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运动目标轨迹分类与识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动目标轨迹识别是运动分析中的基本问题,其目的是解释所监视场景中发生的事件,对所监视场景中运动目标轨迹的行为模式进行分析与识别,智能地做出自动分类.对轨迹有效性判断后采用K均值聚类,引入改进的隐马尔可夫模型算法,针对轨迹的复杂程度对各个轨迹模式类建立相应的隐马尔可夫模型,利用训练样本训练模型得到可靠的模型参数,计算测试样本对于各个模型的最大似然概率,选取最大概率值对应的轨迹模式类作为轨迹识别的结果,对两种场景中聚类后的轨迹进行训练与识别,平均识别率较高,实验结果表明该方法是有效的.  相似文献   
重大活动防爆安全检查工作涉及的点多、线长、面广,内容十分广泛,参与部门较多,装备器材需求量大,防爆安全检查工作的计划、组织、指挥、协调、保障及具体检查实施将面临一定的困难。做好重大活动防爆安全检查工作.要建立高效顺畅的防爆安全检查指挥机构,制定切实可行的安检方案;要强化科技致胜的意识,进行有力的装备保障;要运用科学的方式方法,加强宣传沟通,争取群众的支持配合;要增强服务意识,缓和警卫形式。  相似文献   
将装备需求工作的发展历程划分为4个主要阶段,详细阐述了各阶段装备需求工作活动的主要内容、方式和特点。指出正确划分装备需求工作发展历程对于认识该项工作的基本规律、完善当代的装备需求工程学科理论体系十分有益。  相似文献   
随着三频技术的出现,多频观测量及其丰富的线性组合特性为周跳的探测与修复提供了新的契机。因此提出三频非差观测量线性组合对载波相位观测数据中周跳进行实时探测及修复的方法。该方法构造无几何无电离层的码相组合,并通过对历元间的电离层延迟变化量进行实时估计与消除,构造出第三组线性无关的周跳探测量。用30 s采样间隔的北斗三频实测数据对算法性能进行验证,试验结果表明:该方法可以有效地对各频点的周跳实现探测与修复,即使在电离层活跃的应用场景中,该方法依然具有较好的性能。  相似文献   
针对车载自组织网络(VANETs)中节点移动速度快、节点任务分布不均、网络拓扑结构不稳定等特点,提出了一种基于节点活跃度和任务的目标导向VANETs路由算法GATRA(goal-oriented routing algorithm based on activity and task)。该算法根据当前运动节点的运动方向与目标节点的关系,以及任务饱和程度,综合考虑采用消息携带还是转发策略,以节约传输平均时延。在选择中继节点时,综合考虑邻接节点的位置、运动速度和方向等影响因素,设计节点活跃度的计算方法,作为选择中继节点的策略,从而提高了消息传输的成功率。仿真结果表明,与当前典型的VANETs路由算法相比,GATRA算法在传输成功率和平均延迟时间上具有较大提升。  相似文献   
TRIZ是一种通过解决冲突来解决发明问题的理论,具有系统性、科学性和创新性相统一的特点.通过建立陆军装备保障目标能力参数体系,分析目标能力提升中存在的冲突情况并加以解决,建立了基于TRIZ的陆军装备保障转型活动生成方法,以期有效解决装备保障转型活动生成的关键难题.  相似文献   
Within a panel VAR framework and utilizing generalized impulse response and forecast error variance decomposition analysis, we explore the dynamic effects of terrorism and crime on public order and safety spending across European countries during the period 1994–2006. Our findings show that a ‘shock’ in terrorism and/or in crime, significantly increases the subsequent trajectory of public order and safety spending. As a by-product, we find that public spending is ineffective in reducing observed crime or terrorism.  相似文献   
In this paper we consider the problem of scheduling a set of jobs on a single machine on which a rate‐modifying activity may be performed. The rate‐modifying activity is an activity that changes the production rate of the machine. So the processing time of a job is a variable, which depends on whether it is scheduled before or after the rate‐modifying activity. We assume that the rate‐modifying activity can take place only at certain predetermined time points, which is a constrained case of a similar problem discussed in the literature. The decisions under consideration are whether and when to schedule the rate‐modifying activity, and how to sequence the jobs in order to minimize some objectives. We study the problems of minimizing makespan and total completion time. We first analyze the computational complexity of both problems for most of the possible versions. The analysis shows that the problems are NP‐hard even for some special cases. Furthermore, for the NP‐hard cases of the makespan problem, we present a pseudo‐polynomial time optimal algorithm and a fully polynomial time approximation scheme. For the total completion time problem, we provide a pseudo‐polynomial time optimal algorithm for the case with agreeable modifying rates. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
气化论哲学认为,天地万物都处于一气运化之中,是气之阴阳交感化生的结果。艺术创作过程,是宇宙之气在主体内部积淀,与主体之气相应同,化生为作品之气的过程。具体说来,包括这样几个阶段:艺术创作的契机:气感;创作前审关心境:虚静与养气;神与物游,以天合天;生气贯注,气韵天成。  相似文献   
MgH2, TiH2, and ZrH2 are three typical metal hydrides that have been gradually applied to composite explosives and propellants as additives in recent years. To evaluate ignition sensitivity and explosion severity, the Hartmann device and spherical pressure vessel were used to test ignition energy and ex-plosion pressure, respectively. The results showed that the ignition sensitivity of ZrH2, TiH2 and MgH2 gradually increased. When the concentration of MgH2 is 83.0 g/m3 in Hartmann device, the ignition energy attained a minimum of 10.0 mJ. The explosion pressure of MgH2 were 1.44 times and 1.76 times that of TiH2 and ZrH2, respectively, and the explosion pressure rising rate were 3.97 times and 9.96 times that of TiH2 and ZrH2, respectively, through the spherical pressure vessel. It indicated that the reaction reactivity and reaction rate of MgH2 were higher than that of TiH2 and ZrH2. In addition, to conduct in-depth theoretical analysis of ignition sensitivity and explosion severity, gas production and combus-tion heat per unit mass of ZrH2, TiH2 and MgH2 were tested by mercury manometer and oxygen bomb calorimetry. The experimental results revealed that MgH2 had a relatively high gas production per unit mass (5.15 mL/g), while TiH2 and ZrH2 both had a gas production of less than 2.0 mL/g. Their thermal stability gradually increased, leading to a gradual increase in ignition energy. Furthermore, compared with theoretical combustion heat, the combustion ratio of MgH2, TiH2 and ZrH2 was more than 96.0%, with combustion heat value of 29.96, 20.94 and 12.22 MJ/kg, respectively, which was consistent with the explosion pressure and explosion severity test results.  相似文献   
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