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公共教育学是高等师范院校教育类课程中的核心课程,承担着培养师范生具备教育理论素养的任务,是师范生入职教师前一门非常重要的必修课程。但从各高等师范院校的教育学教学现状及学界学者教师们的反映来看,公共教育学教学效果较弱,影响到师范生的培养质量。分析原因在于其偏差的公共教育学目标现实定位和狭窄的公共教育学教学空间。课题组在研究实践公共教育学教学中进行了拓展教学空间的探索。  相似文献   
舆论战是通过舆论传播平台传递信息,作用于受众的思想或心理,争取人心,实现小战大胜或不战而胜。依据信息加工原理,分析研究信息源、信息、媒介和受众这四个要素,是提升舆论战作战功能的必由之路。  相似文献   
公安机关消防机构只有全面加强消防执法规范化建设,全面开展廉政教育活动,努力提高人民群众对消防执法工作的认可度和满意度,才能进一步提升消防执法的公信力。分析公安机关消防机构执法公信力现状,提出全面提升公安机关消防机构执法公信力的对策。  相似文献   
当前,边境安全形势复杂、训练理念陈旧、部队勤训矛盾突出、训练内容与安排不合理、训练保障能力有限等主客观因素,制约着公安现役部队非战争军事行动训练的开展,对公安现役部队形成非战争军事行动战斗力构成了挑战。树立科学的非战争军事行动训练指导思想与理念,创新训练方法和手段,优化训练内容,加强教员队伍建设和训练基地建设,是改进非战争军事行动训练的有效对策。  相似文献   
Book reviews     
Jurgen Brauer's comment presents what he calls a replication of an earlier study by Higgs and Kilduff (1993) and uses it to criticize the adequacy of the Higgs‐Kilduff model. In several respects, however, Brauer has not actually performed a replication: he uses different data, a different sample period, and arrives at different results. His criticisms rest on his own setup, not that of Higgs and Kilduff. Therefore they have no strict applicability to the latter. Moreover, Brauer's stepwise model has no bearing on the Higgs‐Kilduff model, as it violates that model's specification requirements.  相似文献   
Probing the technology in the production of US national defence by using a dynamic cost‐function model with adjustment costs, this paper evaluates the effect of reducing the level of national defence on the defence budget saving. Our inquiry involves estimating the defence production structure without output data for non‐market goods that are normally unavailable. Our findings include: (i) the United States behaves rationally to minimize cost in the production of national defence; (ii) the adjustment costs are larger in disarmament than in military build‐up; (iii) due to the adjustment costs peculiar to disarmament, the defence budget saving from disarmament appears small, but cutbacks allow great savings on the defence budget.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the nature of two military alliances under Chinese threat. The findings are as follows: First, South Korea does not consider China a significant threat while Japan and the United States have recognized China as a serious threat since the 1990s and the 2000s, respectively. Second, the relationship between South Korea and the United States is a true military alliance for all time periods, but the nature of the alliance has changed since the 1970s. Third, although Japan began to form an alliance relationship with the United States in the 1990s, Japan is considered a more significant ally by the United States. This paper implies that, should China provoke a military confrontation, it might be difficult to deduce a common solution among the three countries because of the different response to military threats from China.  相似文献   
岗位评价是人力资源管理中的重点技术之一,是解决组织内岗位间相对公平性的重要工具。采用工作要素评分法,对边防检查站中层领导岗位进行了岗位评价实例操作,确定了岗位能级系数,推导出绩效考评综合评价计算公式,为岗位评价技术在边防部队干部量化考评中的应用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   
构建和谐警民关系在当前公安工作中具有全局性意义。在和谐社会建设正成为时代精神精华的背景下,和谐警民关系的构建不仅具有历史逻辑的可能性,而且具有改善社会关系、化解各种矛盾、维护社会公平正义、全面促进社会和谐的根本意义和现实需求。面对队伍建设的新情况、新局面,和谐警民关系的构建应立足现状,分析局面,寻求对策,以利公安工作和队伍建设再上新台阶。  相似文献   
1024位RSA算法的FPGA设计研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
改进了高基免减蒙哥马利(Montgomery)算法,使得乘法和加法的总运算量分别减少了约3%和2%。根据平行并行乘法器,设计了适用于模乘运算的一维阵列组合乘法器。基于高基蒙哥马利算法,设计并仿真了1024位密钥的RSA加/解密系统。  相似文献   
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