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在遵循复合材料中各夹杂相互影响的条件下,构造呈双周期分布且相互影响的椭圆形刚性夹杂模型的复应力函数,采用复变函数的依次保角映射方法,达到满足各个夹杂的边界条件,利用围线积分将求解方程组化为线性代数方程组,推导出了椭圆形刚性夹杂呈双周期分布的界面应力解析表达式,并讨论了夹杂间距对界面应力最大值(应力集中系数)的影响规律,描绘出了曲线。  相似文献   
基于网络和主机相结合的入侵检测技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
首先介绍了基于主机和基于网络的两种入侵检测系统的功能原理 ,在分析这两种系统功能原理的基础上 ,提出了基于网络和主机相结合入侵检测系统的工作流程和工作原理 ,进而阐明了当系统检测到有入侵情况下的应对措施 ,采用人工神经网络的入侵检测算法 ,提高了对入侵类型的判别能力 ,保证应对措施的正确 ,确保了系统的安全性。  相似文献   
镍对重力分离SHS陶瓷内衬复合管的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
采用SHS重力分离技术制备陶瓷内衬复合管,通过改变主燃烧配系组元Ni的含量,研究分析了金属Ni对陶瓷内衬复合管制备的燃烧特性及机械性能的影响。研究发现,适量的Ni粉能促进SHS燃烧进行,提高燃烧体系的绝热燃烧温度和陶瓷层的致密度,并且有助于形成金属/陶瓷界面过渡层,这极大提高了复合管的显微硬度和抗压剪强度。当Ni粉含量为19wt%时,陶瓷层的显微硬度和抗压剪强度分别最高达1764N/mm2和36.1MPa。  相似文献   
研究了基于DEM12864P图形点阵液晶模块实现中文菜单人机界面的问题。首先分析了液晶模块DEM12864P的特性,阐述了DDRAM寻址与液晶点阵的对应关系及中文字符、中文菜单在液晶模块上的显示规则,进而介绍了一种基于多任务背景的屏幕光标实现方法及菜单数据结构的设计,提出了相应软件设计的实现方法.  相似文献   
提出了一种主处理机可以直接控制的1553B总线接口模块的设计与实现方案,并简要介绍了其硬件结构、工作过程和软件开发.利用PCI协议芯片实现PCI局部总线与军用1553B总线的桥接,采用WDM技术编写驱动程序.所设计的总线接口模块符合MIL-STD-1553B总线标准,具有结构简单、成本低廉、操作方便等特点,可用于仿真,开发1553B总线产品.  相似文献   
计算机人机交互界面的变化与计算机的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论人机交互界面性质设定变化对计算机发展的影响问题.认为人与计算机是通过一定界面进行信息交流的,而界面是否友好直接关系到计算机的应用及发展.及时改变人机交互界面的性质是计算机发展的关键.  相似文献   
本文介绍一种经济实用的并行口扩展板电路。实践证明,该电路工作性能稳定,操作方便可靠,适用于PC/XT,PC/AT机的I/O扩展。  相似文献   
This paper describes the most common presently used methods for detecting uranium and plutonium isotopes after their introduction to environment. Known isotope ratios of U and Pu in different nuclear events are important tool for characterizing the sources of nuclear material. Detection techniques both in field and in laboratory are presented, as well as different models that can be used for identifying the origin and age of the nuclear material. Identification of the source of nuclear material in environmental samples is needed for estimating the quality and quantity of the nuclear hazard. This information is essential in risk assessment and crisis management, in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) research after e.g. a terrorist attack, in radioecology and environmental radioactivity research.  相似文献   
We evaluate the effect of competition on prices, profits, and consumers' surplus in multiperiod, finite horizon, dynamic pricing settings. In our base model, a single myopic consumer visits two competing retailers, who offer identical goods, in a (first order Markovian) probabilistic fashion—if the posted price exceeds the consumer's valuation for the good, he returns to the same store in the following period with a certain probability. We find that even a small reduction in the return probability from one—which corresponds to the monopoly case at which prices decline linearly—is sufficient to revert the price decline from a linear into an exponential shape. Each retailer's profit is particularly sensitive to changes in his return probability when it is relatively high, and is maximized under complete loyalty behavior (i.e., return probability is one). On the other hand, consumer surplus is maximized under complete switching behavior (i.e., return probability is zero). In the presence of many similar consumers, the insights remain valid. We further focus on the extreme scenario where all consumers follow a complete switching behavior, to derive sharp bounds, and also consider the instance where, in this setting, myopic consumers are replaced with strategic consumers. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
设计研制了一种新的自整角机轴角智能采集接口电路.该电路应用于舰船自动航行系统,实现罗经、计程仪的航向、航速模数转换.它具有精度高、可靠性好、使用方便等一系列优点.  相似文献   
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