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武警审计是政府审计体系的重要组成部分,在监督经费运行、规范军事经济秩序方面发挥着重要作用,但随着军事经济改革的不断深入、国家审计制度的不断创新,武警审计在审计理念、审计目标、审计手段等方面存在一定问题。从提高审计意识、调整审计体制、适应审计发展趋势三个方面探讨了解决上述问题的对策。  相似文献   
高校内部控制是为了提高工作效率,加快环节运作而制定的工作体系.高校后勤工作也必然涉及这一问题.找出问题的症结,提出解决办法,正确处理内部控制关系是加速集团运转的先决条件.  相似文献   
革命歌曲具有催人奋进的独特精神力量,是革命军人战斗力的“力量倍增器”。在建设现代化武警过程中,革命歌曲可以发挥理想导引功能、信念塑造功能、团结凝聚功能、精神激励功能、情操陶冶功能。  相似文献   
This article is an extended book review of the Turkish book Commanders' Front (Komutanlar Cephesi, Istanbul: Detay Publishing, 2007), written by prominent Turkish journalist Fikret Bila, who compiled a series of interviews with retired Turkish military commanders and two former presidents. It provides a foreign perspective on counterinsurgency/terrorism strategies and lessons learned from Turkey's small war against the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK). The interviews reveal the generals' views on Turkey's long-standing fight with the PKK, discussing topics ranging from the social aspect of the PKK problem to mistakes made in arming local militia. In addition, it presents the Turkish perspective on US policy in Iraq.  相似文献   

Decade-long security cooperation and counterterrorism engagements in Nigeria have failed to bring down Boko Haram or at least weaken its terrorist structures and transnational spread. I argue that disconnects between counterterrorism-assistance seeking states and their superpower sponsors are implicated in the intractability of Boko Haram's insurgency in Nigeria. Why is the U.S. counterterrorism intervention to individual MNJTF countries (i.e. troop contribution, military funding and intelligence support) ‘lopsided’, ‘fragmented’ and ‘unevenly distributed;’ and how are these implicated in the fight against Boko Haram terrorism? This has impacted negatively on MNJTF countries – lack of cooperation, divisiveness and individualism in coordinating and forging offensives against Boko Haram. These concerns interface several blind spots in the picture of external influences on military’s approach to Boko Haram. I elicit primary data from top military officers. I conclude by predicting the implications and consequences of these counterterrorism complexities, and their potency to defeat or encourage Boko Haram terror.  相似文献   
校园文化是建设一流院校的重要支撑,是培养合格人才的强大动力。在武警工程学院独具特色的“铸盾文化”建设中,行政管理工作要为培养忠诚卫士给力,供应保障工作要为服务师生成才给力,基建营房工作要为打造“铸盾”环境给力。  相似文献   
实验室开放是实验教学改革的重要课题,各高校都在进行实验室开放的探索和实践。针对传统实验教学模式存在的弊端,认真探讨实验室开放的内涵、必备条件和开放模式,并对其效果进行了阐述。  相似文献   
Declared operationally ready in 2016, the African Standby Force (ASF) has not been deployed in its originally designed form. This is not for the lack of opportunities but rather a demonstration of the power of the Regional Economic Communities/Regional Mechanisms (RECs/RMs) – Africa’s sub-regional security structures – over matters of peace and security. Experience gathered from its short existence suggests that the ASF may never be deployed in its current form. It may instead evolve into a robust framework, adaptable mainly by the RECs/RMs, for addressing varied security challenges. Four things are critical to enhancing the utility of the ASF: the political willingness of the RECs/RMs, the strategic interest of the member states, predictable and sustainable financing, and clarity on the role of the African Capability for Immediate Response to Crisis, the temporary battlegroup that was created to provide the African Union with a rapid response capability, pending the ASF’s operationalization.  相似文献   
新形势下高校辅导员队伍专业化建设探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着改革开放的不断深入,日益多样化的社会生活以及大学生较为强烈的个性化成长需求,都对高校辅导员队伍专业化建设提出了更高要求。要在充分认识做好当今高校辅导员工作重要意义的基础上,进一步全面提升高校辅导员的思想理论水平、工作能力等综合素质,去积极探索实施辅导员队伍专业化建设的有效路径,以保证这支队伍专业化建设的有效途径,以保证这支队伍真正成为开展大学生思想政治教育工作的骨干力量。  相似文献   
Countries with a federalist system of government have different arrangements for providing national security. US national security is provided by national and State defense forces. The quintessential national function – national defense – experienced some changes that enhanced the role of the States. Policy changes in the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 (2008 NDAA) introduced new roles for the Governors and the State defense forces, or the National Guard. This article explores how the interests of Congress and States aligned in the 2008 NDAA such that the national defense function changed. This article finds that the national government continues to have the central coordinating role, but that the politics and provisions of the 2008 NDAA changed the national–State relationship in mission, decision-making, and command and control so that US federalism in the national defense function is evolving in unexpected ways.  相似文献   
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