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Particularly in African operations, United Nations (UN) peacekeeping forces have faced significant problems in restoring stability. In at least a few situations, unilateral national military interventions have been launched in the same countries. In the cases of Sierra Leone and Côte d’Ivoire, the British and French interventions respectively played a significant role in re-establishing stability. Lessons from these operations suggest that if effective coordination and liaison channels are established, such hybrid unilateral-UN missions can in fact be more successful than “pure” peace operations.  相似文献   
The recent Russian approach to strategy has linked nuclear, conventional and informational (cyber) tools of influence into one integrated mechanism. The article traces the intellectual history of this Russian cross-domain concept, discusses its essence and highlights its destabilising effects. By analysing a case outside of Western strategic thought, it demonstrates how strategic concepts evolve differently in various cultural realms and argues for a tailored approach for exploring coercion policies of different actors. The findings of the study are applicable beyond the Russian case, and relevant to scholars and actors exploring, utilising or responding to cross-domain coercion strategy.  相似文献   
基于多视角的装备体系军事需求开发框架模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
装备体系军事需求开发框架模型为装备体系军事需求的开发提供了指导和规则.考虑到军事装备体系自身的体系复杂性和参与军事需求开发的人员多样性,为了能综合反映出各个角度上的需求,应用多视角方法首先对装备体系军事需求进行了分析,然后基于该方法构建了军事需求开发框架模型,进而分析了装备体系军事需求体系,最后以示例来说明该框架模型的实用性.  相似文献   
为研究军车最优的效费比,提出了控制军车装备费用增长的有效途径——全寿命费用管理方法,并通过模糊动态层次分析法建立了分析决策模型,将定性与定量的分析有机结合起来研究军车全寿命费用的变化趋势,有利于提高军车装备的可靠性和决策的科学性,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   
军事体育教育在军校人才培养中具有不可替代的作用。通过对军事体育教学体系的改革,使人们对军人体能的理解,从身体形态、力量、速度、耐力等人们可直观感受到的部分,逐渐转向更多地依赖于军人体质的深层内涵认识,从而使军事体育教学适应部队现代化建设的需要,更好地为部队培养合格的复合型人才服务。  相似文献   
通过对4所武警院校共计800名教员和机关干部体能状况进行调查,研究了不同体型干部的体能现状,进行了相应的体能评定,并制订了体能综合评价模型。本研究建议:加强武警院校干部的耐力素质训练,以提高干部体能水平,增强体能,改进生活方式,提高武警院校干部的教研能力。  相似文献   
军队院校伙食保障社会化改革要想取得实效,得到广大官兵的支持和拥护,必须把维护和发展官兵利益作为社会化改革的根本。有关部门应采取有力措施,加强对地方餐饮承包方的监管。  相似文献   
基层警营文化建设是公安边消警部队文化工作的基础和基层建设的重要保证,直接关系部队的稳定、官兵关系和谐以及官兵的健康成长。通过实地调研基层警营文化建设情况,发现存在的问题与不足,分析其成因,提出切实可行的解决对策。  相似文献   
This paper explores the notion that US efforts to evade the political costs of war paradoxically contribute to the subsequent exacerbation of costs over time. Leaders seek to purchase political capital in the short term by limiting the costs and requirements of military operations, but in doing so cause strategic and political liabilities to mount in the long run. While identification of such behaviour is not new, insufficient attention has been devoted to explaining its causes, dynamics, and manifestations in relation to key decisions on and in war. Evidence derived from studies of recent American discretionary campaigns is analysed to advance an argument with respect to this pattern of self-defeating strategic behaviour.  相似文献   
武警院校拥有丰富的教育资源,依托武警部队日益健全的内部网络系统,大力开展现代远程教育,能够更加紧密院校与部队的联系,及时了解部队的需求,制定出更加符合部队实际的课程体系,更大限度发挥现有教学资源的效益。由于远程教育具有方便快捷,受时间、空间局限小的特性,弥补了由于武警部队点多、线长、面广,分布相对分散,导致部队官兵学习时间不固定、人员难以集中等不便的问题,为武警部队官兵获取文化知识,学习科学技术提供了新的途径。  相似文献   
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