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基层部队在财务管理当中存在诸多与现行规定不相适应的问题,要提出具体解决措施,以提高基层部队财务管理水平。  相似文献   
消防工作是国民经济和社会发展的重要组成部分,是发展社会主义市场经济不可缺少的保障条件。作为与经济发展密切相关的公安消防部门,如何更好地适应经济发展的需要,实现消防工作跨越式发展,是当前公安消防部门需要深入研究探索的一个重要课题。  相似文献   
基于未确知测度的多目标决策方法及其应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
定义策略、目标和评判三个空间以及满足非负性、归一性和可加性的未确知测度函数,给出了适合于有序分割类评判空间寻优的最优决策准则,从而提出了一种未确知信息数学处理理论基础上的未确知测度决策方法,对含多因素特别是难以量化因素的决策问题寻优建立了一个合理、精细、分辨率高、计算简单高效的数学模型,用来求解多目标决策问题中的最优策略,并结合火力打击选择的一个实例分析,获得了较为成功的应用.  相似文献   
在非传统安全威胁不断增多的情况下,公安边防部队维护边疆社会治安和政治大局稳定的职能作用更加凸现。针对公安边防部队点多、线长、面广的特点和毗邻省区结合部管理防范相对薄弱的实际,研究探索新形势下加强毗邻跨域警务协同、联手固边的工作机制,形成无缝链接——“全国边防一盘棋”的整体战略,全面提升公安边防部队战斗力,具有极其重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
舆论战作为信息时代一种独立而重要的作战样式,是一种渗透力、攻击力、威慑力很强的特殊武器,是海上维权斗争行动的重要组成部分.文章对开展海上雏权斗争舆论战的紧迫性进行了分析,归纳总结了海上维权斗争舆论战的特点,探索了开展海上维权斗争舆论战的对策.  相似文献   
The design of military posture is an exercise in confronting potential enemies’ capabilities within the context of geographic, technological, temporal, political and economic constraints. No formal model is capable of encapsulating the essentials of so complex an environment for closed or simulated analysis, but it is useful to have an informal framework within which to reason interactively within these dimensions.

This paper presents such a scaffolding, patterned on the notion of a military posture as the output of an economic process whose structure reflects important determinants of the characteristics and extents of weaponry and expenditures that are appropriate to the environment within the feasibility set determined by the constraints. The analysis remains at an abstract level, but it does highlight the important shifts toward preparation for littoral warfare, greater reliance on reserve rather than active forces, and necessary changes in missions among military departments.  相似文献   

Decade-long security cooperation and counterterrorism engagements in Nigeria have failed to bring down Boko Haram or at least weaken its terrorist structures and transnational spread. I argue that disconnects between counterterrorism-assistance seeking states and their superpower sponsors are implicated in the intractability of Boko Haram's insurgency in Nigeria. Why is the U.S. counterterrorism intervention to individual MNJTF countries (i.e. troop contribution, military funding and intelligence support) ‘lopsided’, ‘fragmented’ and ‘unevenly distributed;’ and how are these implicated in the fight against Boko Haram terrorism? This has impacted negatively on MNJTF countries – lack of cooperation, divisiveness and individualism in coordinating and forging offensives against Boko Haram. These concerns interface several blind spots in the picture of external influences on military’s approach to Boko Haram. I elicit primary data from top military officers. I conclude by predicting the implications and consequences of these counterterrorism complexities, and their potency to defeat or encourage Boko Haram terror.  相似文献   
Colin Gray’s dimensions of strategy, built upon the earlier work of Clausewitz and Howard, has theoretical, practical, and pedagogic value for the Strategic Studies community. This paper further develops the theory, arguing that the dimensions can be controlled or managed to improve strategic performance. The dimensions are divided into two categories: “internal” and “external” to the process of strategy. The paper describes the dynamic process by which the internal dimensions, which can be controlled, are used to exert influence over the external dimensions that are beyond the control of the strategist. It is argued that six dimensions hold the key to strategic success: politics and the five dimensions concerned with warfighting. This conclusion validates the Clausewitzian paradigm with its emphasis on policy and battle.  相似文献   
为了验证高功率密度柴油机智能化控制冷却系统控制策略是否正确,以DSPACE为基础搭建了半实物仿真试验平台;通过仿真试验平台验证,控制策略符合柴油机冷却系统工作要求,电控阀、传感器、驱动电路等部件工作可靠,节省了研制时间、经费,降低了研制风险。  相似文献   
针对集贸市场规模大、可燃物多、火灾荷载大、人员密集等特点,分析其火灾发生的原因,提出宏观管理控制、合理制定消防技术标准、建立统一的消防管理体制等消防工作对策.  相似文献   
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