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本文研究设计了一种新的CAMAC与STD的接口适配器,从而使CAMAC与STD两种标准总线系统得以兼容,该适配器以8031作为其智能核心,自动实现两种标准总线间的信息交换,其机械结构和尺寸按CAMAC的插件标准来设计,可插入CAMAC机箱中工作,同时它又是STD总线系统的控制器。  相似文献   
We consider the optimal control of a production inventory‐system with a single product and two customer classes where items are produced one unit at a time. Upon arrival, customer orders can be fulfilled from existing inventory, if there is any, backordered, or rejected. The two classes are differentiated by their backorder and lost sales costs. At each decision epoch, we must determine whether or not to produce an item and if so, whether to use this item to increase inventory or to reduce backlog. At each decision epoch, we must also determine whether or not to satisfy demand from a particular class (should one arise), backorder it, or reject it. In doing so, we must balance inventory holding costs against the costs of backordering and lost sales. We formulate the problem as a Markov decision process and use it to characterize the structure of the optimal policy. We show that the optimal policy can be described by three state‐dependent thresholds: a production base‐stock level and two order‐admission levels, one for each class. The production base‐stock level determines when production takes place and how to allocate items that are produced. This base‐stock level also determines when orders from the class with the lower shortage costs (Class 2) are backordered and not fulfilled from inventory. The order‐admission levels determine when orders should be rejected. We show that the threshold levels are monotonic (either nonincreasing or nondecreasing) in the backorder level of Class 2. We also characterize analytically the sensitivity of these thresholds to the various cost parameters. Using numerical results, we compare the performance of the optimal policy against several heuristics and show that those that do not allow for the possibility of both backordering and rejecting orders can perform poorly.© 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2010  相似文献   
基于模糊模式识别的战场目标识别   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析战场目标的结构、材料、征候、特征及辐射原理等存在的差异,运用模糊模式识别方法,建立了战场目标识别的数学模型,给出了目标识别的详细步骤和方法:选取目标特征量、构造标准模糊集合、构造待识别模糊集合、应用择近原则进行目标识别,并通过算例,得到一些有价值的结论。模型和方法可供C3I系统快速准确的识别战场目标。  相似文献   
增强战斗精神教育的实效性,必须以加强我军根本职能和军人职业道德教育为基本途径、以增强立足现有装备打胜仗的信心为重点、以增强各级干部的责任感和使命感为关键,并积极探索平时培育战斗精神的长效机制,解决官兵思想认识上存在的深层次问题.  相似文献   
This paper focuses on certain types of distribution networks in which commodity flows must go through connections that are subject to congestion. Connections serve as transshipment and/or switching points and are modeled as M/G/1 queues. The goal is to select connections, assign flows to the connections, and size their capacities, simultaneously. The capacities are controlled by both the mean and the variability of service time at each connection. We formulate this problem as a mixed integer nonlinear optimization problem for both the fixed and variable service rate cases. For the fixed service rate case, we prove that the objective function is convex and then develop an outer approximation algorithm. For the variable service rate case, both mean and second moment of service time are decision variables. We establish that the utilization rates at the homogeneous connections are identical for an optimal solution. Based on this key finding, we develop a Lagrangian relaxation algorithm. Numerical experiments are conducted to verify the quality of the solution techniques proposed. The essential contribution of this work is the explicit modeling of connection capacity (through the mean and the variability of service time) using a queueing framework. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
This paper develops a new model for allocating demand from retailers (or customers) to a set of production/storage facilities. A producer manufactures a product in multiple production facilities, and faces demand from a set of retailers. The objective is to decide which of the production facilities should satisfy each retailer's demand, in order minimize total production, inventory holding, and assignment costs (where the latter may include, for instance, variable production costs and transportation costs). Demand occurs continuously in time at a deterministic rate at each retailer, while each production facility faces fixed‐charge production costs and linear holding costs. We first consider an uncapacitated model, which we generalize to allow for production or storage capacities. We then explore situations with capacity expansion opportunities. Our solution approach employs a column generation procedure, as well as greedy and local improvement heuristic approaches. A broad class of randomly generated test problems demonstrates that these heuristics find high quality solutions for this large‐scale cross‐facility planning problem using a modest amount of computation time. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
军队党组织要崇尚法治,提高依法治军的本领   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从严治军是古今中外治军之道的精要所在,依法治军是现代军队建设的一般规律。实践证明,只有坚持依法从严治军,才能从制度和法律上保证党对军队的绝对领导,保持人民军队的性质;保证军队的革命化、现代化、正规化建设的顺利发展,不断提高军队建设的现代化、正规化水平。军队各级党组织要深化认识,增强提高依法治军本领的自觉性;要正视差距,增强提高依法治军本领的紧迫感;要崇尚法治,努力提高依法从严治军的本领。其基本途径是:各级党组织要崇尚法治、摒弃人治,把坚持依法办事作为必具的本领素质;各级党组织要尊重规律、规范权力,走在依法治军的前列;要加强制度创新,为各级党组织依法治军提供可靠的合法性制度保证。  相似文献   
分析了大型水面舰艇舷侧水下防雷舱的设计 ,根据板的破坏模式进行了吸能量的计算 ,分析并比较了防雷舱的传统设计与在此基础上加吸能结构后各自的吸能量 ,从而得出了防雷舱的一种新的结构设计 .  相似文献   
Conventional control charts are often designed to optimize out‐of‐control average run length (ARL), while constraining in‐control ARL to a desired value. The widely employed grid search approach in statistical process control (SPC) is time‐consuming with unsatisfactory accuracy. Although the simulation‐based ARL gradient estimators proposed by Fu and Hu [Manag Sci 45 (1999), 395–413] can alleviate this issue, it still requires a large number of simulation runs to significantly reduce the variance of gradient estimators. This article proposes a novel ARL gradient estimation approach based on integral equation for efficient analysis and design of control charts. Although this article compares with the results of Fu and Hu [Manag Sci 45 (1999), 395–413] based on the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) control chart, the proposed approach has wide applicability as it can generally fit into any control chart with Markovian property under any distributions. It is shown that the proposed method is able to provide a fast, accurate, and easy‐to‐implement algorithm for the design and analysis of EWMA charts, as compared to the simulation‐based gradient estimation method. Moreover, the proposed gradient estimation method facilitates the computation of high‐order derivatives that are valuable in sensitivity analysis. The code is written in Matlab, which is available on request. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 223–237, 2014  相似文献   
为研究悬臂式围护桩结构的内力、弯矩、位移和嵌固段的变化规律及特点,结合西宁火车站综合改造工程,对该深基坑支护结构在不同开挖工况条件下悬臂桩的受力性状与内力传递特征进行现场动态测试试验。试验结果表明:悬臂桩的受力特征与理论值有所差异,在实际设计中可对其在配筋方式、混凝土强度设计、嵌固段长度等方面进行优化。试验结果可以有效优化桩身设计,为复杂基坑在开挖过程中的支护结构受力及变形提供参考性依据。  相似文献   
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