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针对人工免疫系统在处理多维向量分类时存在的初始抗体数量“爆炸”问题,对人工免疫系统的反向选择算法进行改进,研究了初始抗体的生成机理,并在初始抗体的生成条件中加入新的约束,降低了人工免疫系统所需的初始抗体数量,解决了多维向量的分类问题,在实际应用中有着很强的推广应用价值。  相似文献   
Concavity Cuts play an important role in concave minimization. In Porembski, J Global Optim 15 ( 17 ), 371–404 we extended the concept underlying concavity cuts which led to the development of decomposition cuts. In numerical experiments with pure cutting plane algorithms for concave minimization, decomposition cuts have been shown to be superior to concavity cuts. However, three points remained open. First, how to derive decomposition cuts in the degenerate case. Second, how to ensure dominance of decomposition cuts over concavity cuts. Third, how to ensure the finite convergence of a pure cutting plane algorithm solely by decomposition cuts. These points will be addressed in this paper. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
We develop a risk‐sensitive strategic facility sizing model that makes use of readily obtainable data and addresses both capacity and responsiveness considerations. We focus on facilities whose original size cannot be adjusted over time and limits the total production equipment they can hold, which is added sequentially during a finite planning horizon. The model is parsimonious by design for compatibility with the nature of available data during early planning stages. We model demand via a univariate random variable with arbitrary forecast profiles for equipment expansion, and assume the supporting equipment additions are continuous and decided ex‐post. Under constant absolute risk aversion, operating profits are the closed‐form solution to a nontrivial linear program, thus characterizing the sizing decision via a single first‐order condition. This solution has several desired features, including the optimal facility size being eventually decreasing in forecast uncertainty and decreasing in risk aversion, as well as being generally robust to demand forecast uncertainty and cost errors. We provide structural results and show that ignoring risk considerations can lead to poor facility sizing decisions that deteriorate with increased forecast uncertainty. Existing models ignore risk considerations and assume the facility size can be adjusted over time, effectively shortening the planning horizon. Our main contribution is in addressing the problem that arises when that assumption is relaxed and, as a result, risk sensitivity and the challenges introduced by longer planning horizons and higher uncertainty must be considered. Finally, we derive accurate spreadsheet‐implementable approximations to the optimal solution, which make this model a practical capacity planning tool.© 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
Following a review of the basic ideas in structural reliability, including signature‐based representation and preservation theorems for systems whose components have independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) lifetimes, extensions that apply to the comparison of coherent systems of different sizes, and stochastic mixtures of them, are obtained. It is then shown that these results may be extended to vectors of exchangeable random lifetimes. In particular, for arbitrary systems of sizes m < n with exchangeable component lifetimes, it is shown that the distribution of an m‐component system's lifetime can be written as a mixture of the distributions of k‐out‐of‐n systems. When the system has n components, the vector of coefficients in this mixture representation is precisely the signature of the system defined in Samaniego, IEEE Trans Reliabil R–34 (1985) 69–72. These mixture representations are then used to obtain new stochastic ordering properties for coherent or mixed systems of different sizes. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
We consider the problem of assigning a set of jobs to different parallel machines of the same processing speed, where each job is compatible to only a subset of those machines. The machines can be linearly ordered such that a higher‐indexed machine can process all those jobs that a lower‐indexed machine can process. The objective is to minimize the makespan of the schedule. This problem is motivated by industrial applications such as cargo handling by cranes with nonidentical weight capacities, computer processor scheduling with memory constraints, and grades of service provision by parallel servers. We develop an efficient algorithm for this problem with a worst‐case performance ratio of + ε, where ε is a positive constant which may be set arbitrarily close to zero. We also present a polynomial time approximation scheme for this problem, which answers an open question in the literature. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
To meet customer demand, delivery companies are offering an increasing number of time‐definite services. In this article, we examine the strategic design of delivery networks which can efficiently provide these services. Because of the high cost of direct connections, we focus on tree‐structured networks. As it may not be possible to identify a tree‐structured network that satisfies all of the delivery guarantees, we allow these guarantees to be violated but seek to minimize the sum of the violations. We establish the complexity of the problem and exploit an empirically identified solution structure to create new neighborhoods which improve solution values over more general neighborhood structures. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
巡航导弹航迹规划中雷达探测盲区的快速构造算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现代防空系统对巡航导弹的低空飞行和突防造成极大的威胁,利用防空系统中预警雷达的探测盲区进行隐蔽飞行是提高巡航导弹生存能力的重要手段,在此雷达探测盲区的快速构造算法是关键。说明了什么是雷达探测盲区,分析了影响雷达探测盲区的三个主要因素,并就对巡航导弹影响最大的雷达地形遮蔽盲区构造了基于极坐标的快速算法,并用一个地形实例验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
为探究某型两栖装甲车辆车体关键部位的疲劳失效原因,测取了不同路面工况下的载荷谱。采用雨流计数法对实测载荷谱进行计数,得到了相应载荷谱中应力循环的均值、幅值计数结果,利用数理统计的方法得到了各种路况的载荷分布模型,为疲劳分析提供了重要的数据并为海上试验及数据分析奠定了基础。雨流法及分布函数参数估计的程序实现,大大提高了随机应力谱的统计处理速度。  相似文献   
We address the capacitated lot‐sizing and scheduling problem with setup times, setup carry‐over, back‐orders, and parallel machines as it appears in a semiconductor assembly facility. The problem can be formulated as an extension of the capacitated lot‐sizing problem with linked lot‐sizes (CLSPL). We present a mixed integer (MIP) formulation of the problem and a new solution procedure. The solution procedure is based on a novel “aggregate model,” which uses integer instead of binary variables. The model is embedded in a period‐by‐period heuristic and is solved to optimality or near‐optimality in each iteration using standard procedures (CPLEX). A subsequent scheduling routine loads and sequences the products on the parallel machines. Six variants of the heuristic are presented and tested in an extensive computational study. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
Approximate dynamic programming (ADP) is a broad umbrella for a modeling and algorithmic strategy for solving problems that are sometimes large and complex, and are usually (but not always) stochastic. It is most often presented as a method for overcoming the classic curse of dimensionality that is well‐known to plague the use of Bellman's equation. For many problems, there are actually up to three curses of dimensionality. But the richer message of approximate dynamic programming is learning what to learn, and how to learn it, to make better decisions over time. This article provides a brief review of approximate dynamic programming, without intending to be a complete tutorial. Instead, our goal is to provide a broader perspective of ADP and how it should be approached from the perspective of different problem classes. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 2009  相似文献   
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