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合成分队动态武器目标分配协同决策模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对合成分队地面作战特点,提出了一种动态武器目标分配的协同决策模型,该模型基于一种自适应决策中心的协同决策体系结构,以战场信息共享为核心,实现动态火力协同优化分配。提出了针对战场应急目标的一种快速火力分配方法,提高火力整体打击效率的火力适度分配优化方法,适应战场态势动态变化的anytime终止控制方法。仿真实例表明,该模型能够满足合成分队火力动态分配的需求,提高动态武器目标分配决策的合理性和科学性。  相似文献   
缺陷重构,即从漏磁信号反演出铁磁性材料的缺陷轮廓或几何参数,是漏磁无损评估中的一个重要研究方向。针对缺陷漏磁信号特征及缺陷轮廓特征的复杂性,提出基于引力搜索算法的漏磁缺陷重构方法。依据磁偶极子模型理论分析提取实测漏磁信号有效信息段,径向基函数神经网络作为前向模型,引力搜索算法作为迭代算法,利用其在高维解空间中避免陷入局部最优的能力,得到最优缺陷轮廓,实现缺陷重构。仿真和实验结果表明,基于引力搜索算法的缺陷重构方法能提高重构精度和效率,具有较高的实用价值。  相似文献   
为改善粒子群算法摆脱局部极值点的能力,提升种群进化的多样性,将免疫算法中免疫机制引入到粒子群算法中形成免疫粒子群算法;为有效提高故障覆盖率和缩短测试生成时间,将免疫粒子群算法引入文化算法框架中形成免疫粒子群的文化算法。将其应用于数字电路故障模型仿真实验并与其他测试生成算法进行对比,结果表明该算法能够有效提高故障覆盖率,缩短测试生成时间,在大规模电路测试生成与故障诊断中更具优势。  相似文献   
电子情报的分析处理,对提高电子对抗作战效能意义重大。综合运用聚类算法和分类算法构建了一种改进的电子情报分析模型。该模型首先通过基于粗糙集改进的k-means算法完成对记录数据库中雷达信号的聚类分选,选取聚类中心信号表征此类信号;再采用粗糙集提取有效的最优规则并用于聚类中心脉冲识别,从而分选出已知信号和未知信号;未知信号确定其特性后添加到已知威胁雷达数据库。通过仿真,验证了该模型的适用性和有效性。  相似文献   
针对地面机动目标跟踪过程中的多传感器管理问题展开了研究,设计了一种基于跟踪精度控制的多传感器多目标分配方法。首先,在考虑目标与目标之间、目标与传感器之间和传感器与传感器之间等的多种约束条件下运用基于协方差控制的思想建立了多传感器多目标分配问题的优化模型;接着将等价伪量测的异步融合算法与IMM算法结合,计算各目标在不同融合周期的跟踪精度估计值;最后,以目标的跟踪精度需求为出发点,结合蚁群算法的思想,设计了一种求解所建立的多传感器多目标分配问题的优化模型的算法。仿真结果表明:该管理方法能在确保跟踪精度需求的前提下,根据对各目标跟踪任务的重要程度,合理地调度传感器资源。  相似文献   
高清视频的信息量巨大,传输比较困难。 H.264作为视频压缩的主流标准,可以有效去除视频的冗余信息,提高视频的网络传输能力。针对H.264中运动估计算法耗时严重的问题,提出一种新的X型搜索算法。 X型算法由粗到细地进行搜索,先以X型快速搜索确定运动矢量的可能范围,然后在可能范围内进行局部全搜索,最终确定运动矢量。试验结果表明,X型搜索能够在保证视频质量的情况下大幅度缩短编码时间,有效提高运动估计算法的效率,兼顾了速度与精度,为高清视频的实时传输提供了保障。  相似文献   
We consider the problem of determining the capacity to assign to each arc in a given network, subject to uncertainty in the supply and/or demand of each node. This design problem underlies many real‐world applications, such as the design of power transmission and telecommunications networks. We first consider the case where a set of supply/demand scenarios are provided, and we must determine the minimum‐cost set of arc capacities such that a feasible flow exists for each scenario. We briefly review existing theoretical approaches to solving this problem and explore implementation strategies to reduce run times. With this as a foundation, our primary focus is on a chance‐constrained version of the problem in which α% of the scenarios must be feasible under the chosen capacity, where α is a user‐defined parameter and the specific scenarios to be satisfied are not predetermined. We describe an algorithm which utilizes a separation routine for identifying violated cut‐sets which can solve the problem to optimality, and we present computational results. We also present a novel greedy algorithm, our primary contribution, which can be used to solve for a high quality heuristic solution. We present computational analysis to evaluate the performance of our proposed approaches. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 236–246, 2016  相似文献   
In this article, we define two different workforce leveling objectives for serial transfer lines. Each job is to be processed on each transfer station for c time periods (e.g., hours). We assume that the number of workers needed to complete each operation of a job in precisely c periods is given. Jobs transfer forward synchronously after every production cycle (i.e., c periods). We study two leveling objectives: maximin workforce size () and min range (R). Leveling objectives produce schedules where the cumulative number of workers needed in all stations of a transfer line does not experience dramatic changes from one production cycle to the next. For and a two‐station system, we develop a fast polynomial algorithm. The range problem is known to be NP‐complete. For the two‐station system, we develop a very fast optimal algorithm that uses a tight lower bound and an efficient procedure for finding complementary Hamiltonian cycles in bipartite graphs. Via a computational experiment, we demonstrate that range schedules are superior because not only do they limit the workforce fluctuations from one production cycle to the next, but they also do so with a minor increase in the total workforce size. We extend our results to the m‐station system and develop heuristic algorithms. We find that these heuristics work poorly for min range (R), which indicates that special structural properties of the m‐station problem need to be identified before we can develop efficient algorithms. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 577–590, 2016  相似文献   
面向装备维修保障系统的多分辨率建模问题,提出了一种装备维修模型的聚合方法,为装备维修保障系统模型的聚合研究提供了一种新的思路。该方法通过聚合故障输入和推理维修状态实现维修模型的聚合。最后通过基于MATLAB的仿真实验验证了该方法的可行性。通过实例验证可以看出,该方法缩短了仿真时间,减少了复杂系统底层建模的工作量。  相似文献   
提出了一种新型的目标分配形式--顺序攻击目标分配形式,并以地空导弹拦截攻击机机群为研究对象,给出了均匀目标分配形式和顺序攻击目标分配形式,以及在机群无干扰武器和有干扰武器状态下,地空导弹拦截效果的算法模型.数值分析表明,顺序攻击目标分配形式有较好的攻击效果.  相似文献   
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