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采用家庭社会经济地位问卷、肖水源编制的社会支持评定量表(SSRS)和城市人角色认同问卷,对重庆市6所中小学的547名学生进行问卷调查,考察家庭社会经济文化地位与流动儿童角色认同的关系,探讨社会支持在其中的中介作用。结果表明:(1)流动儿童与城市儿童的城市人角色认同不存在显著差异;(2)不论是流动儿童还是城市儿童,社会支持在家庭社会经济地位与城市人角色认同之间均起部分中介作用。  相似文献   
对学前儿童进行交通安全教育的直接目的是减少交通事故,保护其生命和身体,同时还具有重要的教育价值。基于教育价值的两个方面即教育的个人价值和社会价值,学前儿童交通安全教育的价值主要体现在对学前儿童的发展价值和以学前儿童为中心扩散开来的延伸价值。发展价值是指交通安全教育促进学前儿童的认知、动作、情意等方面的发展。延伸价值是指学前儿童获得的交通安全知识与意识、规则与行为、尊重与利他等对其成为合格的社会公民是一种自然而然的准备,同时在生态系统理论之下以儿童为中心扩散开来的重要他人、社会相关机构和行业等都会发生相应的改变,将最终有利于社会的进步。  相似文献   
采用非参与式观察法对36名大班幼儿建构游戏中的同伴互动行为进行观察,将收集到的344起同伴互动事件进行分析,从互动性别、互动主题、互动方式和互动情绪四个方面探讨大班幼儿在建构游戏中同伴互动行为的特征。并提出如下建议:教师应摒弃性别角色的刻板印象,鼓励女孩大胆体验建构游戏;教师应承认两性差异,给予男孩更多的耐心;幼儿园应定期评估材料的充分性与适宜性,投放充足且丰富的建构材料;教师应鼓励幼儿多进行分享、赞扬的友好互动。  相似文献   
下岗职工的社会关系 (以下简称“关系”)是下岗职工实现个人行动策略的关键因素 ,也是下岗职工寻求”第二职业”或其它新资源的关键因素 ,本文重点研究国有企业下岗职工所拥有的作为社会载体的社会网络弱化以及在弱化的社会网络中获取资源的能力低弱而带来的社会资本的降低  相似文献   
本文采用问卷调查的方法,以547名四至六年级的新疆维族、哈族、汉族儿童为被试,进行成就目标定向特点的比较研究。结果发现:汉族、维族、哈族儿童在成就目标定向各维度上均存在显著差异;性别与民族之间、民族与年级之间,维族、哈族、汉族儿童在掌握目标定向各维度(趋近、回避、掌握整体)上存在交互作用;性别与年级之间,新疆维族、哈族、汉族儿童在成绩回避目标定向上存在交互作用。  相似文献   
This essay explores the obligations arising from the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, signed in Palermo, Italy at the end of 2000. It also discusses the initiatives required to prepare the legal system and related infrastructure of Zimbabwe for its implementation. Zimbabwe joined more than 120 other countries in signing the Palermo convention, but has not yet ratified it. The ratification would enshrine the latest initiatives to develop effective strategies against transnational organised crime. The Palermo convention makes demands on the laws and institutions of states parties which could enhance their capacity to confront organised crime. Ratification signifies competence to implement the prescribed obligations, which can only occur after introducing suitable domestic laws, and adopting the necessary administrative mechanisms. The required reforms are bound to have certain policy and legislative implications for Zimbabwe. Regional initiatives complementary to the Palermo convention are expected to catalyse positive changes in Zimbabwe's response mechanisms.  相似文献   
Approximately 470,000 refugees and migrants passed through Slovenian territory between September 2015 and March 2016, creating a crisis that required a great deal of organisational and field work on the part of many governmental and non-governmental institutions. In the social sciences, a discourse on “security versus humanitarian approach” on the refugees and migrant issue appeared; however, the article goes over such a discourse and deals with roles and problems of different institutions – mostly the military – that responded to the crisis. Namely, coping with the crisis was characterised by significant institutional adjustments, difficult co-ordination, and intense public debate. The Slovenian Armed Forces were included in this process as support for Civil Protection and Police. The military’s role followed the military missions defined by the Defence Act; however, the government also proposed some changes to the act that were met with some doubts on the part of the public and different institutions.  相似文献   
伴随着城市化进程,大规模农民进城务工与生活,城市人口与规模激增,引发了一系列严峻的社会问题,如环境污染、交通拥挤、就业困难、犯罪率上升等,其中最引人关注的即为农民工子女的违法犯罪问题。分析了农民工子女违法犯罪的原因,并从促进社会经济协调发展、加强法制建设、抓好微观环境治理、加强学校教育等几个方面提出建议。  相似文献   
警卫人员良好的心理品质是圆满完成警卫任务至关重要的因素。一个优秀的警卫人员,必须具有警卫兴趣浓厚、性格特征良好、情绪控制适度、意志力坚强、感知敏锐、记忆力强、思维敏捷、注意力集中、动作反应迅速、空间定位能力好等良好的心理品质。  相似文献   
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