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We consider a production system comprising multiple stations (or workshops) such as an entry station, a set of work stations, a central station, and an exit station, which are arranged in a general configuration. A worker (or a vehicle tool) is assigned to each station, who sends a part from the station to the destination station according to the required process path of the part. Any part is allowed to visit a work station more than once if its process path requires. We propose a new control strategy with the push policy for instructing each worker to send a part and the kanban mechanism for controlling the work‐in‐process (WIP) in each work station. As all work stations have limited local buffers, the central station is used for storing blocked parts temporarily. Such a production system is modeled as an open queueing network in a general configuration with a Markovian part sending policy and a machine no blocking mechanism. The queueing network is analytically characterized. Some important performance measures are compared with other control strategies. A semi‐open decomposition approach is applied to the queueing network for computing the blocking probabilities when parts arrive at the work stations. An algorithm is developed based on the semi‐open decomposition approach. Numerical experiments show the quality of the solutions obtained by the algorithm as well as a property of a performance measure. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 128–143, 2001  相似文献   
BP网络在火灾形势预测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析将BP网络应用于火灾预测研究的可行性与优势 ,并将神经网络与时间序列分析相结合 ,对火灾形势预测进行探讨  相似文献   
风险传递过程中,耦合是导致风险突变的重要原因。为提供风险耦合控制方法,给出风险耦合的形式化描述,采用风险耦合弹性系数对耦合强度进行计算;基于Arena软件对某型非致命武器设计论证阶段的进度风险和费用风险之间的耦合特性进行仿真分析,分别仿真了单指标、多指标在线性和非线性耦合情形下的系统行为,结果表明:全局性的线性耦合和高强度非线性耦合能显著改变系统行为。相关结果为风险耦合控制策略的制定提供了参考。  相似文献   
将武器装备系统抽象为网络节点,利用复杂网络理论研究评估武器装备体系中的重要节点。针对传统PageRank算法在该应用中存在的问题,提出一种修正的PageRank算法。该算法对悬挂节点及有向环状网络节点的重要度评估具备收敛性。仿真实例验证了该修正算法对双目标作战环节点重要度评估的有效性。为了进一步验证所提算法的准确性,引入特征谱理论和移除节点法评估网络的抗毁性。  相似文献   
黄麟萁  孙康 《国防科技》2017,38(3):103-107
研究在联合作战条件下,网络信息体系对联合作战临机协同带来的影响,科学确定基于网络信息体系的临机协同基本程序。提出在组织联合作战临机协同时,必须充分把握好临机协同行动中局部与整体的关系,掌握好联合作战临机协同的发起条件和协同规则,有效提升协同指挥效能。  相似文献   
在分布式网络环境下,对雷达网的性能评估是雷达网对抗论证和战术研究的重要组成部分。从复杂网络理论的角度研究了此系统的组成、特性,提出了它的网络结构及性能层次模型,以全新的角度去解决系统的评估问题。对网络结构模型的信息传输能力进行了仿真试验。仿真结果表明,网络模型能够正确指导系统的结构组建及性能评估。根据网络性能层次模型,应用最优指标法,实现了该系统网络综合性能的量化评估。  相似文献   
We consider the problem of placing sensors across some area of interest. The sensors must be placed so that they cover a fixed set of targets in the region, and should be deployed in a manner that allows sensors to communicate with one another. In particular, there exists a measure of communication effectiveness for each sensor pair, which is determined by a concave function of distance between the sensors. Complicating the sensor location problem are uncertainties related to sensor placement, for example, as caused by drifting due to air or water currents to which the sensors may be subjected. Our problem thus seeks to maximize a metric regarding intrasensor communication effectiveness, subject to the condition that all targets must be covered by some sensor, where sensor drift occurs according to a robust (worst‐case) mechanism. We formulate an approximation approach and develop a cutting‐plane algorithm to solve this problem, comparing the effectiveness of two different classes of inequalities. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 582–594, 2015  相似文献   
装甲装备器材保障具有规模大、时间紧、消耗大、不确定因素多、决策难度大等特点。准确的需求预测是实施主动的、精细化的器材保障的重要前提条件。利用BP神经网络较强自学习能力和自适应能力对器材需求规律进行学习,并借助遗传算法提高BP神经网络的收敛速度,设计了一种基于遗传算法改进的BP神经网络模型预测方法,对装甲装备器材进行需求预测。通过实例计算表明,该方法比单纯BP神经网络方法具有预测精度高、收敛速度快的优点。  相似文献   
针对弹道导弹的目标特性和作战特点,对主要态势指标进行了提取,构建了基于BP神经网络的态势等级模型,并按照区间对预警等级进行划分。为提高模型的准确性和适应性,通过样本数据对BP网络进行了训练,并进行了仿真得到了态势等级。仿真结果表明:利用BP神经网络对态势等级进行研究是可行的。  相似文献   
精确保障的理论研究与发展   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
根据未来信息化战争的新特点,探讨了适应信息化战争保障需求、基于信息网络技术、资源重构技术、柔性保障机制和系统理论的精确保障的内涵,研究归纳出当今美军装备保障的特点、提出精确保障的理论研究应该充分借鉴系统理论、网络中心战理论、敏捷制造理论的先进思想,指出了我军精确保障实现的途径以及应该遵循的原则.  相似文献   
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