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We consider a distribution system consisting of a central warehouse and a group of retailers facing independent stochastic demand. The retailers replenish from the warehouse, and the warehouse from an outside supplier with ample supply. Time is continuous. Most previous studies on inventory control policies for this system have considered stock‐based batch‐ordering policies. We develop a time‐based joint‐replenishment policy in this study. Let the warehouse set up a basic replenishment interval. The retailers are replenished through the warehouse in intervals that are integer multiples of the basic replenishment interval. No inventory is carried at the warehouse. We provide an exact evaluation of the long‐term average system costs under the assumption that stock can be balanced among the retailers. The structural properties of the inventory system are characterized. We show that, although it is well known that stock‐based inventory control policies dominate time‐based inventory control policies at a single facility, this dominance does not hold for distribution systems with multiple retailers and stochastic demand. This is because the latter can provide a more efficient mechanism to streamline inventory flow and pool retailer demand, even though the former may be able to use more updated stock information to optimize system performance. The findings of the study provide insights about the key factors that drive the performance of a multiechelon inventory control system. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 60: 637–651, 2013  相似文献   
We study a selling practice that we refer to as locational tying (LT), which seems to be gaining wide popularity among retailers. Under this strategy, a retailer “locationally ties” two complementary items that we denote by “primary” and “secondary.” The retailer sells the primary item in an appropriate “department” of his or her store. To stimulate demand, the secondary item is offered in the primary item's department, where it is displayed in very close proximity to the primary item. We consider two variations of LT: In the multilocation tying strategy (LT‐M), the secondary item is offered in its appropriate department in addition to the primary item's department, whereas in the single‐location tying strategy (LT‐S), it is offered only in the primary item's location. We compare these LT strategies to the traditional independent components (IC) strategy, in which the two items are sold independently (each in its own department), but the pricing/inventory decisions can be centralized (IC‐C) or decentralized (IC‐D). Assuming ample inventory, we compare and provide a ranking of the optimal prices of the four strategies. The main insight from this comparison is that relative to IC‐D, LT decreases the price of the primary item and adjusts the price of the secondary item up or down depending on its popularity in the primary item's department. We also perform a comparative statics analysis on the effect of demand and cost parameters on the optimal prices of various strategies, and identify the conditions that favor one strategy over others in terms of profitability. Then we study inventory decisions in LT under exogenous pricing by developing a model that accounts for the effect of the primary item's stock‐outs on the secondary item's demand. We find that, relative to IC‐D, LT increases the inventory level of the primary item. We also link the profitability of different strategies to the trade‐off between the increase in demand volume of the secondary item as a result of LT and the potential increase in inventory costs due to decentralizing the inventory of the secondary item. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
针对C3I系统中警戒雷达的扫描跟踪和雷达情报数据录取仪的数据处理以及有线传输功能进行模拟.该模拟系统包括两部分,目标情报数据的产生与数据的调制和输出.应用EVC编程实现了目标情报数据的生成和系统控制,系统数据调制采用2FSK,由FPGA编程实现.应用PC104总线和FPGA技术构建了硬件平台.  相似文献   
该软件平台旨在对SAR/GMTI动目标检测算法的仿真、测试与评估,是一个运用MFC技术结合opencv库的复杂系统。针对平台中对算法、数据维护困难问题,提出一种新型的MVADE软件模型。该模型对MVC中的Model参照MVP模式采用责任分离思想进行优化,做到视图、业务逻辑、算法、数据四层的松散解耦从而降低平台的维护难度。目前初步实现了软件架构的搭建和场景仿真,丛林区域检测,DPCA等算法的嵌入,测试结果验证了该软件模型的有效性。  相似文献   
战术导弹发射阵地选择是导弹作战兵力运筹的重要组成部分,其本质是一多准则多属性决策问题。传统的层次分析法无法明确描述这类问题中所蕴涵的不确定性,通过DS证据理论的引入,研究了战术导弹发射阵地选择的DS/AHP方法,应用实例说明了该方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
基于状态监控的武器系统管理体系构建与功能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将CBM+技术及思想应用于武器系统管理领域,提出了基于状态监控的武器系统管理思路。以某武器系统为研究对象,分析了基于状态监控的武器系统管理的特点;按照模块化原则、管理功能模块与信息保障模块对应原则和集成原则,构建了基于状态监控的武器系统管理体系;探讨了该管理体系中各组成模块的结构设计,并分析了其功能。研究结果为实现武器系统使用中的状态监控与信息化管理提供了体系框架。  相似文献   
分别给出了DS/FH混合扩频系统中窄带干扰的两种变换域处理方法。具体分析了基于频域FFT和时频域M_PWD分析的被干扰谱线检测与抑制算法 ,为避免谱泄漏 ,在变换处理之前加窗处理。给出了不同处理算法情况下系统误码率的数字仿真结果  相似文献   
针对舰艇编队的协同防空作战需求,对舰艇编队的火控系统集成技术展开了研究,提出基于DDS集成技术的编队协同防空火控体系架构。其中,采用以数据为中心的发布/订阅模型可以做到火控数据的按需分发,避免冗余传输;同时能够形成松耦合、开放式的体系结构,使系统架构具有动态自组织特性。使用QoS策略能够有效地控制和管理网络及硬件资源,实现数据分发的高实时性和高可靠性。根据测试结果分析,基于DDS的集成技术可以较好地满足协同防空火控系统的集成需求。  相似文献   
设计并进行了7.62mm穿甲子弹侵彻陶瓷/低碳钢复合靶板的弹道试验,得到了极限速度及陶瓷锥底部半径等数据。分析了锥底半径与入射速度、面板及背板厚度的关系,着重分析了偏心入射时靶板的抗弹机理。结果表明:陶瓷锥可分为破碎区和粉碎区,粉碎区半径约为面板厚度与弹丸半径之和;当弹着点距离陶瓷面板边缘大于5mm时,靶板的抗弹性能变化不大,而弹着点位于距陶瓷面板边缘小于5mm的板边区时,抗弹性能明显降低,靶板的有效防护面积应扣除板边区。  相似文献   
以气氧/煤油作为推进剂对火箭发动机进行流量连续调节试验,研究火箭发动机连续变工况过程中的燃烧特性。火箭发动机通过可调气蚀文氏管连续调节煤油流量。试验在富燃工况(混合比0.405~0.690)下成功点火,并实现了混合比、燃气总流量连续调节。试验发现流量连续调节过程中,当混合比小于0.535时,燃烧室压力随煤油流量减小而增大;当混合比大于0.535时,燃烧室压力随煤油流量减小而减小。同时,特征速度和燃烧效率随混合比增大而增大,并且混合比小于0.535时特征速度、燃烧效率增大的速率大于混合比大于0.535时的速率。研究表明推进剂流量与燃烧效率同时影响燃烧室压力。当混合比小于0.535时,燃烧效率的影响占优;混合比大于0.535时,推进剂流量影响占优。  相似文献   
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