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In networks, there are often more than one sources of capacity. The capacities can be permanently or temporarily owned by the decision maker. Depending on the nature of sources, we identify the permanent capacity, spot market capacity, and contract capacity. We use a scenario tree to model the uncertainty, and build a multi‐stage stochastic integer program that can incorporate multiple sources and multiple types of capacities in a general network. We propose two solution methodologies for the problem. Firstly, we design an asymptotically convergent approximation algorithm. Secondly, we design a cutting plane algorithm based on Benders decomposition to find tight bounds for the problem. The numerical experiments show superb performance of the proposed algorithms compared with commercial software. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 600–614, 2017  相似文献   
The influence of a magnetic field on the stability of a shaped charge jet is experimentally investigated at standoffs of 490, 650 and 800 mm. The experimental results without and with the magnetic field are compared in terms of the shaped charge jet form, stability and penetration ability. A theoretical model based on one-dimension fluid dynamics is then developed to assess the depth of penetration of the shaped charge at those three standoffs and magnetic conditions. The results show that the penetration capability can be enhanced in more than 70% by the magnetic field. The theoretical calculations are compared with the experimental results with reasonably good correlation. In addition, the parameters introduced in the theory are discussed together with the experiments at three standoffs studied.  相似文献   
The use of a shaped liner driven by electromagnetic force is a new means of forming jets. To study the mechanism of jet formation driven by electromagnetic force, we considered the current skin effect and the characteristics of electromagnetic loading and established a coupling model of"Electric—Magnetic—Force"and the theoretical model of jet formation under electromagnetic force. The jet formation and penetration of conical and trumpet liners have been calculated. Then, a numerical simulation of liner collapse under electromagnetic force, jet generation, and the stretching motion were performed using an ANSYS multiphysics processor. The calculated jet velocity, jet shape, and depth of penetration were consistent with the experimental results, with a relative error of less than 10%. In addition, we calculated the jet formation of different curvature trumpet liners driven by the same loading condition and ob-tained the influence rule of the curvature of the liner on jet formation. Results show that the theoretical model and the ANSYS multiphysics numerical method can effectively calculate the jet formation of liners driven by electromagnetic force, and in a certain range, the greater the curvature of the liner is, the greater the jet velocity is.  相似文献   
This paper sets up a monetary endogenous growth model, and uses it to explain the ambiguous linkage between the military burden and the inflation rate observed in existing empirical studies. It is found that an expansion in the military burden has an ambiguous effect on the inflation rate depending upon the relative extent of two conflicting forces. More specifically, if the increase in the marginal benefit from holding money exceeds (falls short of) the increase in the marginal product of private capital, the inflation rate will rise (fall) in response. Moreover, it is found that an increase in the military burden will stimulate the balanced growth rate, confirming Benoit’s famous empirical findings.  相似文献   
线导鱼雷导引弹道的动力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过线导鱼雷常用导引方法—三点法、前置角法导引弹道的动力学分析 ,推导出不同方法下鱼雷旋回速率的解析表达式 ,并通过数字仿真对鱼雷线导导引弹道动力学特性进行探讨 ,明确了线导鱼雷导引弹道特性与导引方法之间的关系 .  相似文献   
谈谈军工企业自主创新中知识产权的管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了军工企业单位自主创新中知识产权管理现状、存在的问题以及知识产权管理的意义,探讨了研究开发中知识产权利用和管理的方法、模式。  相似文献   
为优化楔块式单向超越离合器的结构参数,根据漂浮式微型波力发电装置对超越离合器的要求,建立楔块式超越离合器结构参数的数学模型。以体积最小为优化目标,建立接触疲劳强度和各个尺寸的约束条件,并利用Matlab软件的优化工具箱求解数学模型。最后将常规设计参数和优化设计参数进行比较,结果表明:优化设计的体积只有常规设计的72.33%;漂浮式发电装置的传动系统结构更加紧凑,质量更轻。  相似文献   
在未来战争中,信息战是决定战争胜负的关键。为此,美军制定了十分庞大的“打赢信息战”计划,高度重视建立数字化部队,以保持在未来战争中的优势。从美军的“打赢信息战”计划入手,分析了我军炮兵自动化指挥系统研制的现状和与外军相比存在的差距,探索性地提出了发展我军炮兵指挥系统所要解决的问题,指出了发展新装备的方向  相似文献   
用于无线ATM的协议及方法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
WATM 被认为是下一代个人通信网络的解决方案,或是B-ISDN 网络的无线延伸。目前无线ATM 仍处于发展初期,ATM 论坛和ITU-T 都未制定正式标准,研究人员正在建立实验性的W ATM 网络,并在其上面实验各种不同的协议。ATM 类的无线网络将在未来的宽带通信网中扮演一个重要的角色  相似文献   
基于声发射原理的阀门内漏检测作为一种动态无损检测方法得到了广泛应用,但是定量检测一直是研究难点。现有的内漏率定量检测模型计算方法因参数不易测定,导致计算困难,精度不高。采用独立分量分析(ICA)方法提取声发射信号特征向量,并与参考样本集的特征向量相比较,相似程度最高的即可作为待测阀门的内漏率。内漏模拟实验分别将常规参数、频谱成分和ICA提取特征作为特征向量进行比较,结果表明ICA提取的特征向量维数为15时,均方根误差可以达到0.01 L/min,能够满足工程检测需要。  相似文献   
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