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基于最大熵正则化构造了一种新的稳定的带限信号正则外推算法。当噪声δ(t)∈L~2[—T.T],其误差能量为δ,而且当δ→0时,所求得的正则化解将在(- ∞,∞)内一致收敛于问题的精确解。  相似文献   
提出了用变形的Fourier部分和来代替Fourier级数将输入数据光滑的一种新方法。该方法能稳定地解某些不适定的问题,如给定函数的近似,求函数微分的问题;Laplace方程Cauchy问题;时间逆向热传导方程的Cauchy问题等。  相似文献   
The resource‐constrained project scheduling problem (RCPSP) consists of a set of non‐preemptive activities that follow precedence relationship and consume resources. Under the limited amount of the resources, the objective of RCPSP is to find a schedule of the activities to minimize the project makespan. This article presents a new genetic algorithm (GA) by incorporating a local search strategy in GA operators. The local search strategy improves the efficiency of searching the solution space while keeping the randomness of the GA approach. Extensive numerical experiments show that the proposed GA with neighborhood search works well regarding solution quality and computational time compared with existing algorithms in the RCPSP literature, especially for the instances with a large number of activities. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
We state a balancing problem for mixed model assembly lines with a paced moving conveyor as: Given the daily assembling sequence of the models, the tasks of each model, the precedence relations among the tasks, and the operations parameters of the assembly line, assign the tasks of the models to the workstations so as to minimize the total overload time. Several characteristics of the problem are investigated. A line‐balancing heuristic is proposed based on a lower bound of the total overload time. A practical procedure is provided for estimating the deviation of any given line‐balance solution from the theoretical optimum. Numerical examples are given to illustrate the methodology. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
基于小偏差理论,对无摄三体动力学方程沿标称轨道线性化,推导了三体动力模型的误差线性模型。在此基础上,进一步利用该最优控制方法推导了转移轨道周期内的连续小推力控制方案,验证了控制加速度及状态量的收敛。同时针对整周期控制方式在超调后状态量收敛速度慢的问题,通过分段连续推力控制模式(Segm en ta l Con tinuous T hrust Con tro l,SCTC)来近似瞬时脉冲推力控制模式,并给出了最短分段控制时间的计算方法。实验表明,SCTC模式加快了轨道状态的收敛速度。对于km级入轨偏差,通过1次控制即可使实际轨道收敛至标称轨道。  相似文献   
为研究外加应力作用下铁磁材料磁极性变化规律,制作Q235钢轴状静载拉伸试件,在MTS810型液压伺服试验机上进行正向或反向多级加载,采用EMS2003金属磁记忆仪检测拉伸过程试件表面磁记忆信号变化,分析加载顺序、加载次数及应力大小对磁极性影响。研究结果表明:同一加载方向上试件磁极性不变,加载应力大小决定磁极性强弱,正反方向加载试件产生相反的磁极性。同一加载方向、同一加载应力条件下,加载次数不影响磁极性;改变加载方向,加载应力需逆转磁畴结构取向,加载次数增多使磁极性略有增强。  相似文献   
作者在[1],[2]中给出了静磁场Dirichlet问题和Neumann问题广义解的存在与唯一性。本文从理论上给出静磁场Dirichlet问题的一种Galerkin近似解法,并给出了在各向同性或无电流区情形下的误差估计和牛顿选代序列。  相似文献   
针对蚁群算法求解CVRP问题时收敛速度慢、求解质量不高的缺点,提出了一种改进启发式蚁群算法。该算法借鉴蚁群系统和基于排列的蚂蚁系统的优点设计信息素更新策略,既加强了对每次迭代最好解的利用,又避免了陷入局部最优;按一定比例使用基本方法和基于PFIH方法构造路径,扩大了算法的搜索空间;采用一种混合局部搜索算子,增强了算法局部寻优能力。实验结果表明,改进启发式蚁群算法可以大幅度减少车辆运行成本,具有较快的收敛速度。  相似文献   
The two‐level problem studied in this article consists of optimizing the refueling costs of a fleet of locomotives over a railway network. The goal consists of determining: (1) the number of refueling trucks contracted for each yard (truck assignment problem denoted TAP) and (2) the refueling plan of each locomotive (fuel distribution problem denoted FDP). As the FDP can be solved efficiently with existing methods, the focus is put on the TAP only. In a first version of the problem (denoted (P1)), various linear costs (e.g., fuel, fixed cost associated with each refueling, weekly operating costs of trucks) have to be minimized while satisfying a set of constraints (e.g., limited capacities of the locomotives and the trucks). In contrast with the existing literature on this problem, two types of nonlinear cost components will also be considered, based on the following ideas: (1) if several trucks from the same fuel supplier are contracted for the same yard, the supplier is likely to propose discounted prices for that yard (Problem (P2)); (2) if a train stops too often on its route, a penalty is incurred, which represents the dissatisfaction of the clients (Problem (P3)). Even if exact methods based on a mixed integer linear program formulation are available for (P1), they are not appropriate anymore to tackle (P2) and (P3). Various methods are proposed for the TAP: a descent local search, a tabu search, and a learning tabu search (LTS). The latter is a new type of local search algorithm. It involves a learning process relying on a trail system, and it can be applied to any combinatorial optimization problem. Results are reported and discussed for a large set of instances (for (P1), (P2), and (P3)), and show the good performance of LTS. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 62:32–45, 2015  相似文献   
为了更好适应战时弹药需求的不确定性,必须做好对战时应急保障系统的管理工作,应急弹药储备库的选址问题就是应急保障系统的关键环节.首先依据战时弹药需求特点,从库存策略的角度出发,引入安全库存概念;其次,建立了以建设成本和运输总距离为目标函数的战时应急弹药储备库选址模型;最后,运用Matlab对模型进行了仿真,验证了该模型的有效性.  相似文献   
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