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In this article, I outline a holistic approach to the military concept of “Rules of Engagement” (ROE), which complements the legal aspects of ROE with considerations of operational and political requirements for the use of military force. Drawing upon two illustrative cases from the US military experience with the use of ROE, I demonstrate that ROE for any particular military operation should be formulated to balance optimally, if not harmonize fully, the legal, operational and political concerns related to the use of force. In this task, political decision-makers and military practitioners alike are confronted with unavoidable and real-life dilemmas. How these dilemmas are handled has significant implications for how legal requirements concerning accountability and concerns for civilian lives in military combat can be preserved through ROE.  相似文献   
Three different kinds of PELE (the penetrator with lateral efficiency) were launched by ballistic artillery to impact the multi-layer spaced metal target plates. The impact velocities of the projectiles were measured by the velocity measuring system. The damage degree and process of each layer of target plate impacted by the three kinds of projectiles were analyzed. The experimental results show that all the three kinds of projectiles have the effect of expanding holes on the multi-layer spaced metal target plates. For the normal structure PELE(without layered) with tungsten alloy jacket and the radial layered PELE with tungsten alloy jacket, the diameters of holes on the second layer of plates are 3.36 times and 3.76 times of the diameter of the projectile, respectively. For radial layered PELE with W/Zr-based amorphous composite jacket, due to the large number of tungsten wires dispersed after the impact, the diameter of the holes on the four-layer spaced plates can reach 2.4 times, 3.04 times, 5.36 times and 2.68 times of the diameter of the projectile. Besides, the normal structure PELE with tungsten alloy jacket and the radial layered PELE whit tungsten alloy jacket formed a large number of fragments impact marks on the third target plate. Although the number of fragments penetrating the third target plate is not as large as that of the normal structure PELE, the area of dispersion of fragments impact craters on the third target plate is larger by the radial layered PELE. The radial layered PELE with W/Zr-based amorphous composite jacket released a lot of heat energy due to the impact of the matrix material, and formed a large area of ablation marks on the last three target plates.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于免疫粒子群优化算法的自抗扰大包线飞行控制器设计方法.针对传统的增益调参设计方法存在的工作量巨大与设计效率低的问题,利用自抗扰控制器进行大包线飞行控制器设计,并推导了适用于该方法的飞机非线性方程.由于自抗扰控制能够动态补偿对象模型的内扰和外扰,因此在很大的飞行区域内仅需一套控制器便可,从而避免了烦琐复杂的增益调参设计过程,并用免疫粒子群优化算法对自抗扰控制器参数进行了优化研究.仿真结果表明,所设计的自抗扰控制器具有优良的控制性能,并且控制器参数在较大的包线范围内不需要改变,从而简化了大包线飞行控制器设计.  相似文献   
在对不同海域、不同海况和不同水深下测的大量海浪水压场数据分析的基础上,采用Epps-Pulley检验方法对海浪水压场信号的正态性进行了检验,进而利用Box-Jenkins方法对海浪水压场信号服从何种线性模型进行了辨识。结果表明,在100 s时间内,海浪水压场信号服从或近似服从正态分布,并可利用AR模型对其进行描述。  相似文献   
基于FMEA和粗糙集决策系统基本理论,对飞机中分系统故障预测问题进行了研究。首先定义故障预测所需的征兆并对系统进行FMEA,按照FMEA分析结果分次向系统模型注入引起特定故障的事件,采集含有故障趋势的系统模型的信息用于构建适用于故障预测的粗糙集决策表,对该表进行了处理,最终发现用于故障预测的知识(即决策规则和算法);最后运用所发现的知识进行故障预测。  相似文献   
防空作战中的目标分配问题属于NP完全问题,在综合考虑火力单元作战效能和防御效能的基础上,引入火力单元综合有利度,建立了一种用于大规模多火力单元对抗多轮次目标的静态目标分配模型,给出了基于GA因子的改进PSO算法,并将算法应用于目标分配模型的求解,通过VC 6.0编程和计算机仿真验证了模型的可行性和算法的有效性.  相似文献   
SPC(统计过程控制)作为一种先进的质量管理方法,在国外企业被广泛采用,目前国内也有众多企业开始推行.分析了实施SPC的重要性,根据SPC技术在推广应用中的主要工作内容,给出了导弹厚膜混合电路生产中SPC技术的应用方法,包括关键工序节点和工艺参数的确定、工艺参数数据的采集、控制图的使用、工序能力评价以及所采用的控制技术等实际应用方面的内容.  相似文献   
利用PXI总线检测技术实现MLS模拟器扫描角度的精确测量.重点对模拟器中频数字化之后的信号进行内插、滤波等处理,以提高扫描波束信号的时间分辨率和减小线性化引起的定时误差.提出了采用多基准电平的扫描角度测量方法,利用加权取平均的方法来平滑干扰噪声对定时精度的影响,并给出了加权系数的具体选取步骤.实验结果表明,内插和滤波可以减小线性化引起的扫描角度计算误差,采用多基准电平的方法可以有效克服干扰噪声对扫描角度测量的影响.  相似文献   
在目标识别中D-S证据理论应用较为广泛,该理论要求各传感器的重要程度相同,与作战使用相矛盾.就此提出了基于加权D-S证据理论的时空域目标识别方法,突出了不同传感器在目标识别中的地位和作用,使目标识别结果更接近作战实际.  相似文献   
星空场景建模是空间目标识别与跟踪的关键技术之一.基于中段空间实验红外天文星表(MSX-IRAC),通过位置计算得到该星表内恒星在指定观测时刻、观测地点投影到视场所在平面的坐标,同时利用改进的光谱模板技术,生成视场内所有点源星体的红外光谱(1.2~35 μm),并对光谱积分得到指定谱段的辐射量,最后将恒星位置和辐射信息在二维图像上表现出来,从而实现了一个星空点源背景红外辐射场景生成模型,并通过实例仿真验证了该模型的正确性.  相似文献   
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