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In a world virtually free of slavery and colonialism and one mainly driven by the sovereign state rationale, allusion to manifestations or the existence of some form of these phenomena within a state is often received with dumbfounding indifference or denial. However, a form of rule that had continued in South Sudan long after the departure of the British in 1956 was colonial both in its quintessence and flair in that it disenfranchised its citizens and denied them the most basic freedoms, services and development. Under this establishment, resistance against the coercive vision of the state was brutally suppressed for many decades. This state of affairs finally ended in July 2011. Nonetheless, there is a miscellany of unresolved post-colonial issues between the two countries that warrant attention. These include security and the demarcation of borders, the issue of ludicrous transit fees for South Sudan's oil exportation through Sudan, citizenship, external debt repayment, etc. These issues are part of traps inherited from the anti-colonial struggle, which have now supplanted the old ensemble of North–South conflict paroxysm. As a matter of urgency, the two countries will have to wrap up the incomplete process of negotiation on these substantive issues. The talks should be approached with a new mindset based on the new reality of two sovereign states. To the extent that it is widely established that South Sudan and Sudan must coexist peacefully in order to develop into viable entities, such mutual dependency must be based on equality and respect.  相似文献   
建设社会主义文化强国是发展中国特色社会主义的内在要求。它与中国特色社会主义事业总体布局相适应,与建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家目标相承接,与我国深厚文化底蕴和丰富文化资源相匹配。既顺应时代潮流,又体现人民愿望;既符合实际,又催人奋进。  相似文献   
在科学界定弱势心理的基础上,通过分析军队基层干部弱势心理的表现形式,查找出深层次原因;从弱化外部环境的消极影响、强化职责意识、提高自我认识入手,探索行之有效的化解方法;通过积极化解弱势心理,提高基层干部的职责意识。  相似文献   
二维离散余弦/反余弦变换是图像处理算法的核心。基于DSP处理器或软件实现速度较低,以及ASIC实现芯片的面积和功耗都较大,本文研究了一种基于行列分解结构的二维DCT/IDCT变换,在两级一维DCT/IDCT变换之间插入双RAM结构,通过乒乓操作保证了前后级DCT/IDCT运算的并行性,提高了运算速度。电路结构在QuartusII中进行了逻辑综合,通过Modelsim编写激励对逻辑功能进行了仿真验证,并将仿真结果与Mat—lab仿真结果进行了比较。结果表明该模块功能正确,能够为图像处理提供良好的处理性能。  相似文献   
通过分析大型剧场火灾的特点 ,针对其结构特点阐述了大型剧场在消防设计上应注意的几个方面 ,旨在探讨大型剧场的消防设计方法。  相似文献   
研究了耦合反应扩散系统整体解的存在性,并对其进行了证明。在此基础上,进一步加入脉冲条件,首次提出该系统脉冲同步的稳定性准则,得出脉冲误差系统是全局拟吸引的结论。  相似文献   
本文研究偏差变元依赖状态自身的泛函微分方程x’(t)=a(t)f(x(μ(x(t))))(1)的解的渐近性态。进一步推广或部分推广Dunkel[1]、Eder[2]、Wang[3]、吴汉忠[4.5]及作者[6~8]等人的工作。文中使用了一些新方法,也得到了一些新结果。  相似文献   
“咱家”产生于宋元时代而通用于北方地区,具有方言特色,它用作单数自称时,相当于“我”,在一些地区被用作是带有情感标记的特殊称谓。莫言长篇小说《檀香刑》侧重了这种称谓的特殊性,以它所独有的语气和话语内涵在不同的情景语境中展现说话方自尊自大、傲慢无礼、调侃油滑、玩世不恭等情态,凸现“咱家”男性化的语用特征,从这一角度反映出“咱家”具有的一种倨称语用价值。  相似文献   
以中国传统文化思想为切入点,从墨色关系、虚实关系和“多少、繁简”关系三个方面探讨石鲁中国画画论中的笔墨观,得出石鲁的笔墨观不但根植于中国传统文化,又融合了唯物辨证法思想和二十世纪中国绘画新成果.由微见著说明石鲁的中国画绘画思想来源于中国传统文化与唯物辨证法及现代绘酒成果的结合。  相似文献   
气化论哲学认为,天地万物都处于一气运化之中,是气之阴阳交感化生的结果。艺术创作过程,是宇宙之气在主体内部积淀,与主体之气相应同,化生为作品之气的过程。具体说来,包括这样几个阶段:艺术创作的契机:气感;创作前审关心境:虚静与养气;神与物游,以天合天;生气贯注,气韵天成。  相似文献   
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