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针对目前网络性能评价中多元指标之间权重难以确定的问题,将信息熵理论应用于网络性能评价中.提出采用熵权方法确定指标权重,进而对网络性能进行评价的方法.为了获取反映不同网络状态的性能数据,采用网络仿真方法获得计算熵权所需的样本.实例表明,信息熵能够客观地反映各指标贡献信息量的大小,基于信息熵的熵权能够客观反映各指标的相对重要程度.  相似文献   
计算机网络日益复杂和异构化,迫切需要提高可靠、跨平台的网络管理系统保证网络稳定、高效运行。分析了传统网络管理系统的不足,提出了一层次分布式网络管理系统故障管理算法,并讨论了算法的性能。最后采用CORBA,Web和Java技术实现了该算法。  相似文献   
论装备保障信息资源管理   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
根据信息资源管理的基本理论给出了装备保障信息资源管理的定义和基本要求 ,针对我军装备保障信息资源管理中存在的问题 ,提出了初步的改进设想  相似文献   
This article surveys the body of available evidence regarding the spill-over effects of defence R&D. It reviews the routes through which defence R&D spills over to the economy with positive externalities – in terms of new products, technologies or processes; the barriers that impede or block such a process; potential negative repercussions, and the measure of such effects. The main conclusion is that the uncertainty of these effects, and the inaccurate appraisal of their value, hardly supports informed decisions concerning defence R&D policies.  相似文献   
Wildfire managers use initial attack (IA) to control wildfires before they grow large and become difficult to suppress. Although the majority of wildfire incidents are contained by IA, the small percentage of fires that escape IA causes most of the damage. Therefore, planning a successful IA is very important. In this article, we study the vulnerability of IA in wildfire suppression using an attacker‐defender Stackelberg model. The attacker's objective is to coordinate the simultaneous ignition of fires at various points in a landscape to maximize the number of fires that cannot be contained by IA. The defender's objective is to optimally dispatch suppression resources from multiple fire stations located across the landscape to minimize the number of wildfires not contained by IA. We use a decomposition algorithm to solve the model and apply the model on a test case landscape. We also investigate the impact of delay in the response, the fire growth rate, the amount of suppression resources, and the locations of fire stations on the success of IA.  相似文献   
We study the supplier relationship choice for a buyer that invests in transferable capacity operated by a supplier. With a long‐term relationship, the buyer commits to source from a supplier over a long period of time. With a short‐term relationship, the buyer leaves open the option of switching to a new supplier in the future. The buyer has incomplete information about a supplies efficiency, and thus uses auctions to select suppliers and determine the contracts. In addition, the buyer faces uncertain demand for the product. A long‐term relationship may be beneficial for the buyer because it motivates more aggressive bidding at the beginning, resulting a lower initial price. A short‐term relationship may be advantageous because it allows switching, with capacity transfer at some cost, to a more efficient supplier in the future. We find that there exists a critical level of the switching cost above which a long‐term relationship is better for the buyer than a short‐term relationship. In addition, this critical switching cost decreases with demand uncertainty, implying a long‐term relationship is more favorable for a buyer facing volatile demand. Finally, we find that in a long‐term relationship, capacity can be either higher or lower than in a short‐term relationship. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
基于故障预测与健康管理(Prognostics and Health Management,PHM)系统框架,分析了PHM技术在装备维修保障中的重要意义,概述了PHM技术的发展过程及应用现状,重点讨论了当前故障预测与健康管理所采用的关键技术,包括先进传感器技术、数据传输技术、数据挖掘与信息融合技术、健康评估与故障预测技术、智能推理与决策支持技术等,最后展望了PHM技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
创新型HACCP高校思想政治教育管理体系的构建与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将传统高校思想政治教育管理方法与食品行业中的HACCP(Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points)食品安全认证体系相结合,构建一种全新型的思想政治教育管理体系。旨在加强当今高校学生的思想管理,将传统思想教育管理方法程序化、完整化,通过实证分析制定详尽的HACCP思想管理体系的实行方法,增强实际应用性和管理性,从而有效提高学生的思想道德水平。  相似文献   
最低价中标法作为国际上通行的建筑工程招投标方法,随着我国建筑市场的 发展和工程量清单计价制度的推行,已经具备其实施的客观条件。针对目前实施最低价中 标法工程施工阶段存在的问题,提出结合工程量清单计价从合同管理、保证金制度、工程保 险、质量管理等方面提出了解决的思路。  相似文献   
三方物流联盟已成为现代物流发展的必由之路,通过研究重庆邮政和重庆港务集团所建立的三方物流联盟的运行和管理模式,提出了三方物流联盟的流程重组、信息衔接和组织管理模式等,研究了利用信息化集成手段对物流资源进行重组、形成具有多个核心竞争能力和更广泛用户的三方物流联盟方法.对于构筑和优化三方物流联盟、促进现代物流业深入发展具有一定借鉴作用.  相似文献   
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