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对大气层内飞行的TBM弹道进行预测时,需要根据不同的应用要求,在求解精度允许范围内用近似方法对六自由度运动进行简化,获得简便实用的弹道预测方法。在假设获得TBM被动段弹道初始位置和速度参数的基础上,首先构建简便实用的处于大气层内飞行的TBM被动段抛物线弹道模型;然后将雷达测得的TBM被动段弹道初始位置和速度参数作为初始条件,对弹道方程采用精度较高的龙格-库塔法进行求解,相应得出被动段弹道上各点及落点的位置和速度参数,进一步确定出落点位置的地理位置经纬度。在某地空攻防对抗仿真项目中应用表明,弹道模型及其求解方法可应用于实战或较为逼真的仿真系统中。  相似文献   
遗传算法在防空导弹火力优化分配中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了遗传算法的基本原理、算法设计并结合遗传算法主要解决了如何把目标分配给火力单元的问题,编写了相应的程序,并给出了一个基于遗传算法的火力优化分配方案。  相似文献   
多目标拦截是弹道导弹防御的重大难题,也是目前美国导弹防御系统所遇到的最大的技术难点。在将多目标问题分为单弹头攻击和多弹头攻击2类问题的基础上,结合美国的相关研究计划,分别针对核爆炸防御、助推段防御、先进的目标识别器和多拦截器防御等多目标拦截策略进行了分析研究。  相似文献   
EMP武器以其极强的破坏性在现代战争中展现出了显著的作战效能。为了提高EMP环境下导弹作战防护能力,简单分析了EMP的产生过程,阐述了EMP武器在作战运用中的干扰、软(硬)杀伤的作用机理,研究了EMP环境对导弹及测试设备、指挥系统、计算机系统的影响,提出了导弹作战中对EMP的防护应采取设置法拉第笼、可靠接地、滤波等防护对策。  相似文献   
针对在开展航空侦察取证时缺乏自动化、智能化取证手段的情况,提出了一种基于Reti-naNet与SE融合的航空取证目标检测算法,解决目标尺度变化大、数据集中类别不均衡的问题,并通过SE (squeeze-excitations)模块引入注意力机制进一步改进性能.该改进算法中的特征金字塔网络FPN可有效应对目标尺寸变化较大...  相似文献   
The damage effects of fluid-filled submunition payload impacted by the kinetic kill vehicle (KKV) are investigated by simulations and ground-based experiments. Numerical simulations showed that the damage level and number of submunitions were significantly influenced by the diameter of the KKV compared with its length. Based on that, a high velocity penetrator formed by shaped charge explosion was used to simulate the direct hit experiment of a KKV impacting submunition payload. Experimental results demonstrated that the damage modes of submunitions mainly included the slight damage, perforation and total smash, showing a good agreement with the simulations. To understand the multiple damage modes of submunitions, the damage behavior of the submunitions in direct hit process were analyzed based on the AUTODYN-3D code. Numerical results presented that increased KKV diameter can increase the crater diameter and expand the damage volume, which will achieve a higher direct hit lethality. Further analysis indicated that there were other mechanical behaviors can enhance the damage to submunitions not lying in the KKV flight path, such as secondary debris kill, neighboring submunitions collision with each other, and high-speed fluid injection effect.  相似文献   
In the present study, thermal hazards of TNT and DNAN used as the molten binder in TKX-50-based melt-cast explosives were comparatively studied through accelerating rate calorimeter (ARC) and Cook-off experiments. Two kinds of ARC operation modes were performed to investigate the thermal safety performance under adiabatic conditions (HWS mode) and constant heating (CHR mode). The obtained results demonstrated that at both heating modes, DNAN/TKX-50 outperformed TNT/TKX-50 from the thermal safety point of view. However, the sensitivity to heat of the samples was reverse because of the different heating modes. In addition, the results of thermal hazard assessment obtained from the cook-off experiment complied with ARC analysis which indicated the molten binder TNT replaced by DNAN would reduce the hazard of the TKX-50 melt cast explosive. Furthermore, the results of cook-off experiments also showed that DNAN/TKX-50 outperformed TNT/TKX-50 from the aspect of thermal stability, which was consistent with the result of CHR mode because of the similar heating process.  相似文献   
基于离散化模型的雷达优化配置与部署方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷达优化配置与部署问题存在模型复杂的问题,很难对其进行优化.提出了一种基于网格的离散化模型.雷达配置与部署的方案、雷达网对防区的覆盖能力以及雷达布站的约束条件都分别通过网格和矩阵进行了定量描述,在此基础上,建立了雷达优化配置与部署问题的数学模型.这样就可以采用模拟退火算法对该问题优化.仿真实验证明了该方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   
相变温控混凝土相变储热性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
混凝土中加入相变材料之后对水化反应产生的热量有一定的吸收,从而对混凝土内部温度有一定的控制作用,这将减少混凝土温度裂缝产生的几率.通过筛选带一定结晶水的硬脂酸、月桂酸和正十二醇的3种有机相变材料,模拟实际大体积混凝土工程来研究不同相变材料的掺量、控温效果.运用计算机软件绘制时间一温度曲线,从中搜寻出最佳的相变材料掺量.  相似文献   
本文通过作者的实际教学活动,结合学校具体情况,总结了有关《信息组织原理》的教学经验,并对今后如何更好的教学提出了改革措施。  相似文献   
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