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为了研究舰空导弹武器系统不同的射击任务、射击种类对其可靠性的影响,提出舰空导弹武器系统作战使用可靠性基本模型,分别对单火力通道、多火力通道舰空导弹系统以不同射击种类、作战方式使用时的战斗使用可靠度进行了详细分析,可以选择不同的射击种类和火力分配方案提高系统战斗使用可靠性。  相似文献   
Operation architecture plays a more important role in Network Centric Warfare (NCW), which involves dynamic operation networks with complex properties. Thus, it is essential to investigate the operation architecture under the informatization condition within NCW and find a proper network construction method to efficiently coordinate various functional modules on a particular situation, i.e., the aerial combat. A new method integrating the physical level and functional level of NCW is proposed to establish the operation architecture, where the concept of network operation constraints unit and net constructing mechanisms are employed to avoid conflicts among different platforms. Meanwhile, we conduct simulations to assess the effectiveness and feasibility of the constructed operation architecture and analyze the influence of the network parameters.  相似文献   
针对海空跨域无人航行器集群在复杂水域环境下协同作业以追踪水下目标的任务,提出一种基于协同粒子群(CPSO)的协同作业路径规划算法.考虑不同无人航行器集群特性优势,合理分解并分配远距离追踪水下目标任务过程,并利用CPSO算法进行路径规划.在CPSO算法中,首先为无人机(UAVs)集群规划飞行路径,UAV飞行过程中探测水面...  相似文献   
Say not the struggle naught availeth,

The labour and the wounds are vain,

The enemy faints not, nor faileth,

And as things have been, things remain.

Arthur Hugh Clough  相似文献   
网络中心作战体系效能评估方法初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络中心作战体系是信息化战争要求下的一个具体作战体系,其效能评估是网络中心战研究领域的重要问题,是解决网络中心作战体系建设中方案论证、性能效能指标、经济因素等诸多问题的有效方法。首先提出了网络中心作战体系效能评估的基本概念;然后阐述了网络中心作战体系效能评估方法问题,分析介绍了几种较为成熟的评估方法的特点、适用性和不足;最后提出一种基于探索性建模与分析方法的网络中心作战体系效能评估框架,作为研究网络中心作战体系效能评估的参考评估框架。  相似文献   
界定了作战模式、炮兵装备体系组分需求等概念,分析了侦察打击一体化作战模式的内涵、装备体系的特点。通过侦察打击一体化作战模式对炮兵作战流程、能力要求的分析,构建了为适应这一要求的炮兵装备体系组分需求方案,得出其是由情报侦察系统、信息处理与指挥控制系统、火力打击系统和保障系统组成的结论。并据此绘制了侦察打击一体化作战模式下的炮兵装备体系结构及信息流程图。  相似文献   
This article examines the complex legacy of David Petraeus who was a key figure in the emergence of the US military shift towards counterinsurgency doctrine in the years after 2006. Although Petraeus has been perceived by critics as a publicity seeker, he can be credited with laying the foundations for a more serious commitment to COIN involving in particular in integrating conventional and Special Forces in arenas like village stability operations. The article looks a Petraeus's role in both Iraq and Afghanistan: it concludes that, in the case of Afghanistan, it is too early to assess whether counterinsurgency has had a decisive impact of the outcome of the war against the Taliban.  相似文献   
兵力编组效能直接影响登陆作战体系的作战能力。在分析梯队式和群队式兵力编组模式下登陆作战体系网络模型的基础上,利用数据场理论研究登陆作战体系的拓扑势场,描述梯队或群队间由支援、协同产生的协同作战能力,建立基于数据场的登陆作战体系兵力编组效能模型,并进行仿真分析。得到了一种定量分析兵力编组作战效能的方法。  相似文献   
In 2013, France launched Operation ‘Serval’ to halt the southwards advance of Islamist insurgents in Mali. Using a Clausewitzian analytical framework, this article provides an assessment of France’s political and military aims in Mali and the degree to which they have been attained. Clear political goals, coordinated international diplomacy, an effective use of military force and blunders by the rebel forces turned ‘Serval’ into a short-term success. Strategically, however, the mission has proven unable to address the conflict’s underlying causes. Serval’s long-term effect is probably better measured by what it prevented than what it contributed.  相似文献   
In its colony of Angola, Portugal during its colonial wars (1961–1974) was able to exploit the economic dependence and divided population loyalties of its hostile neighbours the Congo and Zambia as well as the cleavages within the nationalist movements to prevent a crippling insurgency. The rulers of both countries were largely dependent on Angola for trade, and were eager to have the side effects of the robust Angolan economy with its 11% annual growth brush off on their own moribund ones. While relationships were never comfortable, the sponsors of revolution were forced to reign in their ‘freedom fighters’ in order to maintain the functioning of their export-dependent economies. Portuguese leadership also played a vital role, as it was able to bring together diverse elements of national power in a concerted policy for dealing with these enemies, whether they were insurgents or their sanctuary countries. This policy of leveraging national power and playing on the vulnerabilities of its opponents worked well during its war in Angola and still holds valuable lessons for countries that find themselves in similar circumstances.  相似文献   
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