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舰船极低频电场的产生机理及其防护   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
舰船极低频电场由于能在海水中传播到很远的距离,而且很容易被探测到,已成为舰船的一个重要目标特性.螺旋桨转动调制舰船腐蚀电流和外加电流阴极保护系统在海水中产生的电流是舰船极低频电场的2个重要来源.质量较差的阴极保护系统(ICCP)中的电源滤波器也会导致极低频电场的产生.电磁场防护结构工艺、被动轴接地系统、主动轴接地系统和电场抵消系统是目前降低舰船极低频电场的主要方法.  相似文献   
在Internet中传输实时多媒体需要性能良好的拥塞控制机制来确保一定的服务质量。应用实时传输协议RTP的反馈报文的信息,开发了使用参数自适应变化的AIMD拥塞算法来消除拥塞,最终得到了一种改进的单播多媒体自适应拥塞控制算法。经OPNET网络仿真分析,在各种丢失率环境下,算法的发送速率平滑性等性能表现良好,较好地满足了网络多媒体的传输特性需求。  相似文献   
单相电路的一种谐波和无功电流实时检测方法   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
提出了一种新的单相电路的谐波和无功电流实时检测方法。它利用三角函数的有关特性 ,对畸变电流中的基波有功和无功电流分量的振幅分别进行计算 ,然后通过低通滤波器把它们分离出来 ,最后得到基波有功和无功电流分量。该方法电路结构简单、动态响应速度快、检测精度高 ;既可得到单独检测出畸变电流中的任何电流分量 ,又能得出谐波和无功电流之和。仿真和实验研究证实了方法的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
对紊流条件下输油管道内油流静电带电的计算进行了研究。在合理简化紊流扩散系数和油流速度的基础上,推导出油内有关油流带电的电荷输运方程的解析解,并且根据该解析解导出了冲流电流计算公式。该计算公式同时适用于所有电导率范围内液体介质冲流电流的计算。最后利用文中推出的计算公式对一实验油道的油流带电进行了计算,结果显示公式得到的值和实验值非常吻合。  相似文献   
Lot splitting is a new approach for improving productivity by dividing production lots into sublots. This approach enables accelerating production flow, reducing lead‐time and increasing the utilization of organization resources. Most of the lot splitting models in the literature have addressed a single objective problem, usually the makespan or flowtime objectives. Simultaneous minimization of these two objectives has rarely been addressed in the literature despite of its high relevancy to most industrial environments. This work aims at solving a multiobjective lot splitting problem for multiple products in a flowshop environment. Tight mixed‐integer linear programming (MILP) formulations for minimizing the makespan and flowtime are presented. Then, the MinMax solution, which takes both objectives into consideration, is defined and suggested as an alternative objective. By solving the MILP model, it was found that minimizing one objective results in an average loss of about 15% in the other objective. The MinMax solution, on the other hand, results in an average loss of 4.6% from the furthest objective and 2.5% from the closest objective. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2010  相似文献   
Lot splitting refers to breaking a production lot into smaller sublots during production. Coordinating lot splitting decisions across multiple stages of a production process is a challenging task. Traditional lot splitting and lot streaming models implicitly assume that the entire system is operated and owned by the same firm, or there exists a coordinator who controls the operation of all machines in the system. In this paper, we consider the situation where the machines in a multiple‐stage production process are owned and managed by different companies. Every item in a given production lot has to go through the processing by the supplier's machine, followed by the manufacturer's machine, and so on. We develop and analyze coordination mechanisms that enable different parties in the supply chain to coordinate their lot splitting decisions so as to achieve a systemwide optimum. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
流媒体数据已经在互联网流量中占据极高的比例,P2P是目前支撑互联网流媒体数据分发的重要手段。本文提出一种新型的P2P Tracker实现方法——eTracker。该方法通过网络边缘的eTracker分布实现peer列表的保存,不但消除传统集中式Tracker的性能瓶颈,而且通过eTracker对本地peer的识别,优化了P2P系统的peer选择。  相似文献   
We study the problem of minimizing the makespan in no‐wait two‐machine open shops producing multiple products using lot streaming. In no‐wait open shop scheduling, sublot sizes are necessarily consistent; i.e., they remain the same over all machines. This intractable problem requires finding sublot sizes, a product sequence for each machine, and a machine sequence for each product. We develop a dynamic programming algorithm to generate all the dominant schedule profiles for each product that are required to formulate the open shop problem as a generalized traveling salesman problem. This problem is equivalent to a classical traveling salesman problem with a pseudopolynomial number of cities. We develop and test a computationally efficient heuristic for the open shop problem. Our results indicate that solutions can quickly be found for two machine open shops with up to 50 products. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
由音圈涡流效应引起的涡流阻抗对小信号下动圈扬声器的高频响应影响较大。基于集总参数系统等效电路法,将涡流阻抗的幅值和相位分别表示为角频率的幂指数函数,提出了音圈涡流阻抗的幂指模型。使用激光阻抗测量系统,测量得到了3种类型6只扬声器单元的电阻抗曲线,并采用最小二乘法对实测阻抗进行曲线拟合,得到了涡流阻抗的模型参数。分析了模拟阻抗值与实测值的误差,结果表明:幂指模型的模拟结果准确反映了实测涡流阻抗随频率的变化规律,幅值和相位误差均较小,与实验吻合较好。  相似文献   
研究了常值海流作用下自主水下航行器(Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,AUV)的编队控制问题.控制器设计分为两部分:一部分综合应用Lyapunov方法和Backstepping技术设计了单体AUV路径跟踪动力学控制律,保证了路径跟踪误差在常值海流作用下的全局渐进稳定;另一部分为路径参数一致性协同跟踪控制器,保证在仅有一个或一部分AUV获取虚拟领航AUV路径参数更新速度情形下能对其进行协同跟踪.从理论上证明了整个闭环系统的稳定性.仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有效性.  相似文献   
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