加,形成的颗粒绳更紧凑、分散速度更慢,并在弯管中形成了阻碍颗粒-壁面碰撞的防护层。弯径比的增加也能加强颗粒绳的紧凑度,减缓颗粒绳的分散速度。  相似文献   
解放军档案馆馆藏档案中,珍藏着多件抗战期间被改造日军战俘和投诚日军官兵控诉侵华日军暴行的档案,从暴行直接参与者、见证人的视角,反思、忏悔和揭露侵华日军对中国军民所犯下的累累罪行,是研究侵华日军暴行极其重要的历史文献。70多年后的今天,公布和研究这些档案史料,对于世人了解日本侵华战争的血腥历史和日本军国主义的滔天罪行,驳斥日本右翼势力刻意篡改历史、美化侵略行径的恶毒言论,警示爱好和平的人们,具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
村政权是抗日民主政权的基石。抗战初期,晋察冀边区改造旧村政权,建立抗日民主村政权,经历了半政权性质的村"动委会",到民选抗日村长,再到建立村民代表会议这样一个逐步改革的过程。打破了几千年的封建邻闾制,人民真正争得了当家作主人的权利和地位。历史证明,民主选举是实现基层民主政治建设的助推剂;边区村级政权"议行合一"的一元化体制,是适合中国国情的不同于英美式民主的新民主主义新路径;中国共产党的领导是保证村政权改造和健全的关键;坚持民主集中制原则,实行集体领导,民主决策,依法施政,是村政权建设的发展方向;坚持用制度机制规范和约束权力,是确保村级政权工作人员始终保持良好作风的根本方法。  相似文献   
Motivated by the presence of loss‐averse decision making behavior in practice, this article considers a supply chain consisting of a firm and strategic consumers who possess an S‐shaped loss‐averse utility function. In the model, consumers decide the purchase timing and the firm chooses the inventory level. We find that the loss‐averse consumers' strategic purchasing behavior is determined by their perceived gain and loss from strategic purchase delay, and the given rationing risk. Thus, the firm that is cognizant of this property tailors its inventory stocking policy based on the consumers' loss‐averse behavior such as their perceived values of gain and loss, and their sensitivity to them. We also demonstrate that the firm's equilibrium inventory stocking policy reflects both the economic logic of the traditional newsvendor inventory model, and the loss‐averse behavior of consumers. The equilibrium order quantity is significantly different from those derived from models that assume that the consumers are risk neutral and homogeneous in their valuations. We show that the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior tends to keep an unnecessarily high inventory level that leads to excessive leftovers. Our numerical experiments further reveal that in some extreme cases the firm that ignores strategic consumer's loss‐aversion behavior generates almost 92% more leftovers than the firm that possesses consumers’ loss‐aversion information and takes it into account when making managerial decisions. To mitigate the consumer's forward‐looking behavior, we propose the adoption of the practice of agile supply chain management, which possesses the following attributes: (i) procuring inventory after observing real‐time demand information, (ii) enhanced design (which maintains the current production mix but improves the product performance to a higher level), and (iii) customized design (which maintains the current performance level but increases the variety of the current production line to meet consumers’ specific demands). We show that such a practice can induce the consumer to make early purchases by increasing their rationing risk, increasing the product value, or diversifying the product line. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 435–453, 2015  相似文献   
We consider two specially structured assemble‐to‐order (ATO) systems—the N‐ and W‐systems—under continuous review, stochastic demand, and nonidentical component replenishment leadtimes. Using a hybrid approach that combines sample‐path analysis, linear programming, and the tower property of conditional expectation, we characterize the optimal component replenishment policy and common‐component allocation rule, present comparative statics of the optimal policy parameters, and show that some commonly used heuristic policies can lead to significant optimality loss. The optimality results require certain symmetry in the cost parameters. In the absence of this symmetry, we show that, for systems with high demand volume, the asymptotically optimal policy has essentially the same structure; otherwise, the optimal policies have no clear structure. For these latter systems, we develop heuristic policies and show their effectiveness. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 617–645, 2015  相似文献   
梅花型布置双排抗滑桩合理桩位研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合滑坡推力作用下梅花型布置双排抗滑桩成拱机理对其合理桩位进行研究。参考前人对单排桩合理桩间距的研究成果,运用理论推导和数值模拟得到相邻前后排桩桩间土拱跨度的控制表达式。同时,考察了桩间距和桩排距对土拱效应的影响,并绘制了lx′-ly′区间分布图。利用双排桩在滑坡上的有效影响面积,结合区间分布图推导出合理的桩间距和桩排距。结果表明,合理的桩间距和桩排距能够使前后排桩桩间形成直接土拱,并催生间接土拱,进而使前后排桩相互配合,共同起到支挡作用。  相似文献   
为探讨特种防护舱抗爆性能,进行了舱内爆炸原型试验,研究不同装药量下开闭盖状态防护舱内爆炸时的空气冲击波超压和舱体位移过程。结果表明:同药量下闭盖状态的空气冲击波超压明显高于开盖状态,即封闭舱内偶然爆炸时空气冲击波超压更高;随装药量的增大,舱壁的空气冲击波超压也在增大;舱体侧壁经过多次正反射作用均未发生碎片反应,顶盖泄爆措施对降低底板的空气冲击波超压十分有利;距爆心较近处的位移均比距爆心较远处的位移大。原型试验舱体完全破坏,但结构未发生崩溃式破坏,并无碎片及内爆的二次破片飞出,舱体具有一定的抗爆性能和较好的防破片能力。  相似文献   
为研究地面目标红外辐射特征,进行了室内材料测试和外场地面目标测试,分析材料材质、太阳辐射、风速、空气温湿度、自身热源等因素对地面目标红外辐射特征的影响。结果表明:材料材质对红外辐射特征影响显著;冷态时,地面目标红外辐射特征主要受太阳辐射影响,其次是空气温度、材料热容量和风速;热态时,地面目标红外辐射特征主要受工作热源影响,其次是太阳辐射、空气温度、材料热容量和风速。在进行地面目标红外隐身设计时,应考虑太阳辐射、自身热源等因素的影响,并从结构设计和材料使用两方面着手。  相似文献   
过快的城市化进程引发了包括住区犯罪在内的一系列城市问题。住宅小区的规划设计虽不是导致犯罪发生的直接原因,但其在设计上的缺陷却为犯罪的实施提供了一定的便利。高层住宅小区相比于多层住宅小区,在基于犯罪预防的防卫设计层面存在更为突出的问题。从现状入手,通过实地调研,分析了高层住宅小区在防卫设计上的难点,并从车行道路的规划、半公共领域的界定、单体设计的要点、绿化设计的布局等4个方面提出了防卫设计策略,为高层住宅小区的规划设计提供参考。  相似文献   
结合民用飞机运行可靠性研究的技术现状与发展趋势,根据现有的型号设计、研制和在役飞机的具体情况,阐述了民用飞机运行可靠性研究需求。通过梳理民用飞机运行可靠性理论研究进展及工程应用现状,从运行数据采集与处理、运行可靠性分析方法、运行可靠性预测反馈技术、运行可靠性的优化设计、优化维修任务、运行可靠性综合管理平台六个方面,详细阐述民用飞机运行可靠性研究现状及面临问题,展望了民用飞机运行可靠性研究未来发展方向。  相似文献   
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