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在复杂网络中发现和刻画社区结构是近年来复杂网络研究的重点方向之一。提出了一种社区挖掘的新思路,即根据力导向模型的原理,通过计算社区与节点之间的作用力来决定节点的社区归属。根据该思路设计了基于力导向模型的算法框架FDCD(Force-directed Community Detect),并利用FR模型、KK模型、LL模型和Q模型进行了验证。实验表明,基于FDCD算法框架的多种不同算法不仅能较好地识别社区结构,而且基于LL模型的FDCD算法达到了线性计算复杂度,能适用于大规模网络的社区挖掘。  相似文献   
核安全是国家安全体系的重要组成部分。针对博弈过程定量化分析方法的不足,调整冲突消解图模型分析方法并将其应用于核危机博弈分析。提出冲突消解图模型分析流程、相关定义和矩阵表示方法;以1969年爆发的中苏核危机为背景,基于历史数据构建核危机冲突模型,应用矩阵表示算法分析博弈状态演化过程;引入博弈政策和军事能力两类模型参数,调节参数进行博弈模型敏感性分析;应用联盟分析方法识别出可能存在的决策者联盟及其对国家关系演化的影响;根据模型数据分析结果,总结相关结论和决策参考。研究结果表明,冲突分析方法适用于核危机管控研究,采用与军事实力相匹配的策略在危机博弈演化中具有重要作用。  相似文献   
路径规划识别是一种以位置信息为输入的在线识别。为了使CGF能在仿真中识别对手的路径和终点目标,在分析路径规划层次的基础上引入了抽象隐马尔可夫模型的识别框架。针对标准模型在对手更改终点目标和自上而下规划时无法识别的问题,提出了一种顶层策略可变的抽象隐马尔可夫模型。为模型的顶层策略增加初始分布和策略终止变量,更改了策略终止变量间的依赖关系,使下层策略能被强制终止。给出了改进后DBN结构,并通过推导条件概率更新和RB变量抽样流程实现了模型的近似推理。仿真实验表明,改进模型能准确识别给定环境下的各类典型航迹,不仅在终点目标不变时能较好地维持标准模型的识别准确率,在提供足够的观测数据后还能很好地解决变目标识别问题。  相似文献   
一种基于特征匹配的实时电子稳像算法   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
为了实时地稳定摄像系统的输出视频,提出了一种基于特征匹配的实时电子稳像算法。将改进的Kanade Lucas Tomasi(KLT)算法用于特征提取,并提出一种新的基于灰度投影均值的特征匹配算法。为了保证稳像结果的鲁棒性,还给出了特征的有效性检验方法。另外,基于高实时性对运动滤波算法的要求,在有意运动参数估计中采用了递归Kalman滤波法。实验表明,在微机上稳定单帧图像仅需24.7ms,能够满足实时性要求,且具有良好的稳像效果。  相似文献   
Lanchester equations and their extensions are widely used to calculate attrition in models of warfare. This paper examines how Lanchester models fit detailed daily data on the battles of Kursk and Ardennes. The data on Kursk, often called the greatest tank battle in history, was only recently made available. A new approach is used to find the optimal parameter values and gain an understanding of how well various parameter combinations explain the battles. It turns out that a variety of Lanchester models fit the data about as well. This explains why previous studies on Ardennes, using different minimization techniques and data formulations, have found disparate optimal fits. We also find that none of the basic Lanchester laws (i.e., square, linear, and logarithmic) fit the data particularly well or consistently perform better than the others. This means that it does not matter which of these laws you use, for with the right coefficients you will get about the same result. Furthermore, no constant attrition coefficient Lanchester law fits very well. The failure to find a good‐fitting Lanchester model suggests that it may be beneficial to look for new ways to model highly aggregated attrition. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics, 2004.  相似文献   
针对光电探测设备工作特点,依据水平轰炸瞄准原理,提出了基于测距法的轰炸光电瞄准算法。确定了瞄准诸元解算方法,并对算法进行了验证。验证中,确定了约束条件,解决了输入参数模拟问题,使瞄准过程直观可见。结果显示,该算法能够稳定解算瞄准诸元,控制飞控、预告、投弹指令输出,对于轰炸光电瞄准系统的工程实现及性能提升具有一定的理论指导意义。  相似文献   
The mathematical model used to describe the detonation multi-physics phenomenon is usually given by highly coupled nonlinear partial differential equations. Numerical simulation and the computer aided engineering (CAE) technique has become the third pillar of detonation research, along with theory and experiment, due to the detonation phenomenon is difficult to explain by the theoretical analysis, and the cost required to accredit the reliability of detonation products is very high, even some physical experiments of detonation are impossible. The numerical simulation technique can solve these complex problems in the real situation repeatedly and reduce the design cost and time stunningly. But the reliability of numerical simulation software and the serviceability of the computational result seriously hinders the extension, application and the self-restoration of the simulation software, restricts its independently innovational ability. This article deals with the physical modeling, numerical simulation, and software development of detonation in a unified way. Verification and validation and uncertainty quantification (V&V&UQ) is an important approach in ensuring the credibility of the modeling and simulation of detonation. V&V of detonation is based on our independently developed detonation multi-physics software-LAD2D. We propose the verification method based on mathematical theory and program function as well as availability of its program execution. Validation is executed by comparing with the experiment data. At last, we propose the future prospect of numerical simulation software and the CAE technique, and we also pay attention to the research direction of V&V&UQ.  相似文献   
面向典型任务的有人/无人机协同效能评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有人/无人机协同作战是C4ISR体系下的一种重要形式.本文以有人/无人机协同执行典型任务为研究背景,针对构建可靠、全面的有人/无人机协同效能理论评估方法的问题展开深入研究.首先分析了未来有人/无人机的协同模式和运用规则;然后采用协同系统综合指数模型,在单机能力模型的基础上,提出了一种有人/无人机编队协同效能评估方法;最...  相似文献   
In this paper,a novel launch dynamics measurement system based on the photoelectric sensor pair is built.The actual muzzle time(i.e.a time duration that originates from the initial movement to the rocket's departure from the muzzle)and the muzzle velocity are measured.Compared with the classical methods,the actual muzzle time is obtained by eliminating the ignition delay.The comparative analysis method is proposed with numerical simulations established by the transfer matrix method for multibody systems.The experiment results indicate that the proposed measurement system can effectively measure the actual muzzle time and reduce the error of classical methods,which match well with the simulation results showing the launch dynamics model is reliable and helpful for further analysis and design of the MLRS.  相似文献   
在对杜佩定量判断模型(QJM)进行改进的基础上,提出了一种单舰作战效能的整体评估方法.通过判断矩阵考虑进了经典的杜佩指数法不能描述的"软"因素,然后利用特征向量求得各自权重,最后根据权重确定各部分战斗指数.本法极具针对性与说服性,是一种新型的部队战斗效能量化评估手段,对简单军事系统的效能评估工作有一定借鉴意义.  相似文献   
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