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目前航空装备的保障普遍存在保障费用高和装备可用度低的问题。针对视情维修(Condition-based Maintenance,简称CBM)在新一代航空装备中的应用,以保证航空装备的战备完好性,降低维修保障费用为目标,应用系统动力学原理,建立基于视情维修的航空装备保障费用的动态反馈结构模型。仿真结果表明,将视情维修方法应用到航空装备保障,可有效降低保障费用,提高战备完好率。  相似文献   
由于复杂的空中目标机动,其三维方向的机动强度是不一致的,传统IMM算法存在模型匹配不准确的问题,提出一种机动目标IMM三维并行滤波的跟踪算法。算法以CV和修正的CS模型为子集,在3个坐标轴上分别根据目标机动的分量实际更新其模型概率,并行IMM滤波方法,尽量确保模型的适配性,提高滤波精度。仿真结果表明,该算法比传统IMM方法跟踪精度更高,对空中机动目标跟踪适应性更强。  相似文献   
随着通用航空及无人机产业的发展,低成本及小型化的导航解决方案将具有广泛的市场。提出了一种基于单频GPS接收机的自迭代定位算法,用于提高定位精度,增强定位收敛性。对该算法的基本原理进行了分析,并推导出该算法的数学模型,通过静态实验的方法对该算法的收敛性进行验证,并将该算法的位置信息与最小二乘法解出的位置信息进行对比,体现了自迭代定位算法的优势。  相似文献   
Critical security advocates commonly portray strategic studies as crippled by its narrow focus on Cold War-era military issues, as state-centric and as Western-centric. I argue that this conception of the scope of strategy is flawed and I offer a comprehensive rebuttal by working out the logic of the theories advanced by Carl von Clausewitz and Thomas Schelling. The proponents of critical security overlook the striking expansion of strategy during the Cold War, its longstanding inclusion of competing political actors not just states, as well as its capacity to put Western and non-Western actors in a common analytic frame. By breaking out of the conceptual jails in which strategy has been incarcerated, I seek to reconnect International Relations to strategic thought from which it has become increasingly estranged.  相似文献   
Pakistan has an uneven history of dealing with insurgencies and extremism. This article identifies the various campaigns and policies employed to defeat militants and deal with violent extremism. It describes the major anti-state groups and how Pakistan’s military and civilian leaders, relying on the related strategies of selectivity, gradualism and containment, have allowed militancy and terrorism to thrive. This article finds that while the elites and the public may have belatedly come to appreciate the existential internal threats these groups pose to the country, there are strong reasons to doubt the state’s full commitment to its promises to take meaningful action.  相似文献   
With much fanfare, NATO declared its rapid reaction force—the NATO Response Force (NRF)—an Initial Operational Capability in 2004. This article addresses four questions: Where did the NRF come from? What does it look like in 2017? What have been the major obstacles for the NRF fulfilling its promises? And where is the NRF likely to go? The article holds two main arguments. First, due to inadequate fill-rates and disagreements as to the force’s operational role, the NRF was for many years a “qualified failure.” The force failed to become the operational tool envisioned by the allies in 2002. While not without effect, it fell hostage to the harsh reality of the expeditionary wars of Iraq and Afghanistan. Second, the NRF is off to a fresh beginning and will likely be considered at least a partial success by the allies in the years to come.  相似文献   
Stochastic network design is fundamental to transportation and logistic problems in practice, yet faces new modeling and computational challenges resulted from heterogeneous sources of uncertainties and their unknown distributions given limited data. In this article, we design arcs in a network to optimize the cost of single‐commodity flows under random demand and arc disruptions. We minimize the network design cost plus cost associated with network performance under uncertainty evaluated by two schemes. The first scheme restricts demand and arc capacities in budgeted uncertainty sets and minimizes the worst‐case cost of supply generation and network flows for any possible realizations. The second scheme generates a finite set of samples from statistical information (e.g., moments) of data and minimizes the expected cost of supplies and flows, for which we bound the worst‐case cost using budgeted uncertainty sets. We develop cutting‐plane algorithms for solving the mixed‐integer nonlinear programming reformulations of the problem under the two schemes. We compare the computational efficacy of different approaches and analyze the results by testing diverse instances of random and real‐world networks. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 64: 154–173, 2017  相似文献   
针对导弹系统技术复杂、贮存样本量受限、测试数据波动性较大等特点,结合装备的具体情况提出了基于改进GM(1,1)模型的导弹贮存可靠性预测方法。该方法首先利用"对数-幂函数变换"对导弹的历史可靠性数据进行处理,提高数据光滑度,然后依据GM(1,1)模型计算得到可靠性预测值和残差,再利用残差建立残差修正模型,得到残差修正值,减少残差对结果的影响,最后利用残差修正值修正可靠性预测值并还原,求得可靠性最终预测值。实例表明,该改进模型对导弹系统可靠性变化的描述比传统模型更加准确有效,预测结果精度更高,为导弹贮存可靠性预测分析提供了一种有效的改进方法,其算法设计推广性强,可作为其他装备寿命预估的重要工具。  相似文献   
基于改进ACO算法的多UAV协同航路规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无人机(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV)在执行任务过程中遇到的诸如敌方防空火力、地形障碍及恶略天气等各类威胁源,采用威胁源概率分布的方法进行威胁的量化处理,构建任务空间的威胁概率密度分布图,有效消除了威胁源的差异性。根据UAV在任务飞行过程中的性能约束与时、空协同约束,同时考虑任务过程中UAV的损毁概率最小、任务航程最短,构建了相应的综合任务航路代价最优化目标函数。结合传统蚁群优化算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)在解决此类问题中的不足,给出了相应的改进策略,提出采用协同多种群ACO进化策略来实现多UAV在满足时、空协同约束下的协同航路规划。通过相应的仿真计算表明,改进后的ACO协同多种群进化策略算法更适用于多UAV协同任务航路规划问题,具有一定的实用性。从而为多UAV协同任务航路规划问题的求解提供了科学的决策依据。  相似文献   
“Lack of money is the root of all evil”

George Bernard Shaw

In a environment where party financing, private funding in particular, is generally a laissez-faire business, as in most Southern African countries, there is the real risk that interest groups and wealthy individuals will buy influence in political parties and in so doing erode public confidence in the political system. Because they are neither open to public scrutiny nor subject to any legislative restraints, huge private donations can, and often do, come with strings attached. This lack of transparency and openness, as well as mechanisms to prevent it, provides ample ground for influence peddling, where those who pay the piper call the tune. Left unchecked, this party funding scenario will continue to be a serious indictment of the region's democratisation projects, crippling democracy and stunting economic development. This article consid  相似文献   
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