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通过TSS方法进行了雷达性能的优选分析研究,分别针对雷达的单一性能指标和综合性能指标进行了优选分析。首先运用TSS方法完成了基于单一性能指标的雷达性能优选分析,然后通过欧几里德贴近度完成了雷达的综合性能指标优选分析,最后给出了TSS方法在雷达性能优选分析研究中的应用实例。  相似文献   
防空导弹武器系统C3I仿真系统一体化研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代化的高科技战争中,C3I系统已成为武器系统的"神经中枢",建立一体化的C3I系统是联合作战、统一指挥的需要,同时也对C3I的仿真系统提出了一体化的要求。结合防空导弹武器两级指控仿真系统互操作问题的研究,首先简要介绍了仿真系统一体化的有关标准,然后介绍了互连的方式和对象,探讨和分析了互操作的模型、特点以及互操作性等级的评定。  相似文献   
介绍了一种μV级微弱电信号测量的实现方法,给出了测量放大电路的具体设计以及信号采集与处理软件流程图.与传统测量方法相比,此测量方法所使用的仪器体积小,重构测量系统方便,可直接由计算机对信号进行分析,是目前信号测量的主要发展方向.  相似文献   
国外火炮定位雷达的现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要描述了国外火炮定位雷达的研制现状,对美国研制的Firefinder系列雷达,俄罗斯研制的Zoopark-1雷达,英、法、德等国联合研制的COBRA雷达以及瑞典和挪威联合研制的AR THUR雷达等几种火炮定位雷达的特点、主要技术指标及市场销售情况做了简要的介绍,最后总结了国外火炮定位雷达的最新发展趋势。  相似文献   
高空制导飞行器从母舱释放后,制导舱与仪器舱之间部分电气电缆处于热真空条件下工作。对此种特定条件下的电缆进行了载流量计算。理论计算表明,给定的电缆设计满足在热真空条件下正常工作要求。最后简略介绍了载流量试验。  相似文献   
根据活动目标侦察雷达的特点和发现目标的环节,用马尔可夫过程对侦察系统的雷达搜索效率进行分析,得出计算模型,给出应用实例.对提高雷达的作战效能有一定意义.  相似文献   
目标的电磁散射特性研究对于实现雷达探测、识别、跟踪目标起着至关重要的作用,而雷达散射截面(Radar Cross Section,RCS)又是体现目标电磁散射特性的一个重要方面.参数曲面能精确模拟目标的几何外形,提高计算精度.采用参数曲面——双线性表面建模,运用物理光学(Physical Optics,PO)法计算电大...  相似文献   
By using split Hopkinson pressure bar, optical microscopy and electronic microscopy, we investigate the influence of initial microstructures on the adiabatic shear behavior of high-strength Ti–5Al–5V–5Mo–3Cr (Ti-5553) alloy with lamellar microstructure and bimodal microstructure. Lamellar alloy tends to form adiabatic shearing band (ASB) at low compression strain, while bimodal alloy is considerably ASB-resistant. Comparing with the initial microstructure of Ti-5553 alloy, we find that the microstructure of the ASB changes dramatically. Adiabatic shear of lamellar Ti-5553 alloy not only results in the formation of recrystallized β nano-grains within the ASB, but also leads to the chemical redistribution of the alloying elements such as Al, V, Cr and Mo. As a result, the alloying elements distribute evenly in the ASB. In contrast, the dramatic adiabatic shear of bimodal alloy might give rise to the complete lamination of the globular primary α grain and the equiaxial prior β grain, which is accompanied by the dynamic recrystallization of α lamellae and β lamellae. As a result, ASB of bimodal alloy is composed of α/β nano-multilayers. Chemical redistribution does not occur in ASB of bimodal alloy. Bimodal Ti-5553 alloy should be a promising candidate for high performance armors with high mass efficiency due to the processes high dynamic flow stress and excellent ASB-resistance.  相似文献   
Both heating and solvent-spray methods are used to consolidate the standard grains of double-base oblate sphere propellants plasticized with triethyleneglycol dinitrate (TEGDN) (TEGDN propellants) to high density propellants. The obtained consolidated propellants are deterred and coated with the slow burning multi-layer coating. The maximum compaction density of deterred and coated consolidated propellants can reach up to 1.39 g/cm3. Their mechanic, deconsolidation and combustion performances are tested by the materials test machine, interrupted burning set-up and closed vessel, respectively. The static compression strength of consolidated propellants deterred by multi-layer coating increases significantly to 18 MPa, indicating that they can be applied in most circumstances of charge service. And the samples are easy to deconsolidate in the interrupted burning test. Furthermore, the closed bomb burning curves of the samples indicate a two-stage combustion phenomenon under the condition of certain thickness of coated multi-layers. After the outer deterred multi-layer coating of consolidated samples is finished burning, the inner consolidated propellants continue to burn and breakup into aggregates and grains. The high burning progressivity can be carefully obtained by the smart control of deconsolidation process and duration of consolidated propellants. The preliminary results of consolidated propellants show that a rapid deconsolidation process at higher deconsolidation pressure is presented in the dynamic vivacity curves of closed bomb test. Higher density and higher macro progressivity of consolidated propellants can be obtained by the techniques in this paper.  相似文献   
根据典型舰载单脉冲跟踪雷达的组成及工作原理,介绍一种舰载单脉冲跟踪雷达仿真建模方法。重点描述了仿真原理及仿真模型组成,介绍了雷达信号特性仿真、雷达伺服系统仿真、雷达信号处理系统仿真等关键环节的数学仿真模型。结合仿真软件功能需求,给出了软件结构、软件运行流程等仿真软件设计要点。  相似文献   
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