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胡锦涛总书记在“七一”重要讲话中对坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路进行了科学阐释。这既是对90年来我们党领导人民建设社会主义民主政治实践经验的科学总结,也是对未来我国社会主义政治建设的战略部署。中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路,以党的领导、人民当家作主和依法治国有机统一为本质特征,具有严谨的制度架构、鲜明的特点和巨大的优势,是历史和人民的选择。在新的历史时期,坚持走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,必须立足我国国情,使之越走越实;积极稳妥地推进政治体制改革,使之越走越宽;大胆吸收和借鉴人类文明成果,使之越走越活;不断推进民主政治的制度化、规范化、程序化,使之越走越稳。  相似文献   
在体系SoS(System-of-Systems)工程领域中,如何构建科学合理的装备体系结构,即装备体系决策一直是众多问题中的热点之一。执行视图EV(Executive Views)是美军在解决体系决策问题方面的最新研究成果。与以往的工程手段相比,执行视图具有便于理解、易于使用、适于高层决策的特点,它为解决庞大复杂的体系决策问题提供了强有力的支持。美国陆军已经率先将执行视图应用于其指挥控制(C2)体系的决策之中,并取得了良好的效果。描述了执行视图产生的背景,通过示例展现了执行视图的开发结果和信息表示方法,并对传统视图和执行视图进行了比较。  相似文献   
提出一种编码感知的机会路由算法——CAR.它利用机会传输增加编码机会,并通过引入一系列参数衡量"机会"好坏,创造性地解决了交叉数据流下机会路由转发节点的选取问题,解决了流间网络编码和机会路由算法结合时数据包上下跳节点"已知"与"未知"的矛盾.CAR算法能够最大化每次编码传输中原始数据包的个数,仿真表明,它能够显著提高可靠传输协议以及整个网络的传输性能.通过机会传输实现多用户分集,可显著增加流间网络编码机会,引入的转发延时也可增加流间网络编码机会.  相似文献   
This study examines the failures of the William J. Clinton and Barack Obama administrations to secure ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). It applies an integrated analytical framework for assessing treaty ratification that builds upon previous research in order to understand why the Clinton administration failed to achieve CTBT ratification in 1999 and why the Obama administration has so far failed to advance the treaty in the Senate. The study concludes that CTBT ratification, despite Obama administration pledges of support, remains highly unlikely. Finally, the study analyzes the common domestic political factors present in both cases and suggests areas for further research.  相似文献   
深海会聚区效应是深海水声传播显著的特征,并为远距离潜艇探测提供了有效途径。首先分析了深海会聚区形成的原因和条件,然后根据海区会聚区的预报距离和宽度,构建了舰艇采用两次机动穿越会聚区测算被探测潜艇的位置和运动要素模型,最后通过算例分析舰艇两次穿越会聚区的方法和求解潜艇运动要素和位置的过程,分析结果验证了舰艇穿越会聚区对潜艇定位方法的可行性。  相似文献   
Washington's so-called Maritime Strategy, which sought to apply US naval might against Soviet vulnerabilities on its maritime flanks, came to full fruition during the 1980s. The strategy, which witnessed a major buildup of US naval forces and aggressive exercising in seas proximate to the USSR, also explicitly targeted Moscow”s strategic missile submarines with the aim of pressuring the Kremlin during crises or the early phases of global war. Relying on a variety of interviews and newly declassified documents, the authors assert that the Maritime Strategy represents one of the rare instances in history when intelligence helped lead a nation to completely revise its concept of military operations.  相似文献   
基于我国自主射频识别空中接口协议GJB 7377.1-2011,提出了一种对时钟偏差不敏感的无源RFID标签编解码算法。该算法充分考虑了时钟频率偏差、计数误差、分频误差等对编解码的影响,推导出了标签正确编解码所需的时钟约束条件,并得到了标签编解码的基本思路和方法。仿真结果表明,提出的编解码算法对标签时钟精度要求较低,只要时钟频率大于1.60 MHz,即可满足要求,大大降低了硬件实现的难度和复杂度,与同类实现方式相比,功耗降低了近50%。  相似文献   
Sales of arms are a significant component of international trade and raise a range of pressing policy issues. After a short review of the market, this paper provides a formal model of the trade which allows for competing forward‐looking suppliers whose welfare depends on both the economic benefits from the sales and the security repercussions of recipient behaviour. The recipient's behaviour depends on its military capability, a function of the stock of arms it has acquired. We first examine a myopic recipient, whose behaviour depends on current stocks, then a forward looking recipient for whom questions of the time‐consistency and the credibility of supplier threats to embargo or promises to resupply become crucial. Finally we examine the impact of supplier cooperation of the sort currently being discussed in the UN Security Council.  相似文献   
An availability‐oriented approach has been developed to decide when to replace an aging system. For an existing system, it is optimal to operate another year if and only if the incremental cost per available year is less than the lifetime average cost per available year of a new aircraft. We illustrate our approach using United States Air Force KC‐135 tanker data. In demonstrating our approach, we find it will be optimal to replace the KC‐135 by the end of the decade.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the long‐run demand for defence output through a homogeneous treatment of 15 NATO member countries between 1960 and 1999. We carry out a progressive study of the interactions between either defence spending or defence burden and their main determinants: income, external threat and allied military spending. To that end, we use time‐series analysis with endogenously determined structural breaks. We further consider individual country functions related to one another through a common correlated effects method, in order to take into account explicitly the connections between members of an alliance.  相似文献   
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