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随着高性能服务器和超大规模计算机的发展,系统设计者对板上高速互连总线的要求越来越高,如何使芯片间的数据传输延迟更小,提高计算通信比是需要解决的重要问题.论文研究了近年来发展迅速的超传输总线和PCI Express总线的链路层的特点,在此基础上提出了一种64位高速总线链路层体系结构,并对其关键技术进行了研究,设计实现了一...  相似文献   
利用视觉/惯导对空间非合作目标进行相对导航时,两敏感器的外参数对导航精度有较大影响。考虑到敏感器间的外参数标定复杂且耗时,提出一种利用视觉/惯导在估计相对状态过程中对其外参数进行标定的方法。该方法将视觉/惯导的外参数作为状态变量,与相对轨道运动学方程、相对姿态方程及惯导模型共同组成系统状态方程。利用该状态方程和单目视觉的观测量设计扩展卡尔曼滤波器对相对位姿、惯导偏差及视觉/惯导外参数进行估计,并通过数学仿真对该方法的有效性进行验证。仿真结果表明,该方法能够在视觉/惯导初始外参有偏差的情况下,有效估计相对位姿及惯导漂移,并对视觉/惯导外参数进行标定。  相似文献   
宽单指令多数据流(Single Instruction Multiple Data, SIMD)架构数字信号处理器一般都能高效支持地址连续或等距跨步等规则应用的向量访存,但对于科学与工程计算中广泛存在的不规则应用的数据访存则带宽利用率往往较低,从而大幅降低了其整体运算能效。为了提高不规则应用的向量访存性能,基于某SIMD数字信号处理器的体系结构,设计了一种支持Gather/Scatter访存的向量存储器GSVM。通过设计与SIMD宽度相匹配的向量地址计算单元和合适深度的冲突缓冲器阵列,实现了Gather/Scatter指令向量地址计算、仲裁与缓存的全流水访存操作。实验结果表明,相比以前不支持Gather/Scatter访存的存储器,GSVM在增加22%的硬件代价基础上,基于稀疏矩阵向量乘的测试程序集获得了2~8的性能加速比。  相似文献   
航天器姿态控制系统需要特殊的运行环境,在地面很难考核,这给系统可靠性带来一定的风险。针对微纳卫星的特点,设计并研制了一套面向微纳卫星的姿态确定与控制半实物仿真系统。该系统通过数字化模型模拟卫星姿态轨道运动、敏感器模型产生敏感器测量数据、执行器模型生成控制力矩、敏感器模拟器实现通信协议,最终实现姿态控制系统的全系统仿真。这套系统可以接入卫星控制系统回路,实现对姿控系统软件、硬件的考核,同时验证算法的性能。基于该系统,对天拓三号卫星姿控系统进行地面半实物仿真,并对比在轨试验数据,结果表明系统设计合理,仿真结果可信。  相似文献   
纳米Si-C-N粒子增强Si3N4 复合材料的结构与性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本文用Si-C-N纳米微粉做增强相,Si3N4微粉为基相,采用热压的方法制备了SiCp/Si3N4纳米复相陶瓷,所得的SiCp/Si3N4复合材料的室温弯曲强度为878.5MPa,断裂韧性达11.96MPam1/2,同时应用扫描电镜(SEM)、高分辨透射电镜(HRTEM)对其结构进行了观察,讨论了结构与性能之间的关系。  相似文献   
CABAC(Context based Adaptive Binary Arithmetic Coding)是H.264/AVC主要档次以上配置中推荐采用的熵编码方法.相比其他的熵编码方法,CABAC能够节省编码码率,但其计算串行性强,不能较好适应片上多核环境.针对这一问题提出了基于多线程的CABAC并行编码方法.大量实验统计表明,该方法负载划分较为均衡,对序列熵编码的单独加速比最高可达1.78.  相似文献   

This article analyses findings from an original survey of 187 private military contractors on their incentives for working in the industry. Perceptions of contractors as “greedy, ruthless, and unscrupulous mercenaries” shape both public and military opinions of outsourcing and may impact U.S. military effectiveness, civil–military relations, and contractor identity. We find that contractors are motivated by a range of factors and that their financial experiences are not clearly more positive than that of state military troops. We recommend broad education of military and defense officials and the public in the U.S. and other relevant nations, regarding the true incentives of modern-day, Western contractors, in an effort to dispel misperceptions, increase effective utilisation of contractors, and beneficially shape PMC-military coordination. DoD may consider integrating such training into its current efforts to improve outsourcing, including its Joint OCS Planning and Execution Course, pre-deployment fora, and curricula of advanced military studies schools.  相似文献   

A call for innovation as a means to outpace the acceleration of technological change and to bolster capabilities quickly is a central theme of contemporary U.S. Naval Strategy. The need for innovation is accepted, but the integration of readily available technologies into the Fleet is slow. Innovation unfolds according to “Navy-Time,” a cycle lasting between a long-decade and thirty-years. To accelerate the innovation process in the U.S. Navy, the article offers a Concept of Operations for Innovation that outlines how a deliberate process of analysis, weaponisation and integration can move new ideas and weapons into the Fleet in a strategically relevant time-frame.  相似文献   

For the first time in a generation, the US Navy finds itself in an era of great power competition. As US naval strategists and defense planners begin to organise materially and conceptually to confront the strategic and operational-level challenges posed by China and Russia, what should they keep in mind? What should frame their thinking? Absorbed with the day-to-day tasks associated with managing how the fleet is being built, operated, and rationalised, these busy officers and civilians seldom can step back and gain some perspective on fundamental aspects of the security environment and relate those to naval purpose. To that end, this article provides a primer on what to keep in mind and how to think in an era of maritime great power competition.  相似文献   

In recent years, an upward trend in terrorist attacks has mirrored an increase in suicide attacks. According to our preliminary analysis, the events of September 11th marked a sea change in the number of terrorist attacks. While a rich literature has evaluated why terrorists participate in suicide attacks, none have considered the uptick in volume after 9/11, and fewer yet have considered how female fighters may be contributing to this. We evaluate how both structural and female-specific factors affect the likelihood of female fighter suicide attacks. Recent literature discovered a trend in terrorist groups using females as suicide bombers due to cultural norms that permit them to get closer to targets. We test our theory using data from the Chicago Project on Security and Threats Suicide Attack Database (CPOST-SAD) and various datasets from the Quality of Government (QOG) compendium for the 1986–2016 time period. We construct a series of models that consider both female-specific and structural factors that could explain variation in the number of female suicide attacks. Our results indicate that our models encompass relatively stable patterns. Female political empowerment, female educational attainment, and female employment rates are significant and positive in our post-9/11 models, indicating that they may increase female suicide attacks. Democracy is a relevant structural factor and generally yields a positive effect on female suicide attacks across both time periods and multiple models. Ethnic fractionalization is significant in both time periods but yields a negative effect before 9/11 and a positive effect in the later period.  相似文献   
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