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针对武器装备定型试验时如何把验前积累大量的先验信息科学合理利用,根据武器装备不同种类的验前信息,确定其分布类型并采用参数和非参数检验方法进行相容性检验,使经过预处理的验前信息能够为试验所用,并通过实例验证了该方法的科学可行性。该方法对验前信息在武器装备试验及结果评定中的应用具有一定意义。  相似文献   
全面系统阐述了Bayes统计理论下的射表编拟方法,具体研究了验前信息的处理、符合计算、编拟计算及试验用弹量的确定等几个关键难点问题,同时导出了确定先验分布中未知参数的计算公式、射表基本诸元的后验估计公式、射表试验用弹量的计算公式。通过两个实例对其具体使用方法给予了详细说明并对其结果进行了分析,指出应用该方法可以在相同精度要求下节省用弹量或在相同用弹量下提高射表精度,具有很好的经济适用价值。  相似文献   
为了降低雾天对成像的影响,获得实时的去雾效果,对彩色图像处理流程进行改进,提出一种新颖快速的基于Bayer图像和暗原色先验模型的单幅图像去雾方法。Bayer图像是数码相机采集的原始图像数据,数据量小。针对Bayer图像像素排列特点,对原有暗原色先验去雾算法进行了优化和改进。运用四叉树细分算法估算大气光,根据Bayer图像特点修正了Guided Filter,并利用修正的滤波器优化大气透射图,进而恢复出无雾Bayer图像,采用去马赛克及系列后处理算法获得清晰的显示图像。实验结果表明,新方法在一定程度上改善了原算法去雾效果,并显著提高了运算速度。  相似文献   
A system reliability is often evaluated by individual tests of components that constitute the system. These component test plans have advantages over complete system based tests in terms of time and cost. In this paper, we consider the series system with n components, where the lifetime of the i‐th component follows exponential distribution with parameter λi. Assuming test costs for the components are different, we develop an efficient algorithm to design a two‐stage component test plan that satisfies the usual probability requirements on the system reliability and in addition minimizes the maximum expected cost. For the case of prior information in the form of upper bounds on λi's, we use the genetic algorithm to solve the associated optimization problems which are otherwise difficult to solve using mathematical programming techniques. The two‐stage component test plans are cost effective compared to single‐stage plans developed by Rajgopal and Mazumdar. We demonstrate through several numerical examples that our approach has the potential to reduce the overall testing costs significantly. © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 49: 95–116, 2002; DOI 10.1002/nav.1051  相似文献   
针对巡航导弹定型试验发数少、验前试验信息源多的特点,提出小子样条件下,通过可信性检验分别得到每个验前信息源的可信度,在导弹落点偏差分布为正态-逆伽马分布的假设下,获得评估的验前分布参数,选择基于可信度的加权方法对多源验前信息进行融合,采用Bayes估计方法得到命中精度。最后结合实例进行仿真,说明了该方法较传统的Bayes方法更稳健,很适合巡航导弹命中精度的评估。  相似文献   
针对小子样维修性试验因数据异总体而导致验前信息融合精度低的问题,提出了基于信息可用度的验前信息折合模型,解决了因数据异总体无法融合的问题;利用随机加权法对验前分布参数进行了拟合,准确地表述了验前分布;提出了基于支持度的融合权值确定方法,提高了各验前分布融合权值分配的合理性;最后,通过某装备维修性试验验前信息融合实例,表明了该方法具有一定的工程应用价值。  相似文献   
在缺乏可靠性试验数据的情况下,为得到可信的评定结论减少主观影响,需要从信息融合的角度出发,充分利用产品先验信息。以获得关于产品可靠性的更完整和更准确的判断信息,从而进一步形成对产品性能的可靠估计或预测。提出一种基于AHP-ML II的融合算法,对先验信息进行层次分析法处理后,再使用第二类极大似然估计法进行二次处理,通过不同的信息在融合后的先验分布中所起作用的大小,确定出各部分的权重因子,最后通过实例仿真分析得出该算法确实比融合前具有更好的合理性和可靠性。  相似文献   
可靠性评定是定量评估系统可靠性水平的重要途径,是对其可靠性进行定量控制的必要手段.某些复杂系统由于研制时间和经费的限制,现场试验样本量极其有限,依赖传统的基于大样本的数理统计方法将难以获得客观结论,因此其可靠性评定一直是工程实践中的技术难题.针对复杂系统可靠性评估和寿命预测时现场样本量不足的问题,提出了一种基于多源信息融合的可靠性评定方法.该方法利用平均互信息熵来度量多源验前信息对可靠性评定不确定性减少所起的作用,以此为依据确定多源信息融合权重,并通过融合验前分布进行复杂系统的可靠性评定,从而减少了评定过程中的主观性,增强了评定结论的可信性.最后通过仿真实例验证了方法的有效性.  相似文献   
由于雾霾等大气散射作用会使战场环境获取的图像质量退化,图像去雾可以大幅度提升视觉效果,方便火控系统目标识别与跟踪。基于暗通道先验理论提出一种改进的中值滤波算法,针对不同区域使用不同大小的滤波窗口,可以快速有效地对透射率细化,避免边缘效应。并且还提出了天空区域透射率优化算法,去除了天空区域的纹理和斑块效应。实验结果表明,该算法具有速度快并且效果好的特点。  相似文献   
A framework involving independent competing risks permits observing failures due to a specific cause and failures due to a competing cause, which constitute survival times from the cause of primary interest. Is observing more failures more informative than observing survivals? Intuitively, due to the definitiveness of failures, the answer seems to be the former. However, it has been shown before that this intuition holds when estimating the mean but not the failure rate of the exponential model with a gamma prior distribution for the failure rate. In this article, we address this question at a more general level. We show that for a certain class of distributions failures can be more informative than survivals for prediction of life length and vice versa for some others. We also show that for a large class of lifetime models, failure is less informative than survival for estimating the proportional hazards parameter with gamma, Jeffreys, and uniform priors. We further show that, for this class of lifetime models, on average, failure is more informative than survival for parameter estimation and for prediction. These results imply that the inferential purpose and properties of the lifetime distribution are germane for conducting life tests. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2013  相似文献   
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