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本文采用王仁等提出的塑性动力屈曲的能量准则讨论了圆柱壳在不均匀的外部径向冲击下的塑性动屈曲问题,获得了屈曲的占优波数公式及临界冲击速度公式。经过初步实验,证明本文的结论是合理的,并进一步证实了该能量准则的有效性。  相似文献   
We model an infinitely repeated Tullock contest, over the sharing of some given resource, between two ethnic groups. The resource is allocated by a composite state institution according to relative ethnic control; hence the ethnic groups contest the extent of institutional ethnic bias. The contest yields the per-period relative influence over institutions, which partly spills over into the next period, by affecting relative conflict efficiency. Our model generates non-monotone evolution of both conflict and distribution. Results suggest that external interventions, when effective in reducing current conflict and protecting weaker groups, may end up sowing the seeds of greater future conflict.  相似文献   
The cartridge case headspace is the axial clearance between the cartridge and bolt of an automatic weapon, and influences the reliability and security of the weapon. Accordingly, theoretical and numerical studies were conducted to analyze the dynamic response of cartridge cases during internal impact considering the initial radial clearances between the cartridge case and chamber. A theoretical model was proposed to predict the cartridge case headspace considering both the deformation and movement of the cartridge case and confirmed by the results of nonlinear finite element simulations. The differences between the results of the conventional static model and the dynamic model were then comprehensively evaluated. The effects of the angle between the cartridge and chamber, the cartridge case material, and the internal impact pressure on the predicted headspace value were also analyzed. The dynamic response of the cartridge case predicted by the dynamic model was more accurate than that predicted by the conventional static model. The internal impact pressure, pressure change rate, and cartridge material were all found to affect the predicted headspace.  相似文献   
基层消防官兵职业心理应激及应对   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
消防职业心理应激源容易使基层消防官兵处于应激状态,产生一系列心理应激反应和危害。追溯消防职业心理应激源,探讨基层消防官兵职业心理应激反应,正确应对基层消防官兵职业心理应激,可以提高基层消防官兵心理健康水平,提高部队战斗力。  相似文献   
心理应激是一种特殊的情绪状态,在这种情绪状态下个体会有很多特殊的反应和举动。边防警察由于其工作的特殊性,难免会产生心理应激。边防警察的心理应激源包括工作方面、环境方面、生活方面。分析了边防警察心理应激的类型及表现,主要从培养品质和意志,学会放松,取得社会、家人、亲友的支持和理解,加强心理训练等方面论述了应对边防警察心理应激的措施。  相似文献   
针对外覆功能梯度涂层的圆柱形复合材料在轴向剪切作用下的界面开裂问题,建立了断裂力学分析的理论模型。运用分离变量和无穷级数法,推导了奇异积分方程;利用Lobatto-Chebyshev配点法将其离散为代数方程组,最后得到了应力强度因子的数值解。对数值结果的讨论表明:在涂层外表面固定的条件下,可以通过降低涂层厚度和设计内侧软而外侧硬的涂层2种途径来有效地减小界面的断裂驱动力。研究结果可为工程中该类复合材料的防断裂优化设计提供理论参考。  相似文献   
针对寿命服从双参数Weibull分布的机电产品,进行单应力、定时转换的步进加速寿命试验,研究加速寿命试验数据下的可靠性评估问题。考虑到外场多应力环境与实验室单一应力环境之间的差异性,构建基于修正系数的分布参数计算模型;开展步进加速寿命试验过程的统计分析,建立各应力下的累计分布函数关系;构建极大似然函数,运用数值迭代法,求解未知参数估计;结合某型机电产品进行仿真方案设计,采用Monte Carlo仿真方法产生样本数据,通过对比分析说明所提出的模型评估精度更高。  相似文献   
This paper develops a Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model where national security is an argument in the agent’s utility function and the government chooses optimally the level of military spending to maximize social welfare. National defense depends on military expenditure and on the strategic environment reflecting a potential hostile external threat. We use aggregate data on consumption, investment, and military spending for the US economy to estimate the parameters of the model. Estimation results suggest that consumption and national defense are complements and that military spending variability is mainly explained by external threat shocks although it also depends on the macroeconomic conditions. We compute impulse response functions of the main macroeconomic variables to several shocks: a total factor productivity shock, a defense technology shock, and a strategic environment shock. Surprisingly, we find that the optimal response to an increase in the external threat (a worsening in the strategic environment) will rise output by reducing consumption and increasing investment.  相似文献   
The embellishment of a warrior biography has a long history but examples of veteran elaboration of traumatic experience have become increasingly apparent. Although legislative change in the UK has removed the penalties for fabrication and a progressive decline in the military footprint may have increased the likelihood of such false trauma narratives, a paradigm shift in explanations for mental illness underpins this phenomenon. The recognition of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in 1980, followed by studies to identify risk factors, led to a greater appreciation of psychological vulnerability. As a result, the use of shame to discourage acts formerly labelled as “cowardly” or “lacking in morale fibre” is no longer considered appropriate. Recent conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan generated popular sympathy for service personnel, whilst media focus on PTSD has led the UK public to believe that most veterans have been traumatised by their tours of duty.  相似文献   
A great number of visual simultaneous localization and mapping (VSLAM) systems need to assume static features in the environment. However, moving objects can vastly impair the performance of a VSLAM system which relies on the static-world assumption. To cope with this challenging topic, a real-time and robust VSLAM system based on ORB-SLAM2 for dynamic environments was proposed. To reduce the influence of dynamic content, we incorporate the deep-learning-based object detection method in the visual odometry, then the dynamic object probability model is added to raise the efficiency of object detection deep neural network and enhance the real-time performance of our system. Experiment with both on the TUM and KITTI benchmark dataset, as well as in a real-world environment, the results clarify that our method can significantly reduce the tracking error or drift, enhance the robustness, accuracy and stability of the VSLAM system in dynamic scenes.  相似文献   
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