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中国对联合国维和行动的贡献   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
随着我国改革开放的逐步深入和经济建设的蓬勃发展 ,我国的综合国力不断增强 ,中国参与联合国维和事务的范围和能力也日益扩大 ,投入不断增加 ,这充分体现了中国作为联合国安理会常任理事国在国际事务中的重要作用和影响  相似文献   
导航级微型核磁共振陀螺仪是美国国防高级研究项目局为了克服全球定位系统(GPS)在受到强干扰或GPS星座受损而失效的潜在威胁而开发的,其技术特点是通过微制造技术将所有必须的组件封装成为一个小型、低功耗、片式、高精度的惯性测量组合。从核磁共振原理、核磁共振陀螺仪原理、发展现状以及关键技术等方面对核磁共振陀螺仪进行了介绍。  相似文献   
Defence offsets have often been described as government‐to‐business compensation arrangements or contracts involving “reciprocity beyond that associated with normal market exchange”. This paper argues that it is irrelevant and misleading to use this notion as a criterion for defining offsets.

The paper also explores the apparent inconsistency between the maximising efficiency in defence procurement and the application of offsets requirements. It is shown that defence offsets are a subset of all the price‐quality‐quantity trade‐offs which in general characterise negotiations surrounding complex transactions.

It is argued that although reciprocal or offsetting arrangements are a normal aspect of commercial transacting, the operation of certain offsets schemes namely mandatory offsets obligations, may inhibit the buyer's flexibility in negotiating deals and result in inefficient procurement. This leads us to ask why these offsets schemes have persisted for so long.  相似文献   
军内行政执法主体是指依法享有军内行政执法权的组织。但是,在理论上如何界定军内行政执法主体的范围?军内行政执法主体之间的相互关系如何界定?军内行政执法主体之间的职权在宏观上如何划分?这便是本文所要探讨的问题。  相似文献   
从影响依法实施消防监督的因素入手 ,提出必须合理确定消防监督机构的职责 ,界定消防执法范围 ;充分发挥各级消防协会的作用 ,让社会力量为消防监督服务 ;加强法制教育 ;充分发挥政治教育作用 ,提高服务意识 ;建立竞争和监督机制等对策。  相似文献   
阐述了我国消防行政补偿制度的现状,梳理了消防法律法规有关消防行政补偿的规定,分析了其存在的问题,对消防行政补偿范围进行了较深入地分析,并提出了相应的建议,对完善我国消防行政补偿制度具有参考价值。  相似文献   
针对一般强跟踪滤波算法(STEKF)在光纤陀螺动态输出滤波过程中存在跟踪效果不好的缺陷,分析推导一种新的强跟踪滤波算法(ISTEKF),使其能够克服原先算法存在的缺陷,并利用光纤陀螺动态输出数据进行仿真验证,滤波结果表明ISTEKF算法能够达到很好的跟踪效果,且具有较强的自适应能力。  相似文献   
干扰下雷达网的威力范围   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了构成雷达网的主要威胁干扰是压制式干扰,根据压制式干扰的特征和干扰下的雷达方程,分析雷达网的威力范围,提出一种采用MATLAB将雷达网的作用范围、目标轨迹及干扰轨迹画在同一图中的方法.比较目标是否在雷达网威力范围,根据等高线判断某一高度的目标是否在雷达网的威力范围之内.并给出两相控雷达存在压制式干扰情况下对一机动目标的防御范围.  相似文献   
火灾事故责任认定是否可诉的问题一直是行政司法实践争论的焦点之一。本文认为是否为具体行政行为不应成为火灾事故责任认定行为可诉与否的概括性标准 ,火灾事故责任认定仍应纳入行政诉讼的监督之下。  相似文献   
The choice between balanced and specialized defence forces depends on the technology of defence output (e.g. whether a force scope multiplier is present), the existence of scope and scale economies, the platform customization costs and, of course, the level of defence budgets. Minimum force element levels (thresholds), and scale economies facilitate specialization as opposed to scope economies (e.g. platform‐sharing), scale diseconomies and the force scope multiplier (e.g. defence weakest‐link technology). When a balanced force is not optimal, the option value of a non‐optimally maintained force element must also include the opportunity cost arising from suboptimal force elements. Shrinking defence budgets may produce two surprising phenomena. If some force elements are shut down as a result of thresholds, the surviving ones may increase in platform numbers as well as enjoying closer‐to‐most‐desirable platforms. Furthermore, if heritage force elements are shut down within the budget contraction environment, overall defence capability might rise.  相似文献   
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