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In urban rail transit systems of large cities, the headway and following distance of successive trains have been compressed as much as possible to enhance the corridor capacity to satisfy extremely high passenger demand during peak hours. To prevent train collisions and ensure the safety of trains, a safe following distance of trains must be maintained. However, this requirement is subject to a series of complex factors, such as the uncertain train braking performance, train communication delay, and driver reaction time. In this paper, we propose a unified mathematical framework to analyze the safety‐oriented reliability of metro train timetables with different corridor capacities, that is, the train traffic density, and determine the most reliable train timetable for metro lines in an uncertain environment. By employing a space‐time network representation in the formulations, the reliability‐based train timetabling problem is formulated as a nonlinear stochastic programming model, in which we use 0‐1 variables to denote the time‐dependent velocity and position of all involved trains. Several reformulation techniques are developed to obtain an equivalent mixed integer programming model with quadratic constraints (MIQCP) that can be solved to optimality by some commercial solvers. To improve the computational efficiency of the MIQCP model, we develop a dual decomposition solution framework that decomposes the primal problem into several sets of subproblems by dualizing the coupling constraints across different samples. An exact dynamic programming combined with search space reduction strategies is also developed to solve the exact optimal solutions of these subproblems. Two sets of numerical experiments, which involve a relatively small‐scale case and a real‐world instance based on the operation data of the Beijing subway Changping Line are implemented to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   
大力加强非战争军事行动中的舆论引导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
做好非战争军事行动中的舆论引导,已成为新形势下我军政治工作不可回避的现实课题,需要构建科学的新闻宣传机制,提高领导干部应对媒体能力,把握舆论引导的基本要求,增强舆论引导的主动性、针对性和实效性.  相似文献   
舰载防空导弹发射区解算模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了舰空导弹杀伤区、发射区的形状和特征参数,对发射区远/近界进行数学建模,其目的是为了确定舰空导弹的发射时机.采用matlab对所建模型进行仿真计算,经仿真结果分析可知,计算结果可作为舰空导弹对空作战方案制定、编队防空队形配置、防空火力协同的依据,所建模型可用于射击能力(拦截次数)计算和防空作战指挥决策.  相似文献   
1982年第5次中东战争期间,以色列空军与地面部队密切协同,在2天多的时间里一举摧毁叙利亚部署在贝卡谷地的19个地空导弹连,并在空战中击落了叙军70架飞机,创造了世界压制防空作战史上的经典战例。以军能取得如此辉煌的胜利,其经验颇有借鉴价值:第一,认真吸取第4次中东战争的教训,切实弥补薄弱环节;第二,勇于抛弃习惯思维,创造性地解决战术难题;第三,既重视学习引进又重视自主研制先进武器装备;第四,不断强化忧惠意识,严格推进部队训练。  相似文献   
坚持旅团对基层的"面对面"领导,要强化职责意识,增强"面对面"领导的主动性、自觉性;理清工作思路,突出工作重点,增强"面对面"领导的系统性、科学性;切实转变观念,树立务实作风,增强"面对面"领导的针对性、实效性.  相似文献   
在全面建设小康社会的进程中,面对复杂变化的国家安全形势,维护重要战略机遇期,确保我国安全稳定发展,必须在科学发展观的指导下,坚持以和平发展为前提,以维护国家安全利益为基点,以富国强兵为路径,科学构建新世纪新阶段我国的新型国防观。  相似文献   
执行多样化军事任务事关国家安全和发展利益,紧系人民生命财产安全,要求我们必须有高度的政治责任意识;执行多样化军事任务参与力量多、协作任务重、工作范围广,要求我们必须建立健全联合高效的统一指挥机制;执行多样化军事任务往往事发突然,通讯交通受阻、信息采集难度大、新闻宣传制约因素多,要求我们必须注意信息掌握与管控;执行多样化军事任务艰巨繁重,任务转换节奏快,专业素质要求高,要求我们平时必须加强非战争军事行动的针对性训练;执行多样化军事任务条件艰苦、环境恶劣,不仅要连续作战,而且随时面临生命危险,要求我们必须大力培育部队的战斗精神;执行多样化军事任务对后勤补给、装备保障有着特殊要求,我们必须不断加强执行多样化军事任务的各项保障建设。  相似文献   
当前,美军在培养联合作战指挥人才方面已走在世界前列,建立起比较完备的联合职业军官培养机制,具有不断更新的培养理念,贯穿全程的培养体系,成龙配套的培养构成,日臻完善的培养法规,培养了大批联合作战指挥军官和参谋军官。  相似文献   
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