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合成分队动态武器目标分配协同决策模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对合成分队地面作战特点,提出了一种动态武器目标分配的协同决策模型,该模型基于一种自适应决策中心的协同决策体系结构,以战场信息共享为核心,实现动态火力协同优化分配。提出了针对战场应急目标的一种快速火力分配方法,提高火力整体打击效率的火力适度分配优化方法,适应战场态势动态变化的anytime终止控制方法。仿真实例表明,该模型能够满足合成分队火力动态分配的需求,提高动态武器目标分配决策的合理性和科学性。  相似文献   
对于自主水下机器人(AUV)纵倾角跟踪问题,提出一种基于动态面滑模思想的自适应控制方法。首先对自治水下机器人纵倾角运动模型进行简化,其次针对不确定外干扰的情况,设计了自适应规律,对外干扰进行估计,在此基础之上设计了动态面滑模自适应控制器,并通过李雅普诺夫稳定性理论证明了系统的稳定性,最后通过给定参数的仿真实验结果可知,所设计的控制器在系统受到不确定外干扰时,表现出良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   
三关节机器人广泛用于工业生产、轮式或履带式排爆机器人,为了补偿由于机器人结构参数、作业环境干扰等不确定性因素造成的机器人动力学模型的不确定性,将机器人动力学模型分解为名义模型和误差模型两部分,其误差模型采用RBF神经网络进行补偿,得到其估计信息,神经网络的输出权值根据Lyapunov稳定性理论采用自适应算法进行调整。所设计的神经网络补偿自适应控制器解决了不确定性机器人动力学系统控制器设计的不确定性问题,同时,通过定义Lyapunov函数,证明了控制器能渐近、稳定地跟踪期望轨迹。机器人的3个关节在控制器的作用下,约在5 s时达到期望轨迹,神经网络约在5 s时逼近机器人动力学模型的误差模型,实验结果表明了机器人关节对期望轨迹具有良好的轨迹跟踪性能。  相似文献   
针对实际作战环境中的不同威胁等级和不同威胁实体的威胁源,提出了改进型的Voronoi图,并建立了基于改进型Voronoi图的航迹规划空间;基于A*算法的估价函数在不同阶段对指标的敏感度不同,在传统的启发式A*搜索算法基础上提出了动态权值A*搜索算法,提高了航迹搜索的效率,实现了航迹搜索过程快速性和准确性的结合。最后通过Matlab仿真计算出由动态权值A*算法得到的最优航迹,并进行了航迹的平滑处理,仿真表明了该方法的可行性。  相似文献   
为了实现某弹体在车削加工过程中弹体厚度的自动测量,采用喷水式的非接触超声检测方法,利用弹体和刀架的匀速旋转和移动,在工控机的控制下实现弹体的全面检测。通过动态模板匹配的超声回波处理方法计算出弹体各检测位置的厚度值。检测结果表明,该检测方法的检测精度可达到0.1 mm。  相似文献   
This article generalizes the dynamic and stochastic knapsack problem by allowing the decision‐maker to postpone the accept/reject decision for an item and maintain a queue of waiting items to be considered later. Postponed decisions are penalized with delay costs, while idle capacity incurs a holding cost. This generalization addresses applications where requests of scarce resources can be delayed, for example, dispatching in logistics and allocation of funding to investments. We model the problem as a Markov decision process and analyze it through dynamic programming. We show that the optimal policy with homogeneous‐sized items possesses a bithreshold structure, despite the high dimensionality of the decision space. Finally, the value (or price) of postponement is illustrated through numerical examples. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 62: 267–292, 2015  相似文献   
针对移动Ad hoc网络节点移动频繁和单路径DSR路由协议不能均衡负载、网络健壮性低以及蚁群算法存在局部查询最优的问题,提出一种改进的蚁群算法,并把改进的蚁群算法应用到单路径路由协议DSR,设计出基于蚁群算法的多路径路由协议IDSR,通过仿真实验,从影响Ad hoc网络路由协议性能优劣的3个主要指标来比较IDSR、DSR路由协议和SMR路由协议的性能,实验结果表明,虽然改进协议IDSR路由开销比DSR、SMR稍有增加,但分组的投递率和平均端到端延时性能都有明显提高。  相似文献   
For most firms, especially the small‐ and medium‐sized ones, the operational decisions are affected by their internal capital and ability to obtain external capital. However, the majority of the literature on dynamic inventory control ignores the firm's financial status and financing issues. An important question that arises is: what are the optimal inventory and financing policies for firms with limited internal capital and limited access to external capital? In this article, we study a dynamic inventory control problem where a capital‐constrained firm periodically purchases a product from a supplier and sells it to a market with random demands. In each period, the firm can use its own capital and/or borrow a short‐term loan to purchase the product, with the interest rate being nondecreasing in the loan size. The objective is to maximize the firm's expected terminal wealth at the end of the planning horizon. We show that the optimal inventory policy in each period is an equity‐level‐dependent base‐stock policy, where the equity level is the sum of the firm's capital level and the value of its on‐hand inventory evaluated at the purchasing cost; and the structure of the optimal policy can be characterized by four intervals of the equity level. Our results shed light on the dynamic inventory control for firms with limited capital and short‐term financing capabilities.Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 61: 184–201, 2014  相似文献   
This paper considers optimal staffing in service centers. We construct models for profit and cost centers using dynamic rate queues. To allow for practical optimal controls, we approximate the queueing process using a Gaussian random variable with equal mean and variance. We then appeal to the Pontryagin's maximum principle to derive a closed form square root staffing (SRS) rule for optimal staffing. Unlike most traditional SRS formulas, the main parameter in our formula is not the probability of delay but rather a cost‐to‐benefit ratio that depends on the shadow price. We show that the delay experienced by customers can be interpreted in terms of this ratio. Throughout the article, we provide theoretical support of our analysis and conduct extensive numerical experiments to reinforce our findings. To this end, various scenarios are considered to evaluate the change in the staffing levels as the cost‐to‐benefit ratio changes. We also assess the change in the service grade and the effects of a service‐level agreement constraint. Our analysis indicates that the variation in the ratio of customer abandonment over service rate particularly influences staffing levels and can lead to drastically different policies between profit and cost service centers. Our main contribution is the introduction of new analysis and managerial insights into the nonstationary optimal staffing of service centers, especially when the objective is to maximize profitability. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Naval Research Logistics 63: 615–630, 2017  相似文献   
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