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非法获得的证据能否作为定案的依据 ,历来为各国刑事证据理论所关注。美国和德国作为英美法系和大陆法系的典型代表 ,分别确立了非法证据排除规则和证据运用禁止规则。研究了两国排除规则的内涵、发展历史、适用范围及存在差异  相似文献   
实现从"革命的哲学"到"建设的哲学"的转变,是马克思主义哲学在当代中国发展的显著标志和巨大成果,是中国共产党人对"马克思主义过时论"做出的最有说服力的应答.正确把握马克思主义哲学的精神实质和宗旨,是实现这一转变的逻辑前提;准确揭示、大力弘扬马克思主义哲学的理论精髓,是实现这一转变的关键;明确"和平与发展"的时代主题,不断深化对"三个规律"的认识,是实现这一转变的显著标志.  相似文献   
针对两个空间飞行器交会对接过程中追踪飞行器上的各单个测量传感器,探讨了其基于滤波方法的动态过程故障诊断及相应的处理,并特别针对目标相对于传感器的最大机动指数较低的情况,分析了相应的故障诊断及处理方法。  相似文献   
This paper reports on a study using the available oil monitoring information, such as the data obtained using the Spectrometric Oil Analysis Programme (SOAP), to predict the residual life of a set of aircraft engines. The relationship between oil monitoring information and the residual life is established using the concept of the proportional residual, which states that the predicted residual life may be proportional to the wear increment measured by the oil analysis programmes. Assuming such a relationship between wear and the residual life exists, we formulated a recursive prediction model for the item's residual life given measured oil monitoring information to date. A set of censored life data of 30 aircraft engines (right censored due to preventive overhaul) along with the history of their monitored metal concentration information are available to us. The metal concentration information includes many variables, such as Fe, Cu, Al, etc.; not all of them are useful, and some of them may be correlated. The principal component analysis (PCA) has been adopted to reduce the dimension of the original data set and to produce a new set of uncorrelated variables, which we shall use in the prediction model. The procedure associated with estimating model parameters is discussed. The model is fitted to the actual SOAP data from the aircraft engines, and the goodness‐of‐fit test has been carried out. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
An area defense consists of several groups that act independently, i.e., do not communicate with each other. Each group has a fixed number of defenders and a controller that allocates these defenders optimally against the individual attackers comprising an attack. We analyze the effectiveness of this partially coordinated defense against a simultaneous attack of known size in which all attackers are considered to be equally lethal. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
涉外型院校实施体育“双语教学”的可行性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在社会飞速发展的时代,经济的进步促使知识的日新月异,导致教学模式的不断创新。伴随着我国加入WTO,双语教学应运而生.在体育教学中运用双语教学,是体育教学模式的大胆尝试和教学手段的创新.涉外型院校具有实施体育双语教学得天独厚的条件,双语教学的实施具有重要意义,并有可行性。  相似文献   
办学定位是高等学校确定发展方向、配置资源、形成特色的基本依据,关系到办学的兴衰成败和人才的培养质量,办学定位包含办学目标定位、办学类型定位、办学水平定位、学科性质定位、人才培养定位、办学规模定位、办学特色定位、服务面向定位等内容,高等学校要从社会需求和自身实际出发,切实把握办学定位的原则,科学合理地确定办学定位。  相似文献   
分析了目前军队院校科研管理资源配置机制中存在的问题及原因,提出了军队院校建立科学高效优化合理的科研管理资源配置机制的基本思路:建立基于学科的资源优化配置机制;建立和完善资源开放平台和共享机制;建立尊重和适应市场规律、科学合理的人才资源配置机制。  相似文献   
先秦儒家荣辱观及其当代价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以孔子、孟子、荀子为代表的先秦儒家的荣辱观,以“仁”为基础、以“义”为标准,闪耀着真理性的理论光芒。“八荣八耻”社会主义荣辱观,作为构建和谐社会的道德支撑,体现的就是先秦儒家荣辱观和当今时代精神的完美结合。  相似文献   
军队律师若干问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
军队律师,是专门为其所在部队、部队官兵及军属提供法律服务,保障依法治军的专业法律工作者,具有军人和律师的双重身份。建立和完善军队律师制度,不仅是完善我国律师制度体系的内在要求,也是依法治军,建设社会主义法治国家的必然要求。  相似文献   
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