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Consider a set of product variants that are differentiated by some secondary attributes such as flavor, color, or size. The retailer's problem is to jointly determine the set of variants to include in her product line (“assortment”), together with their prices and inventory levels, so as to maximize her expected profit. We model the consumer choice process using a multinomial logit choice model and consider a newsvendor type inventory setting. We derive the structure of the optimal assortment for some important special cases, including the case of horizontally differentiated items, and propose a dominance relationship for the general case that simplifies the search for an optimal assortment. We also discuss structural properties of the optimal prices. Finally, motivated by our analytical results, we propose a heuristic solution procedure, which is shown to be quite effective through a numerical study. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
证人出庭作证,是现代庭审方式改革的基本要求,是保证司法公证的基本措施。由于现行立法的缺陷以及传统观念的影响,证人出庭作证率偏低。这不仅破坏了法庭审判的严肃性和法律的威严性,而且严重的阻碍了依法治国的进程。本文针对这一顽疾,提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   
简要阐述了研究CSCW系统协作多用户界面的必要性,介绍了协作多用户界面的基本概念,分析并评价了几种传统的协作多用户界面体系结构,最后以某机关业务协同办公系统的协作多用户界面的设计为例,提出了一种协同混合式体系结构及具体的实现。  相似文献   
应用Matlab对柴油机示功图修正方法的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在Matlab环境下对试验测取的示功图进行了修正处理,包括消除通道效应、上止点修正及压力的标定,并根据修正前后的示功图计算了放热率,计算结果表明所用修正方法是合理的.  相似文献   
导弹武器系统是一个十分庞大的系统,在评估其作战效能时应该综合考虑多方面内容.这时可以在多种方法的基础上结合AHP的办法.但传统AHP存在着许多缺点,不能对人主观错误性、片面性进行修正,其计算模型也存在着不足,在指出这些错误的同时给出了相应的解决方法,提高了评价的科学性与客观性,并对所做的工作进行了讨论.  相似文献   
We study competitive due‐date and capacity management between the marketing and engineering divisions within an engineer‐to‐order (ETO) firm. Marketing interacts directly with the customers and quotes due‐dates for their orders. Engineering is primarily concerned with the efficient utilization of resources and is willing to increase capacity if the cost is compensated. The two divisions share the responsibility for timely delivery of the jobs. We model the interaction between marketing and engineering as a Nash game and investigate the effect of internal competition on the equilibrium decisions. We observe that the internal competition not only degrades the firm's overall profitability but also the serviceability. Finally, we extend our analysis to multiple‐job settings that consider both flexible and inflexible capacity. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
“两弹一星”科技精英群体师承效应是建立在名师、名校、名专业、名学历(学位)四要素基础之上的。它的发生主要取决于五个基本因素:一是科学预见、把握前沿的眼光得以继承和发扬;二是精心选才、因人施教的能力得以继承和发扬;三是情操高尚、人格至善的品性得以继承和发扬;四是学术民主、教学相长的学风得以继承和发扬:五是甘为人梯、乐于奉献的精神得以继承和发扬。  相似文献   
We investigate and compare the impact of the tax reduction policies implemented in the United States and China to stimulate consumer purchase of new automobiles and improve manufacturers' profits. The U.S. policy provides each qualifying consumer with a federal income tax deduction on state and local sales and excise taxes paid on the purchase price (up to a cutoff level), whereas the Chinese policy reduces the vehicle sales tax rate for consumers. We observe that these policy designs are consistent with the tax management system and the economic environment in the respective country. We analytically determine the effects of the two tax reduction policies on the automobile sales and the manufacturer's and the retailer's profits. Numerical examples are then used to provide insights on the importance of certain factors that influence the effects of the two policies. Finally, a numerical experiment with sensitivity analysis based on real data is conducted to compare the merits and characteristics of the two policies under comparable conditions. We find that the U.S. policy is better than the Chinese policy in stimulating the sales of high‐end automobiles, whereas the Chinese policy is better than the U.S. policy in improving the sales of low‐end automobiles. The U.S. policy is slightly more effective in increasing the profitability of the automobile supply chain; but, in general, the Chinese policy is more cost effective. The methodology developed herein can be used to evaluate other tax reduction policies such as those related to the purchase of energy‐saving vehicles and to serve as a decision model to guide the choice of alternative tax reduction policies. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 61: 577–598, 2014  相似文献   
基于效果的联合作战行动规划研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
联合作战行动规划是依据联合作战的使命和资源约束建立完成使命的最佳行动过程,通过对交战环境状态、交战主体的资源能力状态、行动、事件和效果的定义,结合人工智能领域解决"计划"问题的研究、军事领域基于效果的作战思想提出了联合作战行动规划模型及策略优选方法.模型结合了马尔可夫决策过程和贝叶斯网络技术来求解交战主体的最优策略,对联合作战设计具有适应性的行动策略做出的初步尝试.  相似文献   
针对当前评比打分方法不能有效反映选手真实情况的问题,提出了一种基于混合高斯概率密度的加权打分方法。该方法的重点在于引入混合高斯分布来确定专家评分的权重。首先利用EM算法确定混合高斯分布模型参数,然后通过区间划分得到每个区间上的概率,再将专家打分映射到混合高斯概率密度函数区间上得到对应的权重,最后经加权求和得到选手的最终成绩。通过实例证明了该方法的合理性和公正性。  相似文献   
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