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In this paper, the kerosene/air rotating detonation engines(RDE) are numerically investigated, and the emphasis is laid on the effects of total pressures and equivalence ratios on the operation characteristics of RDE including the initiation, instabilities, and propulsive performance. A hybrid MPI + OpenMP parallel computing model is applied and it is proved to be able to obtain a more effective parallel performance on high performance computing(HPC) systems. A series of cases with the total pressure of 1 MPa, 1.5 MPa, 2 MPa, and the equivalence ratio of 0.9, 1, 1.4 are simulated. On one hand, the total pressure shows a significant impact on the instabilities of rotating detonation waves. The instability phenomenon is observed in cases with low total pressure (1 MPa) and weakened with the increase of the total pressure. The total pressure has a small impact on the detonation wave velocity and the specific impulse. On the other hand, the equivalence ratio shows a negligible influence on the instabilities, while it affects the ignition process and accounts for the detonation velocity deficit. It is more difficult to initiate rotating detonation waves directly in the lean fuel operation condition. Little difference was observed in the thrust with different equivalence ratios of 0.9, 1, and 1.4. The highest specific impulse was obtained in the lean fuel cases, which is around 2700 s. The findings could provide insights into the understanding of the operation characteristics of kerosene/air RDE.  相似文献   
Abnormal voltages such as electrostatic, constant current, and strong electromagnetic signals can erro-neously trigger operation of MEMS pyrotechnics and control systems in a fuze, which may result in casualties. This study designs a solid-state micro-scale switch by combining the corona gas discharge theory of asymmetric electric fields and Peek's Law. The MEMS switch can be transferred from "off" to"on" through the gas breakdown between the corona electrodes. In the model, one of the two electrodes is spherical and the other flat, so a non-uniform electric field is formed around the electrodes. The theoretical work is as follows. First, the relation among the radius of curvature of the spherical electrode, the discharge gap, and the air breakdown voltage is obtained; to meet the low voltage (30-60 V) required to drive the MEMS switch, the radius of curvature of the spherical electrode needs to be 10-50 μm and the discharge gap between the two electrodes needs to be 9-11 μm. Second, the optimal ratio ε is introduced to parameterize the model. Finally, the corona discharge structural parameters are determined by comparing the theoretical and electric field simulation results. The switch is then fabricated via MEMS processing. A hardware test platform is built and the performing chip tested. It is found that when the electrode gap is 9 μm, the electrostatic voltage is at least 37.3 V, with an error of 2.6% between the actual and theoretical air breakdown voltages. When the electrode gap is 11 μm, the electrostatic voltage is at least 42.3 V, with an error of 10.5% between the actual and theoretical air breakdown voltages. Both cases meet the design requirements.  相似文献   
采用大涡模拟数值计算二维空间发展的超声速混合层,重点分析横向扰动对混合层的标量结构、标量厚度以及标量体积卷吸率的影响。采用理论模型验证了数值方法在计算标量混合特性方面的准确性。结果表明,横向扰动频率和振幅明显影响着混合层的标量增长率和卷吸率。高频扰动增大了混合层近场标量增长率和卷吸率,但是低频扰动改善了混合层远场标量增长率。大尺度涡卷吸过程对混合层标量卷吸率起决定作用。多频扰动有效地增强了超声速混合层的标量混合。  相似文献   
模型三组元喷嘴雾化SMD变化规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了充分研究新型三组元喷嘴的内混腔雾化特性 ,设计了模型喷嘴进行多工况试验。试验发现 ,维持气体或液体压降不变 ,改变另一种介质的压降 ,会得到不同的雾化平均直径随气体压降或液体压降 ,以及气液比ALR的变化曲线 ,这些曲线有着明显的规律。大量试验表明 ,虽然平均直径SMD随气体压降或液体压降的变化曲线明显不同 ,但其随气液比的变化规律却趋于相同  相似文献   
为研究应用于全流量补燃循环发动机的不同气/气喷嘴得到的燃烧流场,通过求解NavierStokes方程组,对不同燃料与氧化剂速度比下的流动燃烧过程进行了数值计算,计算结果与实验结果吻合。仿真结果表明:增加速度比能使燃烧火焰面提前,燃烧效率变大。如果发动机的长度受到限制,可以适当增加速度比以实现高效燃烧。  相似文献   
本文以信号极点的不变性为基础,构造了一种用于可自设计的主动式系统在强噪声背景下的极微弱信号检测的检测器——特征信号检测器。文章在分析经典检测方法对极弱信号检测存在的问题的基础上,提出了特征信号检测的思想。讨论了该方法的基本原理及仿真实验结果。Monte carlo实验表明,这种特征信号检测器的性能对信噪比不敏感,可以在极低信噪比下检测出微弱信号。  相似文献   
阶比谱分析与汽车起动电机故障的实时诊断   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要论述阶比谱分析方法及其在汽车起动电机故障实时诊断中的应用。首先阐述了阶比谱分析的原理以及阶比采样中混迭与泄漏的产生及其抑制方法,然后讨论了如何在起动电机运行过程短、升速快的情况下获取感兴趣的噪声信号,进而采用阶比谱分析方法从信号中提取故障特征信息,最后利用阀值判别法起动电机的故障进行实时诊断。  相似文献   
在行星轮系机构综合中,研究行星轮数目与极限传动比的关系有着极其重要的意义。本文根据2K─H行星轮系机构的同心条件、安装条件和邻接条件,采用统一的符号,对满足上述条件的所有(六种)2K─H行星轮系机构,导出了行星轮个数与极限传动比的统一关系式,得到了所有2K─H行星轮系机构的极限传动比计算公式,为2K─H行星轮系机构的综合提供了理论根据。  相似文献   
发动机与飞机后体结构设计合理与否直接影响发动机的部件匹配和性能。利用三维雷诺平均N-S方程和k-ωSST湍流模型对飞翼布局无人机保形非对称喷管在典型飞行状态下开展了内外流流场特性的数值分析,获得了后体尾喷管推力性能和三维流动特征随二次流压力比的变化趋势。结果表明:发动机喷管落压比条件一定的前提下,通过合理优化二次流通道、增大二次流压力比,可以有效改善后体/喷管主流流场特性;当二次流与主流的流量比在0. 2%~1. 86%内时,后体尾喷管轴向推力系数的变化幅度大约为3%,在一定程度上能够减弱发动机主流的过膨胀程度,减小发动机推力损失,无人机后体尾喷管性能得到显著提高。  相似文献   
数字水印是数字作品版权保护的重要技术手段。与噪声污染类似,数字水印的嵌入必然会损失原作品的质量。数字图像的质量直接关系其商业价值,在给定降质约束下自适应地调节嵌入深度是符合产业化标准的数字水印关键技术之一。根据DCT交流系数的拉普拉斯分布模型,推导了DCT域典型水印算法中拉伸系数与信噪比和峰值信噪比之间的理论关系。依据该理论关系,得到了在给定降质约束下一类典型图像水印算法的拉伸系数估计方法,实验结果表明该估计方法具有较高的精度。  相似文献   
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