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We study a stochastic inventory model of a firm that periodically orders a product from a make‐to‐order manufacturer. Orders can be shipped by a combination of two freight modes that differ in lead‐times and costs, although orders are not allowed to cross. Placing an order as well as each use of each freight mode has a fixed and a quantity proportional cost. The decision of how to allocate units between the two freight modes utilizes information about demand during the completion of manufacturing. We derive the optimal freight mode allocation policy, and show that the optimal policy for placing orders is not an (s,S) policy in general. We provide tight bounds for the optimal policy that can be calculated by solving single period problems. Our analysis enables insights into the structure of the optimal policy specifying the conditions under which it simplifies to an (s,S) policy. We characterize the best (s,S) policy for our model, and through extensive numerical investigation show that its performance is comparable with the optimal policy in most cases. Our numerical study also sheds light on the benefits of the dual freight model over the single freight models. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2011  相似文献   
造型技术是CAD/CAM的核心技术。本文较详细地介绍了几何造型、壳体造型及特征造型的理论与算法,分析了各种造型方法及形体表示方法的优缺点,最后探讨了造型技术的发展趋势。  相似文献   
We consider a single‐queue with exhaustive or gated time‐limited services and server vacations, in which the length of each service period at the queue is controlled by a timer, i.e., the server serves customers until the timer expires or the queue becomes empty, whichever occurs first, and then takes vacations. The customer whose service is interrupted due to the timer expiration may be attended according to nonpreemptive or preemptive service disciplines. For the M/G/1 exhaustive/gated time‐limited service queueing system with an exponential timer and four typical preemptive/nonpreemptive service disciplines, we derive the Laplace—Stieltjes transforms and the moment formulas for waiting times and sojourn times through a unified approach, and provide some new results for these time‐limited service disciplines. © John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 48: 638–651, 2001.  相似文献   
In this paper we present an algorithm for solving a class of queueing network design problems. Specifically, we focus on determining both service and arrival rates in an open Jackson network of queueing stations. This class of problems has been widely studied and used in a variety of applications, but not well solved due to the difficulty of the resulting optimization problems. As an example, consider the classic application in computer network design which involves determining the minimum cost line capacities and flow assignments while satisfying a queueing performance measure such as an upper limit on transmission delay. Other application areas requiring the selection of both service and arrival rates in a network of queues include the design of communication, manufacturing, and health care systems. These applications yield optimization problems that are difficult to solve because typically they are nonconvex, which means they may have many locally optimal solutions that are not necessarily globally optimal. Therefore, to obtain a globally optimal solution, we develop an efficient branch and bound algorithm that takes advantage of the problem structure. Computational testing on randomly generated problems and actual problems from a health care organization indicate that the algorithm is able to solve realistic sized problems in reasonable computing time on a laptop computer. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 47: 1–17, 2000  相似文献   
Capacity providers such as airlines and hotels have traditionally increased revenues by practicing market segmentation and revenue management, enabling them to sell the same capacity pool to different consumers at different prices. Callable products can enhance profits and improve consumers' welfare by allowing the firm to broker capacity between consumers with different willingness to pay. A consumer who buys a callable product gives the capacity provider the right to recall capacity at a prespecified recall price. This article studies callable products in the context of the model most commonly used in industry, which handles time implicitly imposing fewer restrictions on the nature of randomness compared to the Poisson arrival process favored in academia. In the implicit time model, capacity providers set booking limits to protect capacity for future high-fare demand. Our numerical study identifies conditions where callable products result in significant gains in profits.  相似文献   
采用固态粉压型Ag/AgC1电极对参数已知的水下低频交流电场进行探测.通过改变水中电场信号的特征参数进行对比实验,以检测电极对信号频率和幅值的响应特性.实验结果表明:发射信号在0~4 Hz、15~35 mV的范围内时,Ag/AgCl电极的探测灵敏度随发射信号幅值的增加而增强,并且探测信号能够真实地反映发射信号的频率特征.最后,提出了电场探测电极的响应性能的表征参数.  相似文献   
给出某地炮营通信系统信息传输的CSMA/CD(Carrier Sense Multiple Acces/Collision Detection)排队论模型,提出了信道争用和碰撞的问题,用单机和网络仿真分析了载波监听条件下通信失效的概率,给出信道争用和碰撞的几个性能指标,并利用软件的方法,提供了减少碰撞的方案  相似文献   
一种新型混合跳频通信技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文中提出了一种新型混合跳频通信技术,该技术结合传统跳频技术和差分跳频技术,在较窄的频带上采用差分跳频调制,并将该调制信号与另一更宽频带内的慢跳频信号进行混频,最终得到一个跳速高、频带宽的调制信号。接收端解调时,先按照传统跳频解调的方式进行慢跳频的解调,再按照差分跳频解调的方式对信号进行差分跳频解调。这种混合跳频通信技术在提高数据传输速率的同时,也可以很好地改善系统的误码率性能和抗单音干扰性能。  相似文献   
国外火炮定位雷达的现状和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要描述了国外火炮定位雷达的研制现状,对美国研制的Firefinder系列雷达,俄罗斯研制的Zoopark-1雷达,英、法、德等国联合研制的COBRA雷达以及瑞典和挪威联合研制的AR THUR雷达等几种火炮定位雷达的特点、主要技术指标及市场销售情况做了简要的介绍,最后总结了国外火炮定位雷达的最新发展趋势。  相似文献   
软件无线电技术近年来得到了较快发展,其主要是利用软件来实现无线通信系统中的各种功能。介绍了软件无线电的关键技术、评价标准和发展过程,并展望了软件无线电的发展前景。  相似文献   
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