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宋勇  郝群  张凯 《国防科技》2013,(6):24-27,36
特种车辆乘栽员的生理心理状态与车辆技术状态并列成为影响车辆整体效能的重要因素。针对乘栽员的生理心理状态进行监测并适时干预,可以实时掌握并调整人员状态。既有利于车辆能力发挥,也有利于整体协调。生理监测调节系统拟采用生物传感技术,采集人员生理心理指标参数,通过车辆通信及指控系统网络,使指挥人员能够及时掌握人员的疲劳及生命体征状态.通过合理的心理干预及医疗指导。使人员保持良好的心理生理状态或合理的医疗自救互救,最大程度地保存行动能力。该系统可应用于平时训练及评估.也可应用于行动决策指挥及医疗救护部署。  相似文献   
本文客观描述了当前西部偏远地区女童教育问题的实际状况,并针对存在问题进行了分析,提出了相应的思路。希望对实现两性教育公平,改变教育发展的不平衡状态,实现更大的社会公平有借鉴价值。  相似文献   
分析了点型火灾报警探测器"保护半径"与"保护面积"的内在关系,得出了以保护半径为主,保护面积及修正系数为辅新型计算方法,使其在不规则平面更有可操作性,能充分发挥探测器效能,给设置留下了宽裕的选择范围,使设置更趋合理;在安全性不受影响下,探测器用量最大可节省12%。  相似文献   
本文针对故障字典法在电路故障诊断中存在低效率的问题,提出了区域性故障定位的方法,即将所考虑的故障划分成不同的区域,通过对故障所在的区域进行定位,提高故障检测效率。并举例说明了该方法的实际应用。  相似文献   
In this paper,a new method for determining the shell layout scheme is proposed,which can make the equipment damage data by the battlefield damage test resemble as close as possible the actual combat data.This method is based on the analysis of the impact point distribution and effective damage area of equipment.In order to obtain the position of the impact points,an impact point distribution model under artillery fire was established.Similarly,in order to obtain the effective damage area of equipment,the concepts of generalized damage area and task-based equipment functional damage probability were demonstrated,and the corresponding calculation model was established.Through case analysis,the shell layout scheme was effectively obtained,verifying the correctness of the proposed method.  相似文献   
基于中间层驱动程序构建广域网环境下分布仿真联邦   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从数据包的截获、解析、封装及解封等方面讨论了分布仿真中间层驱动程序的实现。通过该中间层驱动程序对多播数据的封装处理,使多播数据在广域网上以单播数据进行传输,从而实现跨路由的目的,完成分布仿真联邦的构建。  相似文献   
What are relationships between epidemics, national security, and US immigration policy? This question is important because it sheds light on transnational or nontraditional security areas, American immigration policy, and a pressing issue for US leaders who have recently faced epidemics such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak that began in 2013. This article answers it and lays ground in the area by reviewing epidemics in world history, using International Relations and Security Studies works to specify dangers of contagions for states, and identifying three general immigration measures that American leaders have utilized from the seventeenth century to the present day to protect against contagions, which are (1) policies restricting entrance of foreigners thought to carry specified diseases, (2) the isolation or quarantining of immigrants with contagious disease, and (3) delegating the President with authority to stop immigration in the event of an epidemic abroad. This study has implications for research and contemporary US immigration policy.  相似文献   
在定量分析综合作战区航母受敌潜艇威胁、警戒兵力对潜警戒能力的基础上,依据航母综合作战区警戒兵力配置的基本原则,提出了航母综合作战区对潜警戒兵力配置的方法,可为反潜作战指挥员优化航母综合作战区对潜警戒兵力的配置提供决策支持与参考。  相似文献   
岛礁区作战中,具有二次开机的雷达制导导弹开机后极有可能漏捕目标而错捕岛屿。针对该问题,研究利用适量降雨衰减毫米波雷达的作用距离,使得导引头在全程搜索飞行的过程中先捕目标而不捕岛,到达与末制导雷达提前开机一样的作战效果。基于雨天背景,分析了降雨对毫米波雷达作用距离衰减的影响,总结了毫米波制导导弹打击岛礁区附近目标作战的具体步骤和方法,对反舰导弹岛礁区作战使用具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   
某型火箭炮是新型的主战装备,对其战术技术性能的研究具有重要意义。采用仿真的方法对该型武器系统对目标的毁伤过程进行研究,可以大大节约实弹射击所需经费,并且可以动态地观察毁伤过程的细节。根据某型火箭炮弹抛撒子弹模型及子弹毁伤目标性能指标,采用理论分析和计算机模拟手段,对该型火箭炮弹对面积目标的毁伤过程进行了仿真,并得出了毁伤效率随子弹枚数和CEP的变化规律。研究成果对该型武器系统的作战运用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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