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境外反恐行动在国际上已有大量先例,对于一个境外目标面临恐怖威胁或遭受恐怖袭击的国家,是不容回避的现实问题。通过对境外反恐行动产生的根源、各国境外反恐的对策、采取的方式及其制约因素的综合分析,能够得出有益的启示。反恐怖斗争的严峻现实和发展趋势,要求我们探索境外反恐对策,切实保护国家利益和人民生命财产安全,同时为国际反恐斗争作出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
随着大学英语教学改革的深入,网络环境下的自主听力教学逐渐成为听力教学的主要方式,然而部分研究表明学习效果并非完全令人满意。在此背景之下,有必要对近年来听力自主学习相关研究结果进行分析,探索英语听力自主学习策略的培养,指导今后大学英语听力自主学习教学。  相似文献   
In a rendez‐vous search two or more teams called seekers try to minimize the time needed to find each other. In this paper, we consider s seekers in a rectangular lattice of locations where each knows the configuration of the lattice, the distribution of the seekers at time 0, and its own location, but not the location of any other. We measure time discretely, in turns. A meeting takes place when the two seekers reach the same point or adjacent points. The main result is that for any dimension of lattice, any initial distribution of seekers there are optimal strategies for the seekers that converge (in a way we shall make clear) to a center. © 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2007  相似文献   
This article – based on interviews with Norwegian Provincial Reconstruction Team (PRT) commanders and the lessons-learned database of the Norwegian Armed Forces – argues that what appear to be an inability or unwillingness to learn and adapt in war may have other explanations. The ambiguity of experiences makes lessons contested, contradictory, and fluid interpretations of confusing events. Consequently, they do not provide unequivocal guidance for adaptation. Even when lessons learned are fairly clear and agreed upon, adaptation does not automatically follow, as force autonomy may be quite limited, at least for small states in coalition operations conducted in partnership with indigenous forces.  相似文献   
学习动机是学习主观能动性的主要体现,决定着学生本身的学习活动和学习效果,因此,对学生学习动机的研究,是激发学生学习动机以及组织有效教学的重要途径。本课题组利用问卷调查的方法,对石河子市第二十八中学八年级283名同学物理学习动机进行调查,调查发现:(1)该校八年级物理学习动机总体水平中,自我提高内驱力水平最高;(2)该校八年级学生学习物理的动力很大部分来自于对物理知识本身的追求以及对物理学的好奇心与求知欲;(3)该校八年级同学物理学习中,自我效能感的水平最低;(4)该校八年级学生学习物理学习动机中认知内驱力方面男生要明显高于女生。  相似文献   
This article explores the evolution of the field of military innovation studies, critiquing its theoretical foundations and setting out a number of challenges that must be overcome if the field is to fulfil its potential and enhance its contribution to wider disciplinary debates as well as to the practitioner community. Tensions between the main theoretical approaches to military innovation are examined as are the challenges inherent in its increasingly multidisciplinary character. The issue of whether military innovation studies constitutes a field in its own right is addressed before recommendations are made to expand the field’s research agenda, broaden its theoretical base and strengthen its multidisciplinary credibility.  相似文献   
第二语言习得的研究出现多元化现象,研究者从不同的角度、不同的侧面进行深入的研究,提出了许多新的观点。随着这一领域研究的深入,研究学习者外语学习的心理一认知过程逐渐成为第二语言习得领域学者关注的热点。本文认为学习者坚持语言学习不仅仅是习惯的养成,而是一种语言习得、脑力劳动和认知发展过程,强调学习者在语言学习过程中的积极作用,有利于促进第二语言的获得。  相似文献   
定性定量相结合是战争设计工程的技术基础,为了探讨定性定量相结合中的如何从定量到定性进行反思,提出了定量评价干预策略的一致性检验方法;研究了从定量到定性反思的实现方法。最后以一个实例说明了整个从定量到定性进行反思的过程,并证实该反思方法是有效可行的。  相似文献   
为探索深度学习理论在视频图像帧间运动补偿问题中的应用,提出一种用于视频图像帧间运动补偿的深度卷积神经网络。该网络由卷积模块和反卷积模块构成,可以处理不同分辨率输入图像并具备保持较完整图像细节的能力。利用具有时序一致性的视频图像序列构造训练样本,采用随机梯度下降法对设计的深度卷积神经网络进行训练。视觉效果和数值评估实验表明,训练得到的网络较传统方法能更有效地进行视频图像帧间运动补偿。  相似文献   
以保障战争物流所需的保障网络为背景,基于面向任务的再路由策略,提出了保障网络性能可用性评估框架。以任务物流时延为例,研究了各种再路由策略下网络性能可用性指标的计算公式,绘制了时延曲线图,并作了对比分析。  相似文献   
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