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当前,美军在培养联合作战指挥人才方面已走在世界前列,建立起比较完备的联合职业军官培养机制,具有不断更新的培养理念,贯穿全程的培养体系,成龙配套的培养构成,日臻完善的培养法规,培养了大批联合作战指挥军官和参谋军官。  相似文献   
在马克思主义哲学教学中实现"三个代表"重要思想的"三进入",必须引导学员全面把握"三个代表"蕴涵的哲学智慧和科学实践观,深刻领会"三个代表"对唯物史观的运用和发展,培养其创新意识创新能力,通过"第二课堂"自觉实践"三个代表".  相似文献   
舰载防空导弹发射区解算模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了舰空导弹杀伤区、发射区的形状和特征参数,对发射区远/近界进行数学建模,其目的是为了确定舰空导弹的发射时机.采用matlab对所建模型进行仿真计算,经仿真结果分析可知,计算结果可作为舰空导弹对空作战方案制定、编队防空队形配置、防空火力协同的依据,所建模型可用于射击能力(拦截次数)计算和防空作战指挥决策.  相似文献   
In urban rail transit systems of large cities, the headway and following distance of successive trains have been compressed as much as possible to enhance the corridor capacity to satisfy extremely high passenger demand during peak hours. To prevent train collisions and ensure the safety of trains, a safe following distance of trains must be maintained. However, this requirement is subject to a series of complex factors, such as the uncertain train braking performance, train communication delay, and driver reaction time. In this paper, we propose a unified mathematical framework to analyze the safety‐oriented reliability of metro train timetables with different corridor capacities, that is, the train traffic density, and determine the most reliable train timetable for metro lines in an uncertain environment. By employing a space‐time network representation in the formulations, the reliability‐based train timetabling problem is formulated as a nonlinear stochastic programming model, in which we use 0‐1 variables to denote the time‐dependent velocity and position of all involved trains. Several reformulation techniques are developed to obtain an equivalent mixed integer programming model with quadratic constraints (MIQCP) that can be solved to optimality by some commercial solvers. To improve the computational efficiency of the MIQCP model, we develop a dual decomposition solution framework that decomposes the primal problem into several sets of subproblems by dualizing the coupling constraints across different samples. An exact dynamic programming combined with search space reduction strategies is also developed to solve the exact optimal solutions of these subproblems. Two sets of numerical experiments, which involve a relatively small‐scale case and a real‐world instance based on the operation data of the Beijing subway Changping Line are implemented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   
语文教育理论课普遍存在教学结构不合理 ,理论体系和技能训练体系不完整 ,缺乏系统性和科学性 ,理论传授与能力训练相脱节等问题 ,影响了教学质量的提高 ,制约了教学改革的展开。本文对该课程的教学结构进行重新审视、梳理 ,将之划分为两个系统 ,并将其各自要素及相互关系进行分析 ,论证了理论知识系统与教学技能训练系统在教学过程中相互对应 ,同步进行 ,共同深化的科学性和可行性。  相似文献   
坚持旅团对基层的"面对面"领导,要强化职责意识,增强"面对面"领导的主动性、自觉性;理清工作思路,突出工作重点,增强"面对面"领导的系统性、科学性;切实转变观念,树立务实作风,增强"面对面"领导的针对性、实效性.  相似文献   
Changing and optimizing the projectile nose shape is an important way to achieve specific ballistic performance. One special ballistic performance is the embedding effect, which can achieve a delayed high-explosive reaction on the target surface. This embedding effect includes a rebound phase that is significantly different from the traditional penetration process. To better study embedment behavior, this study proposed a novel nose shape called an annular grooved projectile and defined its interaction process with the ductile metal plate as partial penetration. Specifically, we conducted a series of low-velocity-ballistic tests in which these steel projectiles were used to strike 16-mm-thick target plates made with 2024-O aluminum alloy. We observed the dynamic evolution characteristics of this aluminum alloy near the impact craters and analyzed these characteristics by corresponding cross-sectional views and numerical simulations. The results indicated that the penetration resistance had a brief decrease that was influenced by its groove structure, but then it increased significantly-that is, the fluctuation of penetration resistance was affected by the irregular nose shape. Moreover, we visualized the distribution of the material in the groove and its inflow process through the rheology lines in microscopic tests and the highlighted mesh lines in simulations. The combination of these phenomena revealed the embed-ment mechanism of the annular grooved projectile and optimized the design of the groove shape to achieve a more firm embedment performance. The embedment was achieved primarily by the target material filled in the groove structure. Therefore, preventing the shear failure that occurred on the filling material was key to achieving this embedding effect.  相似文献   
研究了一种次氯酸钙乳液消毒剂的模拟剂,以及一些影响稳定性因素.该模拟剂是以氢氧化钙为分散相,水为分散介质,表面活性剂和无机盐为稳定剂组成.实验结果表明,该模拟剂具有与次氨酸钙消毒乳液相同的物理性能,并且无污染,可用于教育、作训之中.  相似文献   
A major challenge in making supply meet demand is to coordinate transshipments across the supply chain to reduce costs and increase service levels in the face of demand fluctuations, short lead times, warehouse limitations, and transportation and inventory costs. In particular, transshipment through crossdocks, where just‐in‐time objectives prevail, requires precise scheduling between suppliers, crossdocks, and customers. In this work, we study the transshipment problem with supplier and customer time windows where flow is constrained by transportation schedules and warehouse capacities. Transportation is provided by fixed or flexible schedules and lot‐sizing is dealt with through multiple shipments. We develop polynomial‐time algorithms or, otherwise, provide the complexity of the problems studied. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
1937年2月,我在甘州(今张掖)西南50余里的倪家营子地区,带领九连苦守在全军最前沿的一个碉堡上.这时候,我任红30军第88师第263团第3营政委,李先念同志是我们军的政委.  相似文献   
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