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基于马尔柯夫过程的武器系统目标分配问题决策分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
将防空作战中武器系统目标分配决策作为一个在动态随机系统中实现最优化的问题,并用马尔柯夫过程理论进行建模分析,提出新的算法并运用Matlab编程;通过对实行不同策略时武器系统长期平均效能的分析比较,指出在目标分配问题上仅靠原有的静态线性规划决策方法是不够的,还必须考虑动态随机对抗过程本身的特性.  相似文献   
高层建筑高度高、结构复杂、火灾蔓延途径多、人员疏散困难,发生火灾后如控制不及时,后果不堪设想。因此,对高层建筑防火设计的要求越来越严格,而消防给水则是最重要的一个部分。对高层建筑消防给水系统形式、室内外消火栓、水泵接合器的设置等几个方面问题进行了研究,希望能为从事此方面工作的人员提供借鉴。  相似文献   
为满足陆军装备对电源保障的特殊要求,提出了一种由发动机-发电机组、电功率变换器、蓄电池、交流电机驱动系统组成的新型机动电源保障平台,对平台中主要子系统进行了设计和开发,完成了一吨级4×4混合动力新型机动电源保障平台的研制。试验结果表明:研究成果不仅实现了保障平台机动能力强、功能多等要求,而且具有良好的操控性。  相似文献   
We consider a generalization of the well‐known generalized assignment problem (GAP) over discrete time periods encompassed within a finite planning horizon. The resulting model, MultiGAP, addresses the assignment of tasks to agents within each time period, with the attendant single‐period assignment costs and agent‐capacity constraint requirements, in conjunction with transition costs arising between any two consecutive periods in which a task is reassigned to a different agent. As is the case for its single‐period antecedent, MultiGAP offers a robust tool for modeling a wide range of capacity planning problems occurring within supply chain management. We provide two formulations for MultiGAP and establish that the second (alternative) formulation provides a tighter bound. We define a Lagrangian relaxation‐based heuristic as well as a branch‐and‐bound algorithm for MultiGAP. Computational experience with the heuristic and branch‐and‐bound algorithm on over 2500 test problems is reported. The Lagrangian heuristic consistently generates high‐quality and in many cases near‐optimal solutions. The branch‐and‐bound algorithm is also seen to constitute an effective means for solving to optimality MultiGAP problems of reasonable size. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2012  相似文献   
We consider a processing network in which jobs arrive at a fork‐node according to a renewal process. Each job requires the completion of m tasks, which are instantaneously assigned by the fork‐node to m task‐processing nodes that operate like G/M/1 queueing stations. The job is completed when all of its m tasks are finished. The sojourn time (or response time) of a job in this G/M/1 fork‐join network is the total time it takes to complete the m tasks. Our main result is a closed‐form approximation of the sojourn‐time distribution of a job that arrives in equilibrium. This is obtained by the use of bounds, properties of D/M/1 and M/M/1 fork‐join networks, and exploratory simulations. Statistical tests show that our approximation distributions are good fits for the sojourn‐time distributions obtained from simulations. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
In this article we address an important class of supply contracts called the Rolling Horizon Flexibility (RHF) contracts. Under such a contract, at the beginning of the horizon a buyer has to commit requirements for components for each period into the future. Usually, a supplier provides limited flexibility to the buyer to adjust the current order and future commitments in a rolling horizon manner. We present a general model for a buyer's procurement decision under RHF contracts. We propose two heuristics and derive a lower bound. Numerically, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the heuristics for both stationary and non‐stationary demands. We show that the heuristics are easy to compute, and hence, amenable to practical implementation. We also propose two measures for the order process that allow us to (a) evaluate the effectiveness of RHF contracts in restricting the variability in the orders, and (b) measure the accuracy of advance information vis‐a‐vis the actual orders. Numerically we demonstrate that the order process variability decreases significantly as flexibility decreases without a dramatic increase in expected costs. Our numerical studies provide several other managerial insights for the buyer; for example, we provide insights into how much flexibility is sufficient, the value of additional flexibility, the effect of flexibility on customer satisfaction (as measured by fill rate), etc. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2008  相似文献   
结合航材供应链特点,建立航材供应链冲突诊断指标体系,并将节点问协作指标引入体系之中。通过模糊产生式规则,建立航材供应链冲突诊断模型,进行诊断推理,找出引起冲突的关键因素,并提出航材供应链冲突的防范对策。  相似文献   
从我军战术弹药供应保障现状研究入手,按照环境、组成、结构、运行与功能五要素对战术弹药供应保障系统进行分析后,发现信息在系统内串行的处理和传递顺序是导致系统自主性和响应性不足的主要原因之一。提出通过系统结构和运行改进使信息流动由串行变为串并行结合,从而提高供应保障系统的响应速度,并通过计算验证了改进的有效性。  相似文献   
结合工程设计实践,以性能化设计为指引,按照经济合理、安全可靠的原则,从室外消火栓数量的确定、水泵接合器数量的确定、消防水池容积的确定、消防给水系统形式的选择几个方面探讨了消防给水系统的设计,以求更新设计理念,提高设计效益。  相似文献   
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