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为探究有限水深环境下自由面兴波在远场的传播特性,应用线性水动力学的基本理论,从有限水深Kelvin源格林函数的积分表达式中提取相函数,采用同相分析法求得亚临界和超临界速度区下远场传播波系的等相线。结果表明,水深傅汝德数Fh1时远场传播波包括横波和散波两个波系,F_h1时远场波系仅由散波构成,点源兴波的影响范围可由Kelvin角的大小确定,当F_h趋近于1时Kelvin角迅速增大至90°。依据船型要素、两船相对位置和池壁几何参数,并计及船模的定常兴波经池壁反射作用后对自身和另一船模的干扰,提出了有限水深条件下并行航行两船模池壁效应的判别方法,并结合实例检查分析了某试验工况下的池壁效应。  相似文献   
为研究钢管约束混凝土抗多发打击性能,进行了12.7 mm穿甲弹多发打击钢管约束混凝土厚靶试验,得到靶的损伤模式和侵彻深度,并建立重复打击侵彻深度预测公式。结果表明:厚度为300 mm的小直径钢管约束混凝土靶能够有效防御3发12.7 mm穿甲弹的重复打击,第二、第三发较前一发侵彻深度的增幅分别小于20%和10%;重复打击侵彻深度预测公式与试验吻合较好。研究结果可为钢管约束混凝土防枪弹结构和遮弹层结构的研究提供参考。  相似文献   
依据弹丸侵彻深度、毁伤概率、命中概率数学模型 ,结合敌海岸防御工事的特点 ,分析了某型坦克炮各种弹种的射击效能 ,计算了坦克在海上射击时对各种目标和工事的命中概率和毁伤概率 ,作出了在不同射击距离上选择不同弹种进行射击的结论。  相似文献   
悬浮式深弹拦截鱼雷是大型水面舰艇水下防护作战的一种重要形式,其中估计来袭鱼雷的航向是实施拦截的关键。针对鱼雷航向的估计问题,引用基于相遇三角形原理的来袭鱼雷航向估计模型,分析了来袭鱼雷的可能航向角范围。采用数字仿真和仿真模型置信度的决策分析方法,对模型的可信性及其决策风险进行了量化分析。结果表明,该鱼雷航向估计模型可信,可为悬浮式深弹拦截鱼雷的作战训练、战法研讨及其仿真研究提供参考。  相似文献   
有限水深Kelvin源格林函数及其导数的快速计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用线性船舶水动力学理论,将有限水深Kelvin移动兴波源格林函数分解成3部分:简单Rankine源集合、局部扰动项和波函数项。对各部分在亚临界和超临界航速时的快速计算分别作了讨论,其中对计算费时的局部扰动项采用了复数中的最陡下降积分法,加快了计算速度,进而引出各部分偏导数的计算。最后,比较了格林函数的差分值与偏导数值,计算了薄船兴波阻力与表面兴波,讨论了不同面元网格划分的收敛性,证实了亚临界、超临界航速兴波分别以横波、散波为主。  相似文献   
The elliptical cross-section ogive-nose projectile (ECOP) has recently attracted attention because it is well suited to the flattened shape of earth-penetrating weapons. However, the penetration performance of ECOPs has not been completely understood. The objective of this study was to investigate the pene-tration performance of ECOPs into concrete targets using a theoretical method. A general geometric model of ECOPs was introduced, and closed-form penetration equations were derived according to the dynamic cavity-expansion theory. The model was validated by comparing the predicted penetration depths with test data, and the maximum deviation was 15.8%. The increment in the penetration depth of the ECOP was evaluated using the proposed model, and the effect of the major—minor axis ratio on the increment was examined. Additionally, the mechanism of the penetration-depth increment was inves-tigated with respect to the caliber radius head, axial stress, and resistance.  相似文献   
Impact velocity (v0), target strength (fc) and target thickness (hc) are important factors affecting opening damage ((D)) of PELE penetration into RC target. In this paper, based on the three influence factors of v0, fc and hc, experimental and numerical simulation studies on PELE penetration into RC target were carried out. The study results show that: (1) Since interaction force (or penetration resistance) between pro-jectile and target is positively correlated with v0 and fc, with the increase of v0 and fc, deformation mode of jacket is changed from small bending deformation to large bending deformation and then to curling deformation. Therefore, the variation of jacket deformation mode causes opening diameter of RC target to increase first and then to decrease. It is found that the two factors approximately satisfy a quadratic function relationship, respectively. (2) For PELE projectile penetrating RC targets with thickness of 80—400 mm, the opening diameter of six sets of RC targets grows from 240 to 500 mm, and hc with (D) approximately satisfy a linear relationship. (3) Based on the above study results, the relationship be-tween two dimensionless parameters (I= (mv20/d31fc) and H= hc/l ) and dimensionless opening diameter ((D)/d1) was determined. Combined with the results of previous research, a dimensionless opening diameter model (D)/d1=f1(Q,G,I)f2(H) was established. By tests verified, the test results are all within ±10%error of the theoretical model, which verifies the accuracy of the model.  相似文献   
用自由递阶的变结构控制(VSC)方法研究了在二阶波浪力干扰下,潜艇近水面航行时的定深控制问题,并分析了各控制参数对控制性能的影响。通过与PID控制方法的比较,表明本文设计的变结构控制系统具有较高的控制精度和较强的适应性。  相似文献   
巡航导弹突防对策浅议   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从预警系统角度分析了巡航导弹所面临的威胁,提出了巡航导弹突防的主要策略,并对突防效能进行了分析.  相似文献   
在分析地空导弹武器系统拦截来袭目标过程的基础上,通过分析地空导弹发射区纵深建立了地空导弹武器系统可拦截次数模型.利用该模型可计算地空导弹武器系统对单个来袭目标在杀伤区内的拦截次数.仿真结果揭示了地空导弹武器系统在不同目标特性(速度、高度、航路捷径)下对目标的可拦截次数的影响.  相似文献   
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