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In this paper, we study the domestic political determinants of military spending. Our conceptual framework suggests that power distribution over local and central governments influences the government provision of national public goods, in our context, military expenditure. Drawing on a large cross-country panel, we demonstrate that having local elections will decrease a country’s military expenditure markedly, controlling for other political and economic variables. According to our preferred estimates, a country’s military expenditure is on average 20% lower if its state government officials are locally elected, which is consistent with our theoretical prediction.  相似文献   
李辉  蔡敏  谈亮 《火力与指挥控制》2012,37(2):144-146,150
针对粒子群算法易陷入局部极小的缺陷,提出了一种改进的粒子群优化算法,并将改进后的算法应用到RBF神经网络核函数参数的选取中。依照文中提出的编码方式、迭代公式和适应度函数,在全局空间中搜索具有最优适应值的参数向量。实例仿真表明,基于改进粒子群算法优化的RBF神经网络不仅收敛速度快,且误差精度高。  相似文献   

In Western operations in Afghanistan, small European powers escalate in different ways. While Denmark and the Netherlands have contributed to Western escalation through integration with British and US forces, Norway and Sweden have done so by creating a division of labour allowing US and British combat forces to concentrate their efforts in the south. These variations in strategic behaviour suggest that the strategic choice of small powers is more diversified than usually assumed. We argue that strategic culture can explain the variation in strategic behaviour of the small allies in Afghanistan. In particular, Dutch and Danish internationalism have reconciled the use of force in the national and international domains, while in Sweden and Norway there is still a sharp distinction between national interest and humanitarianism.  相似文献   
从关于国防和军队重大改革的重要论述入手,系统地阐述了武警部队重大改革必须向“能打胜仗”的战斗力聚焦。主要从三个层面进行分析:一是向提高部队整体素质及优化规模结构聚焦;二是向提高部队武器装备保障效能聚焦;三是向增强部队以执勤处突为中心的军事能力聚焦。  相似文献   
近年来,我国频繁发生历史罕见的自然灾害。在抢险救灾中,武警部队已成为一支重要的突击力量。按照习主席关于“武警部队要勇于承担抢险救灾等急难险重任务”的重要指示,武警法律工作者必须适应武警部队职能拓展的需要,在借鉴国外成功经验的基础上,尽快完善武警部队抢险救灾应急法律制度,切实提高部队执行抢险救灾任务的能力。  相似文献   
介绍了舰用计算机局部网络通信协议的设计,重点描述了设计中为提高实时性和可靠性所采用的一些具体技术措施,其中包括:简化ISO/OSI—RM 参考模型,并与IEEE8024标准协议兼容,采用VLSI 技术设计网络接口卡。同时,对其中一些关键技术,如逻辑环的建立与维护、信息的优先级发送与实时响应、数据缓冲区的结构与管理都作了说明。  相似文献   

In contemporary counter-insurgency campaigns de-escalation is typically achieved by obtaining the local population's collaboration. The rationale underlying this approach is that such collaboration spawns control over the population and therefore weakens the insurgent's position. This article seeks to understand how this approach is practised in the reality of contemporary counter-insurgency warfare. In Iraq as well as Afghanistan counter-insurgents were confronted with fragmented indigenous societies in which the various local segments were dominated by local power-holders. Consequently, obtaining the local population's collaboration required co-option of these agents. As such a strategy of co-option is a highly localized approach, this article focuses on Afghanistan's Uruzgan province and analyzes the implementation of co-option by the Netherlands' Task Force Uruzgan (TFU), which operated there from 2006 to 2010. The analysis discusses how the counter-insurgents obtained a profound understanding of Uruzgan's societal landscape and how co-option of local power-holders became part of the counter-insurgency routine. In the end, co-option was successfully implemented as TFU even succeeded in obtaining the collaboration of previously marginalized elements of the population. However, as the methods employed for co-option were mainly of a persuasive nature, the TFU co-option strategy was less effective in containing the influence of notorious spoilers. Thus this case study provides an insight into the dynamics and limitations of co-option as a tool for de-escalation in contemporary counter-insurgency warfare.  相似文献   
一种基于局部不变特征的图像特定场景检测方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
图像场景的自动检测,对于图像的标注以及语义检索具有非常重要的作用。本文研究根据实际应用的需要,围绕会晤、集会、海滩等八类特定场景图像的检测问题展开。首先对图像进行局部关键点的检测以及SIFT特征描述子的计算,从而提取图像的局部特征,在此基础上基于支撑向量机构建多分类器,进行特征训练,最终获得较为准确的检测结果。实验重点针对分类器核函数的确定以及特征选取策略等问题展开,实验结果表明,采用径向基核函数构建多分类器以及特征点按尺度大小排序取前n位的选取策略可以获得较为准确和鲁棒的特定场景检测结果。本方法在保证满足一定程度场景检测准确率的前提下,具有简单快速的特点,能够满足实际应用的需要。  相似文献   
色调映射是一种适用于亮度和对比度变化的快速图像匹配方法。由于异源图像间存在复杂的灰度变换关系,直接采用色调映射方法进行匹配的成功率通常难以满足应用需求。为了提高匹配成功率,本文提出基于局部色调映射的异源图像匹配方法。首先将实时图划分为不重叠的子区,对每个子区进行直方图均衡化和弱切片变换,通过局部色调映射计算子区与基准图的距离系数图。融合全部距离系数图得到图像匹配结果。实验结果表明,该方法匹配成功率高于现有的色调映射方法,且计算时间仅略高于现有方法,优于异源图像匹配中常用的互信息方法。  相似文献   
在建设现代化武警的系统工程中,武警院校建设处于优先的地位。为了发挥好院校在建设现代化武警中的重要作用,必须确立“特色办学”理念,努力开创“特色办学”的新路子。本文论述了特色办学的重要意义,以武警工程学院为例,分析了武警院校特色办学的现状,对进一步实施特色办学、以特色拉动院校创新发展进行了前瞻与思考。  相似文献   
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