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We study a class of new scheduling problems which involve types of teamwork tasks. Each teamwork task consists of several components, and requires a team of processors to complete, with each team member to process a particular component of the task. Once the processor completes its work on the task, it will be available immediately to work on the next task regardless of whether the other components of the last task have been completed or not. Thus, the processors in a team neither have to start, nor have to finish, at the same time as they process a task. A task is completed only when all of its components have been processed. The problem is to find an optimal schedule to process all tasks, under a given objective measure. We consider both deterministic and stochastic models. For the deterministic model, we find that the optimal schedule exhibits the pattern that all processors must adopt the same sequence to process the tasks, even under a general objective function GC = F(f1(C1), f2(C2), … , fn(Cn)), where fi(Ci) is a general, nondecreasing function of the completion time Ci of task i. We show that the optimal sequence to minimize the maximum cost MC = max fi(Ci) can be derived by a simple rule if there exists an order f1(t) ≤ … ≤ fn(t) for all t between the functions {fi(t)}. We further show that the optimal sequence to minimize the total cost TC = ∑ fi(Ci) can be constructed by a dynamic programming algorithm. For the stochastic model, we study three optimization criteria: (A) almost sure minimization; (B) stochastic ordering; and (C) expected cost minimization. For criterion (A), we show that the results for the corresponding deterministic model can be easily generalized. However, stochastic problems with criteria (B) and (C) become quite difficult. Conditions under which the optimal solutions can be found for these two criteria are derived. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
In many practical situations of production scheduling, it is either necessary or recommended to group a large number of jobs into a relatively small number of batches. A decision needs to be made regarding both the batching (i.e., determining the number and the size of the batches) and the sequencing (of batches and of jobs within batches). A setup cost is incurred whenever a batch begins processing on a given machine. This paper focuses on batch scheduling of identical processing‐time jobs, and machine‐ and sequence‐independent setup times on an m‐machine flow‐shop. The objective is to find an allocation to batches and their schedule in order to minimize flow‐time. We introduce a surprising and nonintuitive solution for the problem. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
We consider the single machine parallel batch scheduling problems to minimize makespan and total completion time, respectively, under precedence relations. The complexities of these two problems are reported as open in the literature. In this paper, we settle these open questions by showing that both problems are strongly NP‐hard, even when the precedence relations are chains. When the processing times of jobs are directly agreeable or inversely agreeable with the precedence relations, there is an O(n2) time algorithm to minimize the makespan. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
A problem we call recurrent construction involves manufacturing large, complex, expensive products such as airplanes, houses, and ships. Customers order configurations of these products well in advance of due dates for delivery. Early delivery may not be permitted. How should the manufacturer determine when to purchase and release materials before fabrication, assembly, and delivery? Major material expenses, significant penalties for deliveries beyond due dates, and long product makespans in recurrent construction motivate choosing a release timetable that maximizes the net present value of cash flows. Our heuristic first projects an initial schedule that dispatches worker teams to tasks for the backlogged products, and then solves a series of maximal closure problems to find material release times that maximize NPV. This method compares favorably with other well‐known work release heuristics in solution quality for large problems over a wide range of operating conditions, including order strength, cost structure, utilization level, batch policy, and uncertainty level. Computation times exhibit near linear growth in problem size. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004  相似文献   
讨论了调度算法的性能指标,对目前基于业务流的调度算法的技术特点与性能优劣进行了分析和比较.重点研究了基于时延和丢包率的算法,并提出了一种基于数据包延时界(PDB)排列的调度策略,与WFQ及传统EDF算法进行了比较,证明业务端到端超时概率随网络带宽利用率的变化性能优于传统EDF算法.  相似文献   
One of the achievements of scheduling theory is its contribution to practical applications in industrial settings. In particular, taking finiteness of the available production capacity explicitly into account, has been a major improvement of standard practice. Availability of raw materials, however, which is another important constraint in practice, has been largely disregarded in scheduling theory. This paper considers basic models for scheduling problems in contemporary manufacturing settings where raw material availability is of critical importance. We explore single scheduling machine problems, mostly with unit or all equal processing times, and Lmax and Cmax objectives. We present polynomial time algorithms, complexity and approximation results, and computational experiments. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005.  相似文献   
Some properties of the geometric process are studied along with those of a related process which we propose to call the α‐series process. It is shown that the expected number of counts at an arbitrary time does not exist for the decreasing geometric process. The decreasing version of the α‐series process does have a finite expected number of counts, under certain conditions. This process also has the same advantages of tractability as the geometric process; it exhibits some properties which may make it a useful complement to the increasing geometric process. In addition, it may be fit to observed data as easily as the geometric process. Applications in reliability and stochastic scheduling are considered in order to demonstrate the versatility of the alternative model. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2005  相似文献   
We consider a parallel‐machine scheduling problem with jobs that require setups. The duration of a setup does not depend only on the job just completed but on a number of preceding jobs. These setup times are referred to as history‐dependent. Such a scheduling problem is often encountered in the food processing industry as well as in other process industries. In our model, we consider two types of setup times—a regular setup time and a major setup time that becomes necessary after several “hard‐to‐clean” jobs have been processed on the same machine. We consider multiple objectives, including facility utilization, flexibility, number of major setups, and tardiness. We solve several special cases assuming predetermined job sequences and propose strongly polynomial time algorithms to determine the optimal timing of the major setups for given job sequences. We also extend our analysis to develop pseudopolynomial time algorithms for cases with additional objectives, including the total weighted completion time, the total weighted tardiness, and the weighted number of tardy jobs. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
A national recycling and waste management company provides periodic services to its customers from over 160 service centers. The services are performed periodically in units of weeks over a planning horizon. The number of truck‐hours allocated to this effort is determined by the maximum weekly workload during the planning horizon. Therefore, minimizing the maximum weekly workload results in minimum operating expenses. The perfectly periodic service scheduling (PPSS) problem is defined based on the practices of the company. It is shown that the PPSS problem is strongly NP‐hard. Attempts to solve large instances by using an integer programming formulation are unsuccessful. Therefore, greedy BestFit heuristics with three different sorting schemes are designed and tested for six real‐world PPSS instances and 80 randomly generated data files. The heuristics provide effective solutions that are within 2% of optimality on average. When the best found BestFit schedules are compared with the existing schedules, it is shown that operational costs are reduced by 18% on average. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 59: 160–171, 2012  相似文献   
This article treats the problem of subdividing an area for storing containers such that the workload is evenly shared among the cranes operating the resulting subareas. We consider two crane sets: while noncrossing constraints between cranes of the same set need to be observed, cranes of different sets do not interfere. Such a problem setting is, for instance, relevant for scheduling the (un‐)loading of vessels by parallel quay cranes operating on opposing berths or in container yards with cross‐over cranes. We formalize the resulting optimization problem, prove computational complexity, and present exact and heuristic solution procedures. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
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