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On 4 January 1961 in Baixa do Cassange, in the north of Angola, the blacks who worked in the cotton fields began a strike. The army with air support was called to quell the rebellion, and the article emphasizes the importance of air support tethered to the ground forces, particularly in a remote and vast area of operations in the tropical rainy season. In this case, the support originally came in the form a squadron of Lockheed PV-2 Harpoons from Luanda, some 300 kilometers away. These open-ocean reconnaissance aircraft and their crews were ill-suited for the task. When this became apparent, four small Auster D5/160s were relocated from Negage to Malange, among the ground forces. The Austers flew reconnaissance missions over the troubled zones, dropped provisions and messages to the advancing ground forces, and served as a backup communications link. When the strike ceased after three weeks, the Austers assumed a humanitarian role in support of the starving population. The conclusion is that air support to ground forces is indispensable, must be properly tailored to the job, and must operate as an integral part of the ground forces.  相似文献   
Croatia's successful bid for independence was one of the defining moments of the immediate post-Cold War period. Nevertheless, the means that Croatia used to obtain independence remains relatively unexamined by academics. This article focuses on the early period of Croatia's bid for secession, and specifically the role that Yugoslavia's policy of Total National Defence played in facilitating its independence. Unlike in Slovenia, where the legacies of Total National Defence facilitated Slovenia's bid for secession, in Croatia the decision of its political leaders meant that the country largely neglected its positive legacies, resulting in a protracted four-year struggle.  相似文献   
政策的执行是一项系统性工作,其中领导者的综合素质、直达基层的领导骨干、及时高效的反馈机制、牢靠的群众基础以及周密配套的实施方案,都是政策执行的必备要素。讨论政策执行的必备要素,对于政策的执行乃至当前的改革,都具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   
针对IFS吸引子变形过程中间出现的分形特征退化的问题,提出基于局部吸引子的近似凸包及旋转匹配的特征对应方法.IFS吸引子的局部吸引子可由独立的IFS生成,IFS中每个压缩仿射映射存在不动点,构造所有不动点的凸包,即得到局部近似凸包;证明了局部近似凸包间的相似对应等价于局部吸引子间的相似对应,并提出了通过旋转匹配的特征对应方法实现局部近似凸包的配对,最后计算所有配对下相似度最高的一组局部近似凸包匹配,确定局部吸引子间的特征对应,即IFS特征对应.对两个IFS进行线性插值可实现保持分形特征的分形变形.  相似文献   
“钱学森之问”是广大校长必须直面的一个严峻课题。校长作为一所学校教学业务的指导者和教育行政的管理者,应以教学、管理、学生、教师及社会为基本职业维度,在工作中以“五心”标准要求自己。导致校长履职失范的因素包括校长自我认知错位、上级行政主管单位制度缺位及学校教职工角色异位等方面。人格自觉与制度跟进是加强校长队伍建设、规范校长治校理教的根本和正途。  相似文献   
在对移动代理进行研究的基础上 ,提出了一种基于移动代理技术的入侵检测系统结构模型 ,该模型充分利用了移动代理技术的特点和软件代理技术的优势 ,能够解决目前入侵检测系统设计和实现中存在的某些缺陷[1] 。  相似文献   
当代中国军人有着崇尚革命英雄主义的审美理想和以朴素、庄严、威武为本的审美观念。客观存在的美的事物与能够成为军人审美对象的事物之间总有不小的距离,要把直观和表象加工成概念,并运用从抽象上升到具体的方法,形成一个具有严密逻辑顺序的军人审美能动性发挥系统尤为重要,从美感系统的构建、审美意识的培养等方面对军人审美能动性的发挥进行了简要论述。  相似文献   
建立了一种螺旋轮式管道检测机器人驱动系统的三维模型,对驱动系统通过凸台和三通的能力进行了动力学分析。研究了预紧弹簧刚度和预紧力对螺旋轮过凸台能力的影响,讨论了过三通时的几何约束和动力学约束条件,并通过算例分析,验证了模型的正确性。  相似文献   
讨论了微裂纹的某些不同于大型裂纹的增长特性,提出了一种微裂纹在某种材料上的多级扩展模型,利用微裂纹的增长数据来预计材料的可靠性。  相似文献   
There is a growing view that the emerging brand of Chinese regional diplomacy in recent years is increasingly assertive. This article attempts to make better sense of this perceived more forceful Chinese diplomacy. It argues that Chinese regional behavior is more profitably understood through the lens of a two-pronged foreign policy strategy that combines two particular aspects. One is a tougher and more uncompromising approach toward issues that China regards as concerning its core interests. The other is a more flexible and cooperative position toward interests that, while significant, are of secondary importance.  相似文献   
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