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曹操“唯才是举”人才观一直被后世争论,但是,诸多争论都没有触及对这一人才观的本意。其实,曹操“唯才是举”的本意就是企图垄断人才,反对士族垄断官场,否定旧的道德观。曹操的人才观,既是当时的现实需要,又为推动封建社会选择人才制度的进步作出了贡献。  相似文献   
在武警部队院校的网络信息化水平迅速发展的今天,由于各功能模块缺少统一的接口规范和能够协调各部门信息共享的机制,使得建成的各个功能模块之间无法共享信息,造成了数据库中信息的大量冗余和重复。结合数据融合技术的基本原理、发展现状和应用前景,对数据融合技术进行了介绍;针对武警院校信息融合的需求,提出了改进型JDL模型,分析了武警院校信息融合网络的服务架构层次,对信息融合网络中的核心问题信息共享、接口规范、数据融合进行了研究;利用模块化设计的思路,对原型系统进行了分析,对实验数据进行了重组,并提出了数据优化方案。  相似文献   
武警院校推行“标杆管理”能够有效地提高院校教学管理水平和教学质量。但是,武警院校起步较晚,同国内知名高校相比还有一定差距。因此,必须要求我们思想上高度重视,选定合理目标,扎实推进各项工作有力进行,确保院校建设内涵发展,整体跃升。  相似文献   
关于《儒林外史》的主题,至今众说纷纭。解决这个问题的核心是从这部讽刺小说中找出作者的价值判断。书中所讽刺的各种人物,归于一点,在于学问或人格的“伪妄”。而小说的价值判断标准,即为“真儒”的人格学问之“真”和他们“礼乐兵农”的济世方案之“实”。所以,人才观念上的倡真反伪和社会主张上的弃虚返实,即为小说的基本主题。  相似文献   
对《刑法修正案(五)》第三条增设的过失军事犯罪的具体罪名,刑法学界和司法实务界存在分歧。通过对用词的分析,根据罪名的确定原则,认为最佳选择的罪名是"过失损坏武器装备、军事设施、军事通信罪"。  相似文献   
诸葛亮军事法制思想初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诸葛亮在加强封建法制建设,尤其是军事法制建设的同时,提出了丰富的军事法制思想。从诸葛亮军事法制思想的历史背景和发展历程入手,着重对其军事法制思想的主要内容进行探讨。  相似文献   
This article fills the gap in existing scholarship on asymmetric conflict, indigenous forces, and how socio-cultural codes shape the dynamics and outcomes of conflict transformation. Specifically, it identifies three key socio-cultural values commonplace in honorific societies: retaliation, hospitality, and silence. As sources of effective pro-insurgent violent mobilisation and support from among the local population, these values provide insurgents with an asymmetric advantage over much stronger incumbents. Using the case studies of the two Russian counterinsurgencies in Chechnya, the article shows the mechanisms on the ground through which Moscow’s deployment of indigenous forces against insurgents helped to stem the tide of conflict, reversing the insurgents’ initial advantage in terms of asymmetry of values.  相似文献   
In this article, we seek to understand how a capacity‐constrained seller optimally prices and schedules product shipping to customers who are heterogeneous on willingness to pay (WTP) and willingness to wait (WTW). The capacity‐constrained seller does not observe each customer's WTP and WTW and knows only the aggregate distributions of WTP and WTW. The seller's problem is modeled as an M/M/Ns queueing model with multiclass customers and multidimensional information screening. We contribute to the literature by providing an optimal and efficient algorithm. Furthermore, we numerically find that customers with a larger waiting cost enjoys a higher scheduling priority, but customers with higher valuation do not necessarily get a higher scheduling priority. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 215–227, 2015  相似文献   
Russian Special Forces saw significant changes to both organization and doctrine in the years after 2008. The special forces of the General Staff’s Main Intelligence Directorate were reduced in number, the organization’s institutional autonomy and rationale were changed, and an entirely new Special Operations Command was established in March 2013. This article seeks to assess the nature, scope and purpose of these changes, and to explain them by drawing on scholarship on military innovation. In particular, the article looks at military innovation in the context of a non-democratic political regime.  相似文献   

From Iraq to the Gulf of Aden and the South Pacific, this paper evaluates how far theoretical ideas about smart power manifest in operational missions of the Japan Self-Defense Forces (JSDF). To function within a ‘smart’ power context, this paper suggests that JSDF operates in ‘assisting’ mode, rather than the ‘threatening’ behavior of ‘hard’ power. JSDF also deployed alongside other Japanese ‘soft’ power tools – diplomatic, cultural, developmental, and NGOs, using tailored programs for different cultural and geographical contexts. Given constitutional constraints and public sensitivity towards coercive force, JSDF missions could be integrated more into a ‘whole-of-government’ approach advancing foreign policy goals through ‘smart power’.  相似文献   
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