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消防安全状况是衡量一个国家现代化文明程度的重要标志之一,在总结分析前几年的工作经验及当前存在问题的基础上,对“十一五”期间,我国火灾形势、消防职能、依法治火、农村消防、消防社会化、消防安全评价等几个方面的消防工作进行分析和预测,为研究和制定今后消防工作提供了一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper models the interactions between the defense needs of the USA and Western Europe, which produce several heterogeneous defense goods, and the defense industry market structure. The results show that net defense costs of the USA and Europe are lower when the number of defense firms in each arms‐producing country is small and when the world prices of the defense goods are high. The model predicts that the increase in world prices will crowd‐out countries in the developing world from the market for modern weapon systems and may force them to develop and use ‘cheap and dirty’ weapon systems.  相似文献   
From the Editors     
Israel's policy of military reprisals has never seemed to follow any consistent pattern of tit‐for‐tat. On the one hand, not every violent incident was answered with a counterattack. On the other hand, when Israel responded, frequently it employed an excessive amount of force, which was disproportional to the Arab provocation. This behavior has not been the consequence of a premeditated and rational strategy. Instead, it appears to have been the result of a political dispute between alternative approaches regarding the use of military force. The following research analyzes the development of this controversy and how these differences of opinion were resolved.  相似文献   
Stay-behind networks in France were set up starting in 1948 and were aimed at responding to the possibility of a Soviet armed attack into Western Europe. Participants were identified, and arms and explosives cached, to be activated in case of hostilities. This activity became folded into a multilateral effort under the Allied Coordination Committee (ACC) of NATO. In France, the network was run as a highly compartmented activity under the French external intelligence service (DGSE). As the Soviet threat receded, the stay-behind activity became more and more dormant, and in 1990 it was quietly disbanded, immediately after the P-2 scandal broke in Italy.  相似文献   
二进制偏移载波调制信号将在卫星导航系统中得到广泛应用。全球定位系统的L1C信号导频分量采用了时分二进制偏移载波调制,对此信号直接采用码参考波形算法消除多径时的鉴别曲线收敛点存在偏差,从而影响测距偏差。因此,提出一种时分二进制偏移载波调制信号的高精度无偏抗多径算法。通过时分的方式分别生成针对BOC(1,1)和BOC(6,1)分量的本地闸波,以保证鉴相函数在码相位无偏差时等于0。由于更好地利用了BOC(6,1)信号分量,该技术在实现无偏跟踪的同时,还能提高跟踪精度。  相似文献   
以标准3×3网格为基础网络,介绍了L+1容错恢复策略的概念和恢复原理,以海上舰艇编队作战系统网络为研究对象,使用Matlab-Simulink仿真工具,通过对阻塞概率、平均路径长度、路径重新分配概率和有效利用率4个指标的仿真,对比了该网络在无策略、备份多路和L+1容错恢复3种策略下网络的恢复程度,验证了L+1容错恢复策略的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
随着通用航空及无人机产业的发展,低成本及小型化的导航解决方案将具有广泛的市场。提出了一种基于单频GPS接收机的自迭代定位算法,用于提高定位精度,增强定位收敛性。对该算法的基本原理进行了分析,并推导出该算法的数学模型,通过静态实验的方法对该算法的收敛性进行验证,并将该算法的位置信息与最小二乘法解出的位置信息进行对比,体现了自迭代定位算法的优势。  相似文献   
1 1This research was funded in part by a grant from the Lowe Institute of Political Economy. The corresponding author is S. Brock Blomerg. We thank Chris Blomberg and Brianna Loyosa for their excellent research assistance on the project. This paper presents an empirical analysis of what drives congressional legislation on terrorism during the period 1995 to 2010. We utilize and augment current methodology to compile and analyze data on sponsorship and cosponsorship of terrorism related data. Our results on the sources of legislation on terrorism are largely in line with past examinations of the importance of committee membership and leadership, party majority-ship, and other political factors. Further, we find that the most significant and robust drive for legislation on terrorism is the September 11th attacks. And while the impact of 9/11 affected legislative productivity everywhere, we find that it most significantly affected states surrounding New York and Washington D.C. Our results indicate that the economy may be one factor motivating politicians to legislate on terrorism; however, these results are not robust.  相似文献   
探讨不同矿区生态型蜈蚣草对铅的耐性及其耐铅机理,为进一步研究蜈蚣草植物修复射击场土壤的铅污染提供理论依据。在水培铅胁迫的环境条件,对矿区生态型和非矿区生态型蜈蚣草生长过程中的生物量、色素含量、MDA质量摩尔浓度和CAT,POD,SOD活性等进行了研究。研究发现,营养液中铅的加入抑制了蜈蚣草的生长,降低了羽叶中的色素含量,大幅度提高了MDA质量摩尔浓度和CAT,POD,SOD活性。结果表明,蜈蚣草对铅有一定的耐性,并且矿区生态型蜈蚣草的耐性明显高于非矿区生态型。主要表现为矿区生态型蜈蚣草的抗氧化酶活性高于非矿区生态型,生物量和色素含量受铅胁迫影响的程度相对较小。当铅质量浓度达到300 mg/L,铅胁迫15 d后,非矿区生态型蜈蚣草抗氧化酶系统紊乱,植株接近枯死状态,而矿区生态型蜈蚣草的耐性表现相对较好。  相似文献   
GPS现代化中的L1C信号使用了LDPC码,以提高接收机的弱信号接收能力。L1C信号中使用的LDPC码没有循环或准循环结构,这为译码器设计带来了难度。为了降低译码器实现复杂度,在分析L1C信号LDPC码校验矩阵结构的基础上,通过对校验节点分类和改变变量节点更新方法,提出了一种低存储量和简化译码器控制逻辑的低复杂度译码器结构,并通过仿真验证了译码器译码结果的正确性。  相似文献   
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