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沿海船舶边防治安管理是维护海上治安秩序稳定的重要手段。为加强海上治安管理,需要通过立法活动赋予公安边防机关特殊的执法权,并以此规范公安边防行政执法活动。分析沿海船舶边防治安管理立法概况及其存在的问题,提出完善沿海船舶边防治安管理立法的建议。  相似文献   
边境安全风险分析系统的构建研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了信息化背景下边境安全风险情报分析的基本概念及其内涵,论述了信息化背景下边境安全风险分析系统的架构和面向边境安全风险分析的信息组织方式。  相似文献   
当前,警卫情报工作的范围已经扩展到警卫实战、预警、决策、管理等各个方面,但从总体上看,警卫情报工作仍需进一步优化,以满足日益增长的警卫实践需求。针对警卫情报工作的特点,采用SWOT分析法对警卫情报工作的内外部条件进行客观分析,提出针对性的优化策略,以提升警卫情报工作能力。  相似文献   
重要外宾警卫勤务是警卫工作的重要组成部分,也是外交工作的重要内容。重要外宾来华访问的成功与否,安全保卫工作发挥着举足轻重的作用。公安部门在履行重要外宾警卫工作职责使命时,必须严格遵守坚守安全第一、严守外事纪律、坚持以我为主、遵循国际惯例、落实外交对等、维护国家利益和民族尊严、注重举止有度、遵守国家法律法规等八项原则。  相似文献   
The role of the British Army in Northern Ireland during Operation Banner (1969–2007) is an instructive case study of counterinsurgency operations as well as an important chapter in recent British military history. Given troops deployed to the province as aid to the civil power, it is particularly useful in discussions about the principle of minimum force. This article seeks to explore the issue of minimum force through the example of Operation Motorman, the Army's successful attempt to remove the barricades, which had established so-go areas for the security forces in Northern Ireland.  相似文献   
Though laws have been enacted in different parts of Nigeria to address some aspects of gender-based violence, domestic violence persists with serious consequences for social and economic development. Nigeria has not enacted specific domestic law that is applicable throughout the federation, despite the United Nations mandate to all countries to adopt and enforce such laws by 2015. This article examines the causes and nature of domestic violence in Nigeria, and the legal reform needed to address the situation. In addition to library sources, the study used focus group discussions and individual interviews (involving the general population, key informants, legislators and traditional rulers) to discover that enacting specific national domestic violence legislation is necessary to address the problem in Nigeria, but enacting laws alone is not a magic bullet.  相似文献   

This article explores the paradox of trust in the largest nuclear smuggling operation involving highly enriched uranium (HEU) discussed in open source literature. In the first effort to understand the type, extent, and role of trust in nuclear smuggling enterprises, it draws from literature on trust development in legitimate businesses as well as criminal enterprises. Observed behavioral patterns in this case challenge traditional notions of the internal dynamics of temporary groups engaged in nuclear smuggling and operational realities of such activities. The article seeks to explain why individuals agree (and continue) to operate in this high-risk environment, unbound by close personal ties, without any effort to verify the background, motives, or qualifications of the fellow conspirators. It offers ways to advance current nonproliferation efforts in non-state actor interdiction by exploiting the environment of shallow trust in temporary groups.  相似文献   
The stage may be set for what could be a historic turning point in America's reliance on nuclear weapons to meet its fundamental national security interests. Proponents of a refurbished nuclear stockpile and infrastructure are convinced that nuclear weapons will remain central to U.S. security interests, yet they admit that there is no national consensus on the need for and role of nuclear weapons. Nuclear opponents are gravely concerned that to the extent nuclear refurbishment creates a global perception that nuclear weapons remain essential instruments, it will eviscerate nuclear nonproliferation measures precisely at a time when nuclear ambitions are growing. Moreover, opponents see deterrence through advanced conventional weapons as decisively more credible than any nuclear alternative. With hopes of elevating discourse to the national level, this article examines the key current arguments pro and con within the specialist community and forecasts changes in the U.S. nuclear arsenal over the next decade. It concludes with a brief prognosis on prospects for complete nuclear disarmament.  相似文献   
针对典型DES具有密钥短等缺点,提出了一种基于Logistic映射的改进型DES算法,提高了密钥空间,增强了密文输出的混乱特性。同时,将该算法应用于远程装备监控系统中,有效地增强了数据传输的安全性。  相似文献   
What are relationships between epidemics, national security, and US immigration policy? This question is important because it sheds light on transnational or nontraditional security areas, American immigration policy, and a pressing issue for US leaders who have recently faced epidemics such as the West Africa Ebola outbreak that began in 2013. This article answers it and lays ground in the area by reviewing epidemics in world history, using International Relations and Security Studies works to specify dangers of contagions for states, and identifying three general immigration measures that American leaders have utilized from the seventeenth century to the present day to protect against contagions, which are (1) policies restricting entrance of foreigners thought to carry specified diseases, (2) the isolation or quarantining of immigrants with contagious disease, and (3) delegating the President with authority to stop immigration in the event of an epidemic abroad. This study has implications for research and contemporary US immigration policy.  相似文献   
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