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针对平行码临界路径跟踪故障模拟中最费时间的扇出源故障模拟,提出了若干加速技术。通过对电路结构进行的独立扇出分支、扇出源分类及扇出源的最终汇聚门等静态分析,结合对停止线及停止扇出源、测试码标记向量以及扇出源临界性确定前的预处理等动态计算,使得扇出源故障模拟区域及需要故障模拟的扇出源数目大大减少,极大地缩短了整个故障模拟时间。实验结果表明,平行码临界路径跟踪故障模拟算法,对少量和大批的随机码都非常有效,并且随着电路规模增加,其有效性更加明显。  相似文献   
针对编队远程水下警戒中拖曳线列阵声纳抗编队中友邻舰辐射噪声干扰问题,基于拖曳线列阵声纳的检测性能,由友邻干扰时空频特征,给出了产生干扰盲区与左右舷镜像源的原因。分析了两种抗友邻干扰"软补盲"方法的优缺点,并通过计算机仿真双舰编队在平行搜索且只有一条拖曳线列阵工作模式下,得到了未使用抗干扰和采用"软补盲"抗干扰方法后对于被动拖曳线列阵声纳检测性能产生的不同影响,并根据影响结果给出了平行搜索方式下使用"软补盲"抗干扰方法后的队形配置建议与作战指挥原则。  相似文献   
We study a parallel machine scheduling problem, where a job j can only be processed on a specific subset of machines Mj, and the Mj subsets of the n jobs are nested. We develop a two‐phase heuristic for minimizing the total weighted tardiness subject to the machine eligibility constraints. In the first phase, we compute the factors and statistics that characterize a problem instance. In the second phase, we propose a new composite dispatching rule, the Apparent Tardiness Cost with Flexibility considerations (ATCF) rule, which is governed by several scaling parameters of which the values are determined by the factors obtained in the first phase. The ATCF rule is a generalization of the well‐known ATC rule which is very widely used in practice. We further discuss how to improve the dispatching rule using some simple but powerful properties without requiring additional computation time, and the improvement is quite satisfactory. We apply the Sequential Uniform Design Method to design our experiments and conduct an extensive computational study, and we perform tests on the performance of the ATCF rule using a real data set from a large hospital in China. We further compare its performance with that of the classical ATC rule. We also compare the schedules improved by the ATCF rule with what we believe are Near Optimal schedules generated by a general search procedure. The computational results show that especially with a low due date tightness, the ATCF rule performs significantly better than the well‐known ATC rule generating much improved schedules that are close to the Near Optimal schedules. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 249–267, 2017  相似文献   
针对目标跟踪中雷达组网场景下多传感器管理问题,结合Rényi信息增量和协方差两种算法各自特性,利用并行处理的思想提出了一种基于Rényi信息增量和协方差联合控制的传感器管理算法。在具体仿真设计环节,分为传感器跟踪能力大于目标数和传感器跟踪能力小于目标数两种场景。仿真结果表明该算法在单目标匀速、多目标匀加速等多数场景下能够对目标进行有效跟踪,同时降低了传感器的切换频率,具有更好的实时性。  相似文献   
针对低信噪比条件下雷达弱小目标的检测与跟踪,提出了基于支持向量机和无迹粒子滤波的检测前跟踪算法。该算法采用无迹卡尔曼滤波生成粒子滤波的重要性密度函数,提高了粒子的使用效率,在此基础上将支持向量机引入到粒子重采样步骤中,通过构建状态的后验概率密度函数来获得多样性的新粒子,有效解决了粒子贫化问题,仿真结果表明,该算法提高了目标的检测概率和跟踪精度。  相似文献   
In reliability engineering, the concept of minimal repair describes that the repair brings the failed unit (eg, system or component) to the situation which is same as it was just before the failure. With the help of the well‐known Gamma‐Poisson relationship, this paper investigates optimal allocation strategies of minimal repairs for parallel and series systems through implementing stochastic comparisons of various allocation policies in terms of the hazard rate, the reversed hazard rate, and the likelihood ratio orderings. Numerical examples are presented to illustrate these findings as well. These results not only strengthen and generalize some known ones in the seminal work of Shaked and Shanthikumar, but also solve the open problems proposed by Chahkandi et al.'s study and Arriaza et al.'s study.  相似文献   
介绍了一种面向移动Agent的并行计算模型,给出了采用十标度策略解决任务排序,采用满射策略解决任务映射的算法。该模型允许多个计算任务在异构主机构成的分布式环境下同时进行计算,并且通过算法优化,降低移动Agent之间的通信成本,减少网络流量。  相似文献   
针对多故障样本一次性映射之后分类不理想,研究了多级层次式支持向量机,应用UCI数据仿真,结果表明该方法缩短了训练时间、提升了测试准确率、改善了样本的可分类性。由于误差积累,在此基础上,提出了层间嵌入式多级支持向量机,采用Abalone数据仿真,结果表明分类精度有所提高并减少了分类步骤。结合ReliefF算法,对制导设备的故障特征参数进行了选择。  相似文献   
This paper examines scheduling problems in which the setup phase of each operation needs to be attended by a single server, common for all jobs and different from the processing machines. The objective in each situation is to minimize the makespan. For the processing system consisting of two parallel dedicated machines we prove that the problem of finding an optimal schedule is N P‐hard in the strong sense even if all setup times are equal or if all processing times are equal. For the case of m parallel dedicated machines, a simple greedy algorithm is shown to create a schedule with the makespan that is at most twice the optimum value. For the two machine case, an improved heuristic guarantees a tight worst‐case ratio of 3/2. We also describe several polynomially solvable cases of the later problem. The two‐machine flow shop and the open shop problems with a single server are also shown to be N P‐hard in the strong sense. However, we reduce the two‐machine flow shop no‐wait problem with a single server to the Gilmore—Gomory traveling salesman problem and solve it in polynomial time. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 304–328, 2000  相似文献   
In many practical manufacturing environments, jobs to be processed can be divided into different families such that a setup is required whenever there is a switch from processing a job of one family to another job of a different family. The time for setup could be sequence independent or sequence dependent. We consider two particular scheduling problems relevant to such situations. In both problems, we are given a set of jobs to be processed on a set of identical parallel machines. The objective of the first problem is to minimize total weighted completion time of jobs, and that of the second problem is to minimize weighted number of tardy jobs. We propose column generation based branch and bound exact solution algorithms for the problems. Computational experiments show that the algorithms are capable of solving both problems of medium size to optimality within reasonable computational time. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 50: 823–840, 2003.  相似文献   
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