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作战数据保障为部队的指挥决策和作战行动提供数据服务,是确保精确指挥和精确打击的重要措施。提出面向任务的作战数据保障能力评估过程,建立作战数据保障能力评估指标体系,研究了作战数据保障能力的指标量化分析方法,开发相应的评估工具。该工具支持指标体系编辑、指标量化和数据采集等功能,为作战数据保障能力评估提供了有效的支持。  相似文献   
为保证舰炮武器系统动态精度解算结果的准确性,分析了舰炮武器系统动态精度试验中,GPS作为目标瞬时坐标真值测量设备时,因其安装位置与雷达跟踪测量中心不重合所引起的误差,并提出了一种简便、可行的误差修正方法。给出了误差修正示例,比较分析了GPS不同安装位置所引起的误差,为类似试验中目标瞬时坐标真值的处理提供参考。  相似文献   

The US Air Force is asking when to replace its aging aircraft. We develop a framework to identify economically optimal replacement strategies that recognizes cost trade-offs and incorporates age effects. We also preview a stochastic methodology. We use the framework to identify an optimal strategy, defined by the replacement age, for a generic fleet and conduct a sensitivity analysis. Quantitative illustrations show that the range of strategies that provides close-to-optimal outcomes widens as the operating and support (O&S) cost growth rate decreases and the ratio of the acquisition price to the initial O&S cost increases. A wider range implies more decision-making leeway.  相似文献   
By using split Hopkinson pressure bar, optical microscopy and electronic microscopy, we investigate the influence of initial microstructures on the adiabatic shear behavior of high-strength Ti–5Al–5V–5Mo–3Cr (Ti-5553) alloy with lamellar microstructure and bimodal microstructure. Lamellar alloy tends to form adiabatic shearing band (ASB) at low compression strain, while bimodal alloy is considerably ASB-resistant. Comparing with the initial microstructure of Ti-5553 alloy, we find that the microstructure of the ASB changes dramatically. Adiabatic shear of lamellar Ti-5553 alloy not only results in the formation of recrystallized β nano-grains within the ASB, but also leads to the chemical redistribution of the alloying elements such as Al, V, Cr and Mo. As a result, the alloying elements distribute evenly in the ASB. In contrast, the dramatic adiabatic shear of bimodal alloy might give rise to the complete lamination of the globular primary α grain and the equiaxial prior β grain, which is accompanied by the dynamic recrystallization of α lamellae and β lamellae. As a result, ASB of bimodal alloy is composed of α/β nano-multilayers. Chemical redistribution does not occur in ASB of bimodal alloy. Bimodal Ti-5553 alloy should be a promising candidate for high performance armors with high mass efficiency due to the processes high dynamic flow stress and excellent ASB-resistance.  相似文献   
针对目前车辆信息系统缺乏有效设计方法的现状,结合新时期车辆信息系统的特点,提出了一种基于SysML的车辆信息系统设计方法。该方法明确了车辆信息系统设计过程的阶段和产物,并通过标准建模语言SysML的运用,用模型来支持系统的设计和有效性验证。该方法在智能巡航系统的设计中得到了运用。实践结果表明,该方法不仅能够自顶向下完整地设计系统、利用可视化的语言准确清晰地描述系统,而且能够在系统设计层面对系统功能逻辑和数据流进行动态仿真和迭代验证。该方法能够较好地指导新时期车辆信息系统的设计过程,满足信息系统的设计要求。  相似文献   
Tilcon是军事特别是指挥控制领域广泛使用的人机交互界面开发工具。简单介绍了Tilcon的组成和人机交互处理流程,分析了应用Tilcon处理多任务人机交互事件的不足,设计了一个基于Tilcon的指控系统多任务人机交互软件架构,并给出了具体实现方法。工程应用表明,该人机交互软件体系结构清晰,具有较好的健壮性、开放性和兼容性,可显著提高指控系统人机交互处理的实时性。  相似文献   
This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model where national security is an argument in the agent’s utility function and the government chooses optimally the level of military spending to maximize social welfare. National defense depends on military expenditure and on the strategic environment reflecting a potential hostile external threat. We use aggregate data on consumption, investment, and military spending for the US economy to estimate the parameters of the model. Estimation results suggest that consumption and national defense are complements and that military spending variability is mainly explained by external threat shocks although it also depends on the macroeconomic conditions. We compute impulse response functions of the main macroeconomic variables to several shocks: a total factor productivity shock, a defense technology shock, and a strategic environment shock. Surprisingly, we find that the optimal response to an increase in the external threat (a worsening in the strategic environment) will rise output by reducing consumption and increasing investment.  相似文献   
The effect of military expenditure on economic growth in developing countries has been investigated by many empirical literatures. However, there is little consensus of that effect and the diversity seems to come from the use of different models and different estimators. This article applies the Augmented Solow Growth Model to examine the influence of military expenditure on economic growth for 35 developing countries over the period of 1975–2009. By using the system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) estimators, empirical results indicate that defence has a negative and significant effect on economic growth in the sample countries.  相似文献   
针对传统战损模型研究方法存在的不足,提出用人工神经网络的学习能力模拟Agent的适应性。借鉴CAS(Complex Adaptive System)理论的建模思想,引入ERA(Environment-Rules-Agents)方案建立战损模型。在外部干预Agent作用下,运用BP算法并结合CT(Cross Target)算法对红蓝双方对抗战斗进行仿真,模拟动态战场环境下装备损伤的演化过程。该模型可更好地理解装备损伤的动力学特性。  相似文献   
邓苏  张维明 《国防科技》1995,16(1):54-60
本文针对国防科研管理的需求,提出了宏观核算模型、成本核算模型、因素分析模型,分析了这些模型产生指标的意义,并证明了这些指标的存在条件和相应的计算方法。  相似文献   
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