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由于SINS/GPS制导炸弹俯仰偏航要进行大空域的机动飞行,导致了其作为被控对象的状态方程参数变化剧烈,就要求飞控系统具有更强的适应能力和鲁棒性.因此.设计了基于模型参考变结构控制方法的鲁棒自动驾驶仪,具有良好的瞬态性能和抗参数大范围变化能力强等优点.以某型SlNS/GPS制导炸弹为例.选取典型的气动恶劣条件,进行了按给定制导指令飞行的六自由度全弹道飞行控制仿真,仿真结果表明,该自动驾驶仪能对制导炸弹实现鲁棒自适应控制,为飞控系统设计提供了重要参考.  相似文献   
灭火弹比药量与灭火效果关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在相同的试验条件下,对采用鼠笼式结构的灭火弹进行了静爆试验,并对采用不同比药量的灭火剂在爆轰作用下抛撒云团的成长过程和灭火效果进行对比分析,得出比药量与灭火效果的关系,最后确定最佳比药量。  相似文献   
某型火箭炮是新型的主战装备,对其战术技术性能的研究具有重要意义。采用仿真的方法对该型武器系统对目标的毁伤过程进行研究,可以大大节约实弹射击所需经费,并且可以动态地观察毁伤过程的细节。根据某型火箭炮弹抛撒子弹模型及子弹毁伤目标性能指标,采用理论分析和计算机模拟手段,对该型火箭炮弹对面积目标的毁伤过程进行了仿真,并得出了毁伤效率随子弹枚数和CEP的变化规律。研究成果对该型武器系统的作战运用具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   
类比法是一种较为常见的逻辑推理方法,在各研究领域均有应用,但在军事评估领域却应用甚少。基于类比法的子母弹射击效率评定具有简单、实用、经济、便于大量计算等优点。根据子母弹与传统弹药在射击效率评定过程中的相似性,在经典毁伤评估模型的基础上,通过类比法建立字母弹的射击效率评定模型。列举了几种典型目标,并以子母弹的类比法模型进行射击效率评定,最后将类比法所得结论与目标仿真法的结论反映在雷达图上,通过数据比对验证了类比法对子母弹射击效率评定的可行性。  相似文献   
针对INS/GPS制导炸弹对地面目标的精确打击问题,提出带落角约束的模糊变结构制导律。在变结构制导律的基础上,引入终端落角约束项,应用模糊规则对所设计制导律中的变结构开关项系数增益进行在线调节。仿真结果表明,在对地面目标进行攻击时,该制导律降低变结构控制系统的抖振,同时满足制导精度和期望落角的要求,具有有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   
束哲  刘天宇  曹欣芹 《国防科技》2020,41(6):116-121
子母弹作为一种面杀伤武器,在遂行封锁敌机场作战任务时可发挥有效作用。本文以子母弹主要技战术指标为研究对象,首先给出基于最小起飞窗口的跑道封锁判断方法和基于蒙特卡洛仿真的机场跑道封锁概率估算模型,然后研究了母弹圆概率误差、子炸弹抛撒半径、数量以及毁伤半径等主要弹药参数对机场跑道封锁率曲线的影响。结果表明:跑道封锁率对母弹圆概率误差和抛撒半径的变化较为敏感,通过优化上述参数可以显著降低子母弹耗弹量,提高封锁效率;相比之下,单枚母弹内子炸弹数量和单枚子炸弹毁伤半径在一定范围内变动时对机场封锁率影响较小。本仿真研究的结果可为封锁机场作战时弹药选取、耗弹量测算提供科学依据,并对子母弹后续型号改进提供有效建议。  相似文献   
This paper gives a succinct review of dual-spinprojectile stability and some technologies relating to them. It describes how the traditional stability factors from linear projectile theory are modified to better describe a controlled dual-spin projectile. Finally, it reviews works which have investigated how different aspects of a controlled dual-spin design can affect flight stability, primarily airframe structure and canard properties. A conclusion is given, highlighting important guidelines from the enclosed discussions.  相似文献   
通过对变结构导引下升力式飞行器直接撞击目标和制导炸弹攻击目标两种攻击方式的仿真计算,发现升力式飞行器直接撞击时虽然能够进行大范围机动,但是攻击目标单一、命中速度低,而制导炸弹攻击时,虽然能够攻击多个目标,命中速度高,但是打击范围小。综合两种方式的优点,对一种组合方式攻击进行仿真计算,发现采用该方式攻击不但能够通过大范围机动对多目标实施打击,而且还能保证较高的命中速度,验证了该组合攻击方式的可行性。  相似文献   
The reliability of the electronic components inside a guided projectile is highly affected by the launch dynamics of guided projectile. The engraving process plays a crucial role on determining the ballistic performance and projectile stability. This paper analyzes the dynamic response of a guided projectile during the engraving process. By considering the projectile center of gravity moving during the engraving process, a dynamics model is established with the coupling of interior ballistic equations. The results detail the stress situation of a guided projectile band during its engraving process. Meanwhile, the axial dynamic response of projectile in the several milliseconds following the engraving process is also researched. To further explore how the different performance of the engraving band can affect the dynamics of guided projectile, this paper focuses on these two aspects: (a) the effects caused by the different band geometry; and (b) the effects caused by different band materials. The time domain and frequency domain responses show that the dynamics of the projectile are quite sensitive to the engraving band width. A material with a small modulus of elasticity is more stable than one with a high modulus of elasticity.  相似文献   

The decision by the US government to drop the atomic bombs on Japan is one of the most heavily debated questions in history. This article examines one element of that debate, in many ways the most surprising. That was the different views of the top of the military hierarchy in the USA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS). The JCS was on the whole more sceptical about using atomic weaponry than the USA’s civilian leadership, for ethical and strategic reasons. As such they were willing to consider very different ways of ending the war.  相似文献   
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