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通过对FAE武器的特种杀伤效果和对巡航导弹相关技战术性能分析,利用FAE武器(云爆弹)的爆轰、冲击波、破片、窒息和电磁电热效应等特种杀伤效果,剧烈改变导弹的工作环境和对巡航导弹的弹体、导引系统、控制系统和发动机等关键部件进行“软”、“硬”破坏,以期达到抗击巡航导弹的目的,同时阐述了装备水面舰艇的可行性。  相似文献   
基于排队论的防空导弹群作战效能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合防空导弹群防空战斗的特点,利用可列状态生灭过程的排队论方法,研究了防空导弹群作战效能,建立了数学模型,分析了导弹群防空武器系统对目标平均击毁概率的计算方法,并通过引入拦截适宜性因子对理想条件下的排队模型进行了修正,为类似问题的研究提供了一种参考。  相似文献   
简要介绍了系统动力学的概念;分析了导弹作战体系的构成以及各子系统对体系的贡献效能;针对导弹体系对抗作战效能仿真,运用系统动力学方法,建立了导弹体系对抗的系统动力学模型;并对在不同对策条件下的仿真结果进行了分析,为导弹体系结构优化、体系能力的提高提供了依据。  相似文献   
防空导弹性能与效能模糊综合评定模型   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
提出了将武器系统自身固有的潜在效能与使命效能相结合的系统效能模糊综合评估方法,并建立了相应的防空导弹武器系统反TBM效能模糊综合评估模型;同时也提出了计算效能评估结果可信度高低的简捷的综合分析评价方法与数学模型;最后以方案A,B,C为评估对象进行了实例计算,并分析了评估结果,得出了结论。  相似文献   

This article draws upon previously unavailable document materials to question views pointing to a degree of stagnation in Japanese maritime thinking. It similarly reviews claims about trends to compensate the decline of national military power with the build-up of projection capabilities. The article’s main argument is that Japanese seapower is not declining. The Japanese Navy is evolving to combine enhanced capabilities to retain sea control in the Sea of Japan and the East China Sea with extended operational reach and flexibility, including an expeditionary component to meet alliance and diplomatic commitments in East Asia and beyond its confines.  相似文献   
This paper empirically examines whether the aging of a fleet affects operational availability and operating cost using a unique data-set on the 117 47-foot Motor Lifeboats (MLBs) of the United States Coast Guard (USCG). Procured from 1997 to 2003, the 47-foot MLB is the standard lifeboat of the USCG and all 117 MLBs remain in service. The aging of the MLB fleet has resulted in higher annual operating costs and lower operational availability, although the nature of this relationship remains unclear. Our estimation strategy utilizes an error components estimator to examine these issues. We employ three variants of the dependent variables (i.e. the standard logarithmic transformation as is most commonly seen in the literature, inverse hyperbolic sine [IHS], and level outcomes). The point estimates from the standard logarithmic model finds operational availability for the MLBs decreases at a rate between 0.83 and 1.8% per year and cost increases at a rate between 0.33 and 7.81% per year. Similar effects are shown with the IHS and level outcome specifications. In terms of nonlinearity effects, we find the most pronounced changes in operational availability and cost occur for MLBs aged 15 years or more (in comparison to younger MLBs).  相似文献   
A nonlinear optimization model is developed in this paper to identify the optimal replacement strategy for military aircraft. In the model, the aircraft operating and maintenance (O&M) costs per available year are estimated as a function of age during the aircraft life cycle. After determining the optimal replacement policy, the model is applied to the CF Long-Range Patrol CP-140A Arcturus fleet. A sensitivity analysis is also carried out to assess the impact of some key model parameters on the result.  相似文献   
基于压缩感知理论研究了曲线合成孔径雷达的曲线孔径优化和目标三维特征提取。在建立曲线合成孔径雷达回波信号稀疏表示模型的基础上,基于压缩感知采样矩阵设计的不相关原则,给出了曲线孔径优化设计的评价准则,并利用基于全局优化的基追踪方法实现了目标三维特征提取。仿真结果验证了孔径优化评价准则的正确性和基追踪方法在目标特征提取处理中的有效性。  相似文献   
为了在分离模块航天器研制过程中充分考虑各类不确定性因素的影响,以此对全寿命周期成本、收益以及系统稳健性和灵活性进行综合评价和设计优化,本文对新概念航天器——分离模块航天器概念设计阶段的不确定性多学科设计优化(UMDO)进行了研究.首先,对UMDO方法进行了概述,对分离模块航天器UMDO的主要流程进行了介绍.其次,对分离...  相似文献   
基于控制环的作战网络对抗模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
战争的手段和用兵之道总是随着技术的发展而变化,借鉴网络中心战的思想,深入分析了分布式作战网络的生成机制,及其对抗行为的微观和宏观机制。在此基础上,针对信息时代由信息优势获得作战效能的本质特点,提出了控制环和行动节奏的概念,刻画不同对抗体系信息效能的差异;进而提出了作战网络的对抗模型和度量作战网络的效能指标。通过仿真实验分析,对比研究了不同网络结构(传统型、协同式和分布式)、不同攻击模式(随机打击、指控优先打击和度优先打击)对交战过程和结果的影响。  相似文献   
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